Here on Kauai, Hawaii, Mahalo is “thank you” and a little bit more.
The little bit more? Gratitude. We are grateful for the over 1000 votes readers cast about the cover of our book, “Standing Tall”
The book, in print, arrived today.

For years I’ve been talking, on stage, about a philosophy and for almost as long people have been encouraging me to write it and put it in a book. Of course the key to any philosophy is found in the behavior, not in the verbiage. Are they just words or do you… me… whoever… walk the talk through thick and thin?
This, the walking it, is what separates the haves from the have-nots. Good ideas are a dime a dozen. A plan to put them in play and executed is priceless.
So let me reveal the cover you readers picked and the all-important second question on the survey regarding the workbook. In this video, right at the very end, regardless of your dream, is the key to the vault.
Like I said, good ideas are a dime a dozen… the plan and subsequent execution is what has value beyond our imagination. If you don’t like writing in books (or grab the electronic version, on July 26th), you’ll be able to get the workbook free. The workbook is really that priceless plan of action. It’s one of the two ways of saying “mahalo” to you, to show you our appreciation. That daily plan (workbook) is in all versions, so it’s just about your personal preference.
Did publisher like this idea? Not really… but I did not write this for the publisher. I wanted to give what was freely given to me through a chance meeting years ago, and I was told then to keep the 13 Riches I needed to learn to share them.
The second way is the pricing. 99 cents for if you pre-order the kindle version and less than half price if you pre-order the physical book.
And, we wanted to let you grab the first six chapters since the “peek inside” feature at Amazon isn’t available until July 26th. You can grab those first six right here at You’ll also find a link right there to Amazon to order.
We’re grateful for the feedback, let me know what you think below of the decision we made to provide a written plan both in the book itself and separately for those that don’t want to write in books. These choices we made were a result of the time, effort and thoughts you shared on the survey. Again, Mahalo.
Did you catch the key to the vault at the end of the video? No one makes it without a mastermind alliance, no one. No one makes it to the top alone nor manifests a dream alone. My mastermind and you readers of this blog is how this all really got both started and finished. #Grateful
keep giving to keep growing
mark januszewski