Fashion or Principles?
The great Og Mandino, author of The Greatest Salesman in the World, said it better than anyone… ‘fashion comes and goes, only principles endure‘
Kind of punches a hole in the moronic tool peddling grifters who want you to ‘buy’ into the New School versus Old School slanted argument… tilted, surprise, surprise… in the ‘New School’ favor. Which of course, means you’re dumb if you don’t buy their techno gadget that will put you on the cutting edge.
Do people really believe that crap? I guess some of them do… actually believing ‘technology’ will build their business and they don’t have to talk to anyone. Good grief.
Manners? Old school.
Listening? Old school.
Helping others? Definitely old school.
Ethics? Old school.
The real trick is to understand that things change, and it sure is safe to say the changes come faster and faster. But these changes need to be seen as ‘leverage’ so you can do what you need to do more often… talk to people.
We’ve said it 5,000 times here: “If we are going to make some money, we need to talk to people.” And after getting 4 calls this week from ‘New School-ers” I can state, unequivocally, that these “New School” puppies better learn some Old School principles, like manners and the art of conversation. I’m sure happy for them that they love their techno stuff, but in the end, what builds big checks are big groups and what builds big groups and keeps them self perpetuating is …skills.
So obvious people can’t see it?
The real deal today uses the great advances in technology, leverages them, so they can do what they do best more often and completes the play by helping people, hands-on, learn the key network marketing skill of talking to people.
This is the only path for an ethical distributor. After all, when we ‘strike interest’ we are promising the prospect a better outcome and that means teaching them how to talk to people effectively.
Let’s say you are with a health & nutrition deal.
2 questions…
Would you like to live longer or shorter?
Prospect, a matter of fact everyone will say… ‘longer’.
Would you like to make more money or less money?
Everyone would say ‘more’…correct?
So we make a presentation, yes?
And they say NO!
So why do they say ‘no’?
This plagued me until I discovered the brilliance of Diane Vreeland, (we shared one of the 2 statements she made in last weeks blog that permanently alter our careers) …she changed the world when she took over as editor of Vogue and virtually set the trends in fashion year in and year out for decades. Smart lady. A dazzling combination of ‘Old School Principles’ combined with changing times. One thing she said, just one thing, was so stunning as it applied to the recruiting cycle I had to sit down and hold back the tears…
You see, just like you, I was talking to people who I KNEW needed the product and the money… and they were saying ‘NO’ until I incorporated this one simple idea.
What is it that I learned and MLM Top Builders know? Here you go…
Here’s that link I referred to for early notification
So really… now that you are ‘in’ isn’t it true that you’ve discovered things that you want that you did not know you wanted?
mark januszewski
I love it. Wow. Totally new perspective. I am speechless. Thankyou.
Mark as always its great here from you
as always
Peace be the journey
Thank you Mark – nice post!
I am currently moving away from telling the people I meet the hole story about the company. I focus getting them to tell me what their problem is, and then I try to solve it with my products.
This works really well!
You Da Man Mark J , thanks for all you do and your heart of giving. So much great info so many people need;-) Give people what they don’t know they want yet 😉
Hi Mark;
I also need to know what I need/want that I don’t know yet. I am thinking/imagining about that now!! Thanks Mark. ——–RHINO
What do I think of that? It sounds like the missing link….taking the push/pushback out of the conversation. Stimulate the prospects imagination and let them fill in the blanks. I have an important meeting this week…will have this heavily in mind. Thank you!
Thanks Mark, for always giving us another way of connecting with people can’t wait to hear more .
Love it. We don’t have to get everything perfect, we just have to be real and authentic. I haven’t mastered all the skills…but if I can help others find their bliss… Learning to dream, who ever does that anymore?? It’s worth the “risk” just to experience the joy of thinking about your dreams.
You make so much sense Mark. Wish I had tuned in to you a year ago. Was at the Spring Rally in Conn. this past weekend. I live in Sunset Beach, N.C. between Wilmington (movie location) and Myrtle Beach. I can image how busy you are but would like to have the opportunity to speak to you. Take Care Mark and keep on educating us. Sincerely, Steve
Most people get so caught up day in and day out just staying afloat in life that they have lost what they want. I have learned from you to assist people in finding that again, lighting their fires and moving them forward in life. Thank you for your passion!
Catch you on the flip,
I agree Mark, we try too hard to convince people pounding them over their heads with “got to get in now” “ground floor” “best pay plan” yada yada yada
Keep up the great work, appreciate your wise words, Cheers Keith
BAM! Love it…..what an awesome way of looking at it and thinking about it!!
Thanks for the DAH moment!
awesome awesome!!!
Hey Mark,
I haven’t been here in a while – yet somehow my wife and I are still talking about you and your wisdom! Great information as always.
I remember the first time someone got me to dream (in the industry) and it created a path in my mind I had never seen before. I’m still out there finding my way along it and each day something new comes along or someone pops out to say “hi! I’m on the same journey you’re on!”
It’s a great dream and one day I’ll wake up from it and find myself sipping a cold beer with you on that beach.. 🙂
love it! But, stop teasing…..going on to find out “how to” give them what they don’t know they want yet! lol….
Mark hit the nail on the head. Technology at best can only provide leverage…however Powerful Principles to prevail connect People Heart to Heart…and this is where the Real Power is to make a difference in your life.
Hmmm. We need to be clear for ourselves, too.
Then, learn the skills for the invisible close.
TGR! Step 3
Be free.
BAM!! You ‘get it’ Keith……
All that nonsense about vertical growth, next billion dollar company… just that nonsense and not why people join. BRAVO!
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Terry……
I love your ‘powerful principles prevail’ …….wow, wish I’d thought of that statement. 🙂
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Aloha Steve…..
Sure, I’d love to chat……just hit me at
mark j
Mahalo Gayle….
We appreciate you taking the time to read out stuff and sharing….
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Brudda…..
Clearly that is what you’ve always been about and your organization shows that…..
It’s rare to meet an MLMer who is more concerned [really] about the checks of their people than their own checks…..and we are honored to have met you Cary
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Nancy…..
Very kind words……but don’t stay speechless ….. prospects need to hear your message 🙂
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Thinking? Really? What a concept!
I love your honesty……until we are clear with ourselves, we are not really in postion to recruit….
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Shane…..
And it’s always nice when you stop by and share….we appreciate you Shane
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
I L-O-V-E that ‘missing link’ idea….fantastic!
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Pure magic in your comment Debra….
It’s about helping others find and follow their bliss…beautifully put ..
And your dream statement………you are so right, we are conditioned to NOT THINK or DREAM……until people meet people like you who ‘get it’
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Mads…..
People don’t care about our story, company etc….until they know we care about them… are spot on!
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Derek…..
Well, I’m not sure you ‘learned’ it from me ……or you already knew it and we just reminded you of something you already knew Derek…..either way… matter…’ve got it now and you are RUNNING with it!
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Lydia
And BAM! back at you ……..I hear your team is absolutely CRUSHING it…..outstanding
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
ps Still holding a vision of you and the grandkids at the Tower of Pisa
Mahalo Sue….
Really appreciate you stopping by and sharing
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
You’ve already got this skill Dianne inside the members area …..
Go for it!
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Dead center perfect Don….dead center…..
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Thank you !!! I was not interested in the company and or products, but the idea that it could land my dreams was the hook ,line and sinker.
Yet I still attempt it the wrong way, not anymore, I am changing my ways.
Mahalo Neil…..
Thanks for dropping by, really appreciate you Neil….especially your comment about the journey…’s all about the Hero’s Journey and helping people move from the comfort of what they know into the unknown with the hope of a different outcome….and obviously you and your bride ‘get that’ BRAVO!
mark j
Aloha Tracy…..
I think you speak for a lot of us…..we join for our dream but somehow think the payplan or ingerdients will motive others ! LOL….made the same mistake…..
Nice thing about MLM is that it is not surgery….no one dies when we make a little boo-boo 🙂
You’re on track now……GO FOR IT!
mark j
I know what I want but for some reason I always think i know what they want.
Thank you again for the reminder and the new approach.
I need to Recognize, Relate, Assimilate & Apply IT!
Hi Mark,
Great stuff as always. I do need to pull you up on your criticism of NLP. Life is all NLP as we are always using language (spoken or mind chatter) to influence the subconscious. Think and Grow Rich was all NLP. Creating your vision is NLP.
Perhaps what you meant was forget about trying to ‘program’ ideas about the plan, product and people into the blueprint of the people you meet. That doesn’t work as there’s too much data and no emotional connection.
It is NLP at its best when you discover what people want by delving deep and guiding them to an ideal they didn’t know they had. Steve Jobs did this well. He didn’t create products for which there was a demand – yet. He once said in an interview exactly what you have encapsulated, that he created products that people don’t yet know they need.
MLM done right (your way) is a higher goal in that we can help others best when we discover how they want to live and we provide the means to do this for the people THEY know. Then as Zig Ziglar said, you get what you want when you help others get what they want.
Incidentally, NLP is the essence of all your course work. Appealing to the subconscious, re-writing your own mental blueprint, getting around the sales filters, building rapport, even the hero’s journey. It’s all NLP.
I’m enjoying the course thoroughly.
Love your work.
Hi M,
Thank you for your refreshing perspective. You are so authentic. I am enjoying your pearls of wisdom.
My motto is “people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care”. Does that resonate with your message?
Wishing you Peace, Joy and light on the beach from cloudy UK 🙂
Outstanding and insightful as always.
Thanks for all you give 🙂
Mahalo Vic…..
Not only appreciate your stopping by, kind words and constructive feedback…..I also appreciate your time and care. Stunning….
The NLP thing is something I’d love to chat with you about, it would be fun. Come on over and let’s mess with each other’s minds 🙂 – coffee on me.
We don’t disagree… all……technically… a broad sense I believe there is some wiggle room for discussion that I believe would be a great learning experience for me…..
Here’s my real challenge with NLP as a ‘label’ …… it sets in motion something different that the great ‘heart’ you expressed so well in your comment…once a rep starts thinking about NLP [newbies especially] and BEFORE they meet someone like you who ‘gets it’ …..they tend to focus on the head/technique and this blocks the pathway to the real service….over the years I have found that ‘techiquers’ rarely ‘transcend’ the method and tap the elegance of how simple success really is.
One could, which you have, argue that it’s splitting hairs …..and, really, I totally understand that point of view….and for many it ‘holds water’…..but NLP is about, when you get down to it, leveraging words and slightly misses the mark unless one is coming from the heart like you Vic. Your humility, rare in MLM, is extrodinary and perhaps has created a tad of a blind spot – which is wonderfully refreshing….you are an exception and are not using NLP to minipulate others to execute a hidden agenda.
The Hero’s Journey is really about ‘transforming’ back into the wonderful entity we were intended to be so we become transparent to the transcendent…..this lets our indivual gifts shine and moves us closer to the only authenic success – service. To many people – ahem – teach NLP don’t really know what you know about life and it’s almost like a parlor trick…..with the admistor of the method serving their own agenda …..our ‘arguement’ is let’s start on the higher plane and have a transparent conversation with understanding we are there to be of service.
Anyway….I look forward to chatting with you Vic…..I know it will be a tremendous learning experience for me… is so nice to meet a real professional who actually understands and cares about the challenges that new people/prospects will be facing and works with them to help them get what they want. Clearly you are not trying to be a leader or doing what leaders do….you simply are one. BRAVO
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Alola Sally!
Mahalo for your very kid words……..and yes “people don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care” is a treasure that should in in every MLMers heart.
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Peter…..
We so appreciate your stopping by…..and are again humbled by your very, very kind words.
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Tremendous Mark
I really appreciate all your video tips and tremendous messages…
You’re a very special young man!!
Thank you for adding to my life
“The main thing, is to keep the main thing, the main thing!!”
Yours Tremendously
Portsmouth (UK)
Mr. Mark J…I was born in Lihue on the island of Kauai. I just joined this business less than a month but not new to network marketing. I create I don’t conform. those pamphlets are for those that follow. I don’t follow very well.
I found this site the other night. My 12 year old comes up behind me & watches with me “in your back yard” trainings. Korby says to ok mom goal #1 by the time you turn 40 you should be at least Pro 7 or better.” I turned around with this confused look. He said “We have to move to Kauai”. We both stared at your video. I agreed.
I am 40 this September. What am I to say? I raised him to believe he can do anything, anywhere, with an open minded type attitude?
Thank you. I will be reading and listening to it all.
Mahalo Paul…..
We really apprecaite the kind words from ‘across the pond’
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Very captivating!
It’s so important to keep humanity in your business. Can’t wait to hear more.
mahalo Karen….
Glad you stopped by, grab the free skills and have some fun!
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Tamara…..
What can I say to this beautiful story?
They are not only always watching us….if we pay very close attention we find them to be the most magnificent of teachers 🙂
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Great stuff Mark!
Thanks Mark, Great content to stretch your thinking once more. I must say, this “stretch” hurts because most of us have a hard time focusing on what we really want, much less on what we really don’t know what we want! The visible is hard enough to manage without the invisible playing its part. Isn’t imagination abstract enough without building a selling / buying platform around it? “Tread gently because you tread on my dreams.” However, I am looking forward to how you contain and monetize what it is that we don’t know yet we want…fascinating.
Hey Mark…this is incredible. I knew exactly what you were talking about. I was taught the skills by you and the Fabulous Davene and now putting them into practice. So this video and blog AWESOME for me as a check up. Thank you for being my mentor, my teacher, and my friend!
Mahalo Dave……
I hear you guys are tearing it up in FL…..
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Annemarie
We appreciate you stopping by…..and, if you really think about it … joined for what you hoped for and if you’ve been with your company for more than 90 days it’s probably true that mentally you’ve upped the ante……
In fact, people don’t join for the plan, product or company……they join for the hope of a different outcome, eh?
A simple, transparent conversation is the key….no secrets, tricks or minipulating… hype, hyperbole or tall tales about the ‘future’…..
In the end, if folks would take an honest look at ‘why’ they really joined….they realize they have held the key to a successful business all along…….imagination
mark j
Oloha from freezing London England! You know, there are two kinds of people in the world. Those who have heard of you and Big Al Schreiter. And those who haven’t. This is solid gold and you two are the only guys in the game worth listening to. And I see Tom on Thursday here in the UK. Keep it coming. Simplicity rules….
It is always what you don’t know what you want that gets you. While money and time is key, nobody hangs on long enough for either one, even if you build their organization for them. Until you know, what you don’t know that you don’t know, it is all BS. Once you do, it won’t matter who or what comes between you and ‘it’… you will do whatever it takes to have it happen. Find a dozen people with that commitment going in your direction and life gets real simple…. and fun.
Thanks Mark. Amazing post. Give them what they don’t know they want. It hit me a like a ton of bricks. See you soon. Lorena
Thanks so much Peter…..
When you see Tom, if you have time, let hom know we’re thinking of him here in Kauai
mark j
Hi Mark,
I cannot say enough to appreciate your contribution to my learning.I particularly agree with your response about NLP. Your honesty and transparency would work very well now that we are in a world full of manipulative people. Your Prospecting Methodology stands out indeed. Giulding prospects through The Hero’s Journey is the way to go.
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
I can’t wait to find out how to do this! Thank you.