It’s a real gift and Tom ‘Big Al’ Schreiter has it.

We need to ask the tough questions and give people the feedback to grow and prosper.

There’s an old saying, “You can say what you mean without being mean.”

For some of us, well, for most of us, we know we need to ‘coach’ people sometimes AND not be their friend so we can be their friend in the long run. Make sense?

So we need to tell them the truth, they are just not doing what needs to be done to get what they want….and we decide to have a ‘sit-down’ and lay it out….in a nice way

Our intention is honorable, our hearts are in the right place…BUT…..most people are sensitive and sometimes their perception about what they are ‘doing’ and what they are really doing are 2 different things. This makes a tough situation tougher.

This is where Tom really shines. He got me to stop whining about duplication by showing me this video and then asking me if I was sure I hadn’t duplicated.

I had.

I had a team of people whining about duplication. 🙂

It hasn’t been a problem since.

I know we’ve had some ‘tough riddles’ the past few weeks so courtesy of Tom “Big Al” Schreiter here is this week’s business riddle.

It’s 2 delightful minutes….

If they can do this, shouldn’t we be able to build a self duplicating downline?

Everybody knows finding the key to success is worth 2 minutes, so go ahead, kickback and relax for 2 minutes.


Figure it out?

Simple right?

If we don’t teach them what to do and stay with them until they can do it, it just won’t happen.

We gotta teach people how to talk to people.

mark januszewski
world’s laziest networker

About the Author

  • I guess this proves that anyone is capable of achieving their goals if they are taught what to do and if they don’t try to do it alone……

  • Love the riddle. You have to teach people to talk to people! I owe my leadership in talking to people to a great man who once said, “Just pick one eye to look at and focus in on it, the rest is cake.” Once they think you are listening: you have them captured; you can say anything you want, they will believe.

  • This was very hard to believe but if elephants can be taught to paint, then all of us in network marketing can be taught the skills we need to build our businesses.

    Thank you Mark.

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