Confessions of an egocentric blamer
Well, let’s run this up the flagpole and see who salutes it…
Not to worry, not preaching coming at fellow networkers here but the truth be told, it was the changes within my soul that created changes within me…and I certainly did not make those changes. I was not the source of the shift within…everybody on some kind of path knows this about themselves and others.
Examining the relationship we have in our chosen spiritual pursuit and business seems to be more than OK, it is necessary.
Some would argue that there is no other way to see it and my point of view is a person’s spiritual life is private and the knee jerk reaction is we may be treading on thin ice. I am sure you’ll let me know.
So let’s get to the real root of how the ‘World’s Laziest Networker‘ actually came into being. Â After all, less time at work and peace of mind surely makes service to the Source of All Good easy to engage in.
Our Being
We are mental beings.
We occupy a physical body but at our absolute core, we are mental and spiritual beings.
This knowledge makes or breaks us in life, love, and business. Â Understanding this is the first step, and the journey cannot begin on the 73rd Step or 122nd Step. Â It’s gotta start with the first step.
It is this step that puts us on the road to freedom and prosperity.
As long as we believe we are some kind of superior animal. That is, if we believe we are supposed to use our physical gifts – back, legs, brain etc – to overcome circumstances we are really in jail, in bondage as Emmet Fox liked to say.
Because our thoughts, our habits of thinking, make is impossible to see the Truth.
That Truth is we are mental beings.
What does this mean and how does it apply to building a business? Â To improving the lives of others?
It means that trying to overcome or improve physical conditions, (not enough time, not enough people to talk to, no upline support, etc.), is trying to improve our environment without changing our minds.
We are trying to change our personal physical world/conditions – which were created by us mentally in the first place.
The Master Teacher said ‘Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first what is in the cup and platter that the outside of them may be clean also.’
Change outside, in our conditions must come from within.
MLM Mantra
We say it but do we listen ourselves to the standard MLM Mantra?
….for things to change, you have to change and for things to get better, you have to get better.
Heard it before? Â Yup.
Said it before?
In my case 1000’s of times.
But here is the cool part. I kept saying to reps, ‘for things to change, you have to change…etc.’
What a dope!
I should have been saying for things to get better, I have to get better and for things to change…I have to change.
Do you see how dopey I was? Â I was trying to control my business, create a success mentality, by controlling the conditions around me.
So what did I get?
A lot of people telling other people they had to change but not changing themselves.
Folks, never worry about duplication. Â Worry about WHAT you do instead, because whatever you do will be duplicated by the ones looking to you for leadership.
In essence…no one would plant a flower and expect a bulb to grow, right? Yet trying to change the conditions, which I created anyway, is EXACTLY like trying to plant a flower and grow a bulb.
Once I ‘got it’ …that we are mental beings and to change the conditions I need to change my mind, I asked for help, knowing full well that for me it was impossible but I knew ‘The One’ could transform me.
So I changed my mind…OK, OK…that’s pretty egotistical…I surrendered.
We are told by all the illuminated ones from great philosophers to great thinkers to Buddha to The Master Teacher…
…if it is good for you and does not take anyone else’s good and involves service to others, the Divine will supply the resources, energy, well everything.
Being the Laziest Networker in the World took more effort than the title would lead you to believe.
It was hard, hard work to surrender 44 years of thinking one way.
But it did not have to be that hard. I just kept thinking I could change myself.
The actual shift was easy. It was just hard getting to the easy part because of ego.
How about you?
Still looking at the conditions, people to talk to, time, unsupportive spouse, undercapitalized, lousy good for nothing upline?
…and thinking when they change, your business will grow?
Understanding that change in the outer world must come from the inner world and that I am not the one who does the changing is the path to change.
So…you know what is coming next right?
100% – Anything less will not do
Take 100% responsibility for where we are at…without judgment. Get honest about what area or areas need improvement; surrender and ask for help while committing to being in service to others in the area you struggled in.
WWJD for someone who does this and asks for help so s/he can serve others?
And you thought we improved with bullheaded persistence?
Now you know…
Thoughts while shaving
Revising. Â Again.
First revision? Â Said I regret not moving over here 2 years ago.
I am revising that to 5 years ago when I first landed in Kauai and knew in 10 minutes this was it.
Follow your dream baby…right now.
And the fact they had a Nor’easter last week in Boston has nothing to do with it.
P90X Update
At one point in this insane series of workouts, Tony Horton says, about one of the workouts, “I hate it, but…I love it”
I am there, on track and still have a pulse.
Finishing up my first 90 days in 115 as planned to get ready to do it all in 90 days…and finish before the Bride’s Birthday so we can take an 11-mile hike to Kalalau Valley. Â Â 45 pounds to go…down 20.
Apropos of nothing
1. Why are people addicted to leads? Does anyone know anyone who has built a duplicating organization with leads? Â I am not saying what one of the con artist, system pushing morons sell…or the testimonials on their pages say…I mean do YOU know anyone, personally? Â From Boston to Kauai they call that a ‘CLUE’
2. Â Pros get paid to play, amateurs pay money to watch Pros play. Â Ironic, eh?
3. Greatness lies within every person who ever said, “wow” about the achievements of another. Â You can’t see it if it is not within you.
4. My favorite player & pitcher Doc Halladay lost game 1 of the championship round. Â Umpire missed a strike and on the next pitch Ibanez drops a catch-able ball. Â 2 runs score after Roy what should have been the 3rd out.TWICE. Â After the game Haladay talks only about what he did wrong…a class act and a great lesson for all us work-at-home blame machines.
5. Funny thing…the Fabulous Davene, my blind Mom and myself…since we’ve been in Kauai have eaten nothing but organic foods and local protein. No one has had a single health problem. What the hell is in the food that is packaged?
5 Updates from my mentors
1. In business for yourself, not by yourself. James Allen
James lived in the 1800s and wrote ‘As A Man Thinketh” Â And you thought some MLM Founder coined that phrase?
Course, James took the title of his book from The Master Teacher.
2. Sometimes you have to get to know someone really well to realize you’re really strangers. Mary Tyler Moore
Is there anything on the planet like a home-based business when it comes to facing yourself and finding out your behavior and your perception of your behavior are strangers? Â Talk about daily chances for personal growth…..geeeeezzzzzz
3. Common sense isn’t so common. Mark Twain
Networkers are a passionate but irrational type. Without common sense, within a few weeks, folks own sites, ebooks, systems…and don’t talk to people.
What’s network marketing? Â Talking to people.
4. A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. Charles Darwin
Talked with good friend Nancy DelRossi today. Someone is dying and my good friend of the last 6 years just died.  I know what Nancy is going through but the conversation was amazing.  Life is too short and you never know what you’ve got left…2 years, 10 years …30 years…whatever, she says.  And?  We both decided anyone can blow out an MLM deal if they get off their asses (OK, OK, if we get off ours) …in 12 months…making the time left priceless. Thanks, Nancy…inspiration within sorrow.  Remarkable.
5. Life is too short to be little. Man is never so manly as when he feels deeply, acts boldly, and expresses himself with frankness and with fervor. Disraeli
Seriously…go for your bliss with reckless abandon today.
mark januszewski
world’s laziest networker
WOW, Mark! So many GEMS today! I just wanted to congratulate you on the 20 down! And still a pulse! Nice!Kalalua Valley- that’s a nice thought! I am over here on the east coast with the Nor’easter! Ha! I should have stayed in Hawaii 25 years ago on my honeymoon! I am getting better! Thank you so much for Nancy’s story…and your LOVE! Have a beautiful day!
I salute this flagpole! So many incredible points to think and reflect on this morning! Once again, I am so thankful for the events that led to me finding you. Have a blessed Sunday and thanks for sharing from your heart!
I could feel all of your emotions jumping off my screen. Nice to know that you are still on the journey. Congrats on the wt mgmt. Since this is one of the things I teach, I can appreciate your success. Nancy’s and your thoughts were right on the mark, “inspiration within sorrow”. Thanks for all you are doing.
Great advice, that is exactly why so many of us jumped at the opportunity to take the MKMMA traning. We are looking to change, but we needed direction, a leader that has been through this before to open the door, and point to the way to go.
I feel like I have been to Church, and now I am ready to take on the world. Thanks
[…] MENTAL BEINGS Well, let's run this up the flagpole and see who salutes it… Not to worry, not preaching coming at fellow networkers here but the truth be told it was the changes within my soul that created changes within me…..and I certainly did not make those changes, I was not the source of the shift within….everybody on some kind of path knows this about themselves and others. Examining the relationship we have in our chosen spiritual pur … Read More […]
A great Sunday morning read Mark!!! All thumbs up from my perspective. You nailed it… spoke to my heart BIG TIME!
All throughout the Bible, the word heart is spoken of. In the Greek the “heart” is “the mind” – isn’t that interesting!!! That’s exactly what is meant by “what’s in a person’s heart” which is ONLY controlled by what’s in the persons’ mind. For the mind controls the heart. Hmmmmm maybe a good topic for my next blog post.
And the Truth will set you free,
Diane Norris MK
GREAT Post Mark!
To me, you really punched me in the nose with this comment “Said I regret not moving over here 2 years ago.(changed to 5)”
Thank you
Tony Profit,
Life-Style Trainer
Mark,truer statements were never said. Be honest in your beliefs and your beliefs will be honest with you. And as for as uplines go, you are the only one that has always been honest with me.
Hey Mark,
Mark it seems like this post is just written to me and for me from a good friend.
Bullheaded Persistence….that part got me. OK, I surrender.
Thanks Mark, I need to read this some more.
Hey Kingy, You are right!! Don’t wait, whatever stopped up or delayed us doesn’t matter now. Something tells me it has something to do with fear. F@&K fear. Go for it, now that we did some may say, “Oh yea, easy for them to say they’re in Hawaii”. Well I say how the heck do you think we got here, lots of work! Changing mentally and physically by doing the work. I have a ways to go but there is NO doubt in my mind that I will get there.
Isn’t it funny how people view successful people and automatically think they were “lucky” or “fortunate” or “it” was given to them and often times, never consider how hard that person might have worked to achieve their destiny……You’re right on Davene and AMEN about ditching the fear.
Love this blog!
So true everyone has to work for what they acquire, no one is going to do it for them. Again the Good Book teaches fear not for I am with you.
Yes Davene it does take Lots of Work to get where you are and I am thnkful that you have been able to obtain what you have in your new surroundings. Thanks for all that you do for us.
Yes we are spirtual beings and must be lead by the spirit. When we take that first step we will be climbing the lader to freedom and prosperity. Way to go Mark losing 45 lbs is quite a feat that next 20 will make you a definite winner. To tell you the truth and I have to be honest no one I know has had a lot of luck with leads I want to be that Pro.
We have just lost a loved one as well and we wonder what more could we have said or done to have helped her.
[…] Notable Quotables Posted on October 18, 2010 by jcmasterkey Killer quotes from Mark J’s blog (…): […]
Another great post Mark! I ma greatful to be on the MKMMA journey with you!
[…] WWJD for Networkers Who are Stuck…..Confessions of an Egocentric Blamer & Sunday Thoughts While Shaving (via World's Laziest Networker Blog) Posted on October 18, 2010 by smagirl25 MENTAL BEINGS Well, let's run this up the flagpole and see who salutes it… Not to worry, not preaching coming at fellow networkers here but the truth be told it was the changes within my soul that created changes within me…..and I certainly did not make those changes, I was not the source of the shift within….everybody on some kind of path knows this about themselves and others. Examining the relationship we have in our chosen spiritual pur … Read More […]
Very encouraging points and comments that are helping me to take a look at myself and start changing! The book The Greatest Salesman, scroll 1 is helping me to change my prespective of my self talk. every time I start to put myself down, I am responding with “today I start a new life” Now I don’t believe that lying stranger anymore. If I feel discouraged I start saying I don’t believe that anymore because “Today I started a new Life”! Just like yesterday, my internet was down, and I couldn’t get on the call, so instead of getting down we went out and visted some friends. Now I will listen to the call and get caught up. Keep going everybody and keep believing!!
You know, if we keep wearing the darkest pair of sunglasses, we will never be able to see when we want to come in from the outside world. In order to see, what is inside the world within, we must take the shades off, to rid ourselves from fear.
That is a very true statement and one that we should all try to live by. Thank you.
[…] One of my mentors, MarkJ, recently shared this great post:  MENTAL BEINGS Well, let’s run this up the flagpole and see who salutes it… Not to worry, not preaching coming at fellow networkers here but the truth be told it was the changes within my soul that created changes within me…..and I certainly did not make those changes, I was not the source of the shift within….everybody on some kind of path knows this about themselves and others. Examining the relationship we have in our chosen spiritual pur … Read More […]
So encouraging. What a journey this is. Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny. … Tyron Edwards
Thank you,
So well said!! I stand at attention to salute this flag!! It really puts in prospective. While we only think in the physical we will only be in the physical. Thanks Mark for putting it so well.
David L. Griffin
Thank you for the comment.
Dave this does get our attention. We have a lot to learn and a lot of work to do.
Spiritual, Mental, Physical & Material. . . . You have covered it all here. Thank you and Be Blessed. Bill W.
Mark, this was a fantastic introduction to your work from MY mentor, Grandma Kitty! Now I see where she is coming from with her excitement factor over this program. I am excited about getting involved!
thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind word….
G’ma Kitty ROCKS 🙂
mark j
Yes Carole Mark’s training for people that are stuck is very good. Thanks for stoping by
Grandma Kitty and Mark J. are so right change must come from within. Isn’t it surprising that each one of us grows with all of the information that Mark has given us. Each time we re-read one of his teaching we gain more knowledge. I’m a slow learner but this one really grabs me.
Never say you’re slow Aileen…..we all simply work at our own pace!