
Me? A champion?

Yes, you are.

You may not know it …but it’s in there – a true champion.

I touched on this in the previous post.

BTW, it was areallyl nice surprise to me (the response to the previous blog).   So many of you contacted us directly, (FB, phone, text) evidently we hit a chord about finding the champion within and the conversations were just astonishing.

It all gets down to the truth about running an MLM and our readers know that ‘leads don’t build leaders’ …so what does?

We started to define that in the previous post and the conversations and emails and Facebook stuff let me know I needed to back up a tad.

Leadership, as defined by gurus, MLMers and motivational speakers is all, pretty much, nonsense when it comes to network marketing.

So relax.

You don’t need to be a powerful leader or speaker to make lots of money.


The blunt version is simply that leadership is the most overrated aspect of network marketing.   At least in the way our ‘perception’ is created.

You’ve only got to lead one person.


Getting honest

Most people and I’m like most people,  join an MLM because they are short on money or short on time… in most cases both.

Sure was that way for me.

My life was unmanageable.


Choices.  I had no time, no money and was, suddenly, raising 2 kids on my own.

All these conditions were a result of choices I had made and I was sick and tired of blaming others.

I was way past the blame game… and until we get past that point of blaming people, places or things, we can never improve, let alone lead.

Realizing the choices I had made put me in this position was the first step in ‘sponsoring myself’ and until we sponsor ourselves, MLM is like pushing a ball up a hill with a rope.

Until We Stop Blaming, we can’t sponsor ourselves and until we do that, we’re screwed.

And it hurt.

There’s an old saying, ‘history repeats itself’ and it is totally false.  It is a lie.

History does not repeat itself, people do.

And my habits, not the economy, business, the weather nor other people were responsible for me being broke time and money wise.


But with that ouch comes incredible freedom, a clean slate.

The next step was to find some core philosophy that I could use to defeat my personal demons.

This means I had to be a champion… not in the MLM sense, but a champion of my dreams and to get there I had to defeat my personal demons that were the root of the bad habits that led to bad choices that produced the life I had and was unhappy with.

It all gets down to leading in a very different way – leading the champion within all of us, this magnificent, wonderful, elegant spirit within all of us, out of the darkness.

This is what I mean by ‘sponsoring yourself’.  It is finding, within, the winner.

Within each of us is a winner and loser and the one we “feed” and re-enforce is the one that emerges and rules our actions.

Be a Champion

As a boy, and to this day, I’ve loved baseball, so I looked there for answers.

From that concept I decided to find the winner within I needed to find passion and come from that spot instead of coming from fear of failing.

I love teaching people the skills and helping them help themselves overcome personal demons and win, rescuing the winner within.

So what do you love about what you do?

See, the mind cannot hold 2 thoughts at the same time, and by focusing on my passion there was no room for fear.

You may recall from the first post, Ernie said, “it’s a great day for baseball, let’s play 2!”

So check this out… and try to see these not as quotes but as a ‘whole’, for the ‘whole is greater than the sum of the parts’

It was within these three thoughts I was able to ‘sponsor myself’ and once you sponsor yourself, truly recruit the winner within, your success will follow.

This, my friends, is where the riches in MLM live once you’ve sponsored yourself.

And I’m not kidding around here… I mean rich.

Simply find out what people want and teach them the skills to get what they want, working side-by-side.  You and your group will sponsor more because the skill of duplication is based on this involvement.

People want hands-on support and by giving it, daily, new habits are formed and so different results follow.

And this is KEY.  The real link to success comes when you help others do the things you were afraid to do for yourself.

It is an astonishing discovery, and I mean a life changer.

The courage to do the things we need to do is occasionally lacking except when we have promised others we’ll help them.   Some how the courage shows up and as you repeat it over and over it becomes a habit and you’ve defeated your personal demons – just like every champion.


mark januszewski

world’s laziest networker

Be A Champion Today
About the Author

  • Dear Mark, I have been watching you for some time now and have worked on implementing what you were teaching all of us. But today you spoke directly to me and I heard the message, (I can feel the tear in my eye) I am a Champion and I have passion but was always trying to suppress its outward appearance. Since following you I truly see that is the way others will accept me as someone they can trust. I am excited about living life everyday and want everyone to know how wonderful my products are, because I know they are beneficial to all who take and use them. I’m not a baseball fan, but I am passionate about golf, and know of many encouraging stories about its hero’s. From this day forward the world will see the champion I feel I am inside.

  • Right on Mark,

    I should visit your updates more often.
    You are always on top of the situation.

    Bruce ;))

  • Really enjoyed this one Mark, as it is the very reason I got involved with Network Marketing some 20 plus years ago. I enjoy and get a thrill out of seeing others become successful, getting the recognition they deserve. That thrill increases dramatically when I know I have had a hand in their success. Bit like being a proud parent!

  • Mark;
    Once again, you have done it – hit a home run straight out of the ball park!! Thanks for reminding us that it all begins with summoning the champion within! “… If you think you are outclassed, you are, you’ve got to think high to rise, you got TO BE SURE OF YOURSELF before you can ever win a prize. Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man, but soon or late the one who wins is the one WHO THINKS HE CAN.” (Napleon Hill.)
    Three Cheers!

  • Aloha Harris…..

    The simple fact you’ve ‘recognized’ the champion within is tremendous. Giving ourselves permission to acknowldege and then summon, like you have, the champion within is the foundation for success.

    After all, if we don’t believe in ourselves, how can we expect prospects and teammates to?

    Additionally, once we do, we subconsciously give others encouragement to defeat their demons….and when we know the skills and promise to help them, hands on…we set an environment up for them to help themselves……we can’t change people or their lives but we can help them help themselves and this is true leadership.

    Go for it!

    mark j

  • Jez….

    Great insight……’like being a proud parent’ ……most excellent point….

    But the BIG point is that you’ve taken the time to learn the skills so you can authentically help people.

    Keep growing

    mark j

  • AHA!

    Clearly, you’ve not just ‘done the homework’…..but instead truly invested in personal growth and you’ve become a student and a teacher. WONDERFUL!!

    Keep ‘cheering’ the champion within others and your own and keep growing……

    mark j

  • Aloha Lydia

    Thanks for stopping by…….really enjoyed your remarkable book, The Jalapeno Handshake……should be required reading for anyone who wants to improve relationships in business. Outstanding

    mark j

  • Aloha Bruce

    Thanks for your very kind words…..and taking the time to read and comment

    Keep growing and keep growing that champion within by seeing the champion within others

    mark j

  • That’s a great spot to be in Tim…..excited…..sometimes we all forget, at least I do…..what a tremendous chance we have daily to improve, grow, help others, fail, win, lose, etc…’s fantasitc

    keep growing

  • Thanks Mark, your messages are always inspiring. I’ve heard it said, we only ever sponsor ourselves. Having the skills that you mention in your vidoes are priceless. I am passionate about living a life of freedom and prosperity, and helping others create a life of freedom that we all deserve. God’s abundance to you.

  • Harris having that passion is the KEY….Have you thought about creating your OWN products (audio, Video, text) about YOUR passion, Golf?
    It matters NOT whether there are thousands of similar creations.
    YOU are unique and there are thousands who gravitate to those they get to Know Like and Trust.
    Create and Apply massive Action!
    It is fulfilling experience, regardless the ultimate outcome

  • As always you are so on point……
    Unleashing OUR True Authentic Self is such a pleasure.
    And wouldn’t we rather pursue pleasure than avoid pain?
    Thanks again MARK…..

  • A dear friend once commented to me about how my face lights up when I am talking about nutrition and sharing the info I know that can make a difference in some ones life. It occurs to me tonight that might just be what you mean when you say “having a passion” about something, having something that will light up your face and give you the reason to put yourself out there and forget about yourself. Being there for someone else is a very powerful feeling, one worth finding the courage to do.

  • Hello Mark.
    I was on Facebook when I saw your post you have shared and clicked on it to see what it is . I am following Sandi Krakowski from months now and love to read her blog and updates .
    Cheers !!!! You are the second person who talk simple yet effective . Loved the article and insight .I always believed in Helping others and always believe to share what ever I know . Been into Network marketing , I don’t afraid of sharing ideas and my knowledge at all 🙂 Too sad and bad that I came across certain Networkers who are afraid of growing themselves by sharing . We have to change and grow ourselves then only we can help others 🙂
    The second Person I love after being Introduced to Sandi Krakowski.

  • Aloha Simone

    Thank you for stopping by……and you are so spot on… is all about personal growth….

    The sadness is, for me, deeper than what they could accomplish…’s that this glittering chance to experience personal growth is missed…..

    And you are dead-center correct when you point our that it is our own growth that makes the difference to others….it creates an environment of saftey for them to ‘go for it’

    We’ve long passed the point of thinking a company ….or we…..can change people or their lives…..what we can do is show the way …and obviously you understand that

    mark j

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