If You Sound Like Everyone Else…
Snooze fest…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
And while we may not THINK so, that is exactly what is going on for prospects these days.
In yesterday’s post, we shared our discovery about being in commodity hell and touched on how Oren Harari’s brilliant work, Break From the Pack, gave us a huge edge.
What’s commodity hell?
We all sound the same to the prospect…those wonderful features of your product or plan that you KNOW are unique are…well…boring to the prospect. Â S/he hears the same ‘best product/plan/company’ from everyone.
Are you proud of your choice? Â Great.
That pride and a buck will get you a cup of coffee.
Belief is Important
Look, it’s important to believe in what you’re representing. Â Really important.
Everyone does.
Your scientific documents and complicated math formulas about your pay plan make a real Pro’s job easy.
They know something you don’t.
What do they know?
They know why people join.
And it matters when you are beginning…and it really matters when you are trying to get some duplication.
I’ve shown a marketing plan once since 1999. I’ve had reps who are getting 4 figure checks ask me, off the record, if I knew anything at all about the product.
I did but I always said, ‘no, not really.’
So I could share with them how to set themselves apart in a world where we all sound the same when pitching our business.
Why People Join
They want to be a part of something bigger, not the same.
They want to represent something massive, feel like they can make a difference.
Scientific data, as important as it may be to you, simply does not inspire people…deal with it or perish.
Look at ‘text message’ companies, now trying to market MLM style. Â There is one that has an edge but…is that edge making a difference to the prospect and easier for reps? Â No.
They, tech-no deals are like nutrition deals…sorry…a dime a dozen to the ears of a prospect.
I picked these out of Oren’s book, Break From the Pack, and they made an enormous difference
4 Keys to Separating Yourself From the Pack
 1. Choose to Dominate
Pick a passion….anything. Â If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.
What do you stand for?
Facts on a scientific report? Â zzzzzzzzzzzz
Why your wrinkle cream is better than Harry’s? Â zzzzzzzzzzz
How about…
- Getting Mom’s home with kids?
- Paying for college?
- Most 10,000 a month earners in your group?
- Most 1 month vacations taken?
2. Laser Focus, Not Floor Lamp
You simply cannot be all things to all people, don’t even try.
3. Make the Laser Focus Exciting
It’s not going to be exciting to everyone. Living in Kauai isn’t…but it was to us, and that excitement and talking to others about where they wanted to live or travel to…paid huge dividends.  We found the ‘nut’s like us that had passion. Our excitement is what got them going, not Kauai.
4. Be Willing to Subtract
Realizing we were not all things to all people…letting ego go…and people who were not committed to what we were without judgment but, rather, with blessings, paid huge dividends.
mark januszewski
James, as always, wer’e thrilled you stopped by and shared your input.
Keep growing and keep helping others, something you do so well
mark j
[…] premise is that we are in commodity hell and we laid out 4 keys to avoiding sounding like everyone […]
Great post, as usual Mark!
I learn so much from you and appreciate all that you give out.
I must respectfully disagree with you on one point, however!
“Look at ‘text message’ companies, now trying to market MLM style. There is one that has an edge but…..is that edge making a difference to the prospect and easier for reps? No.”
Sorry, but WRONG!
iZigg is about something MUCH bigger than text marketing! It’s about saving local business. It’s about single mom’s making mid-4 figures in their first week. It’s about a community on fire to serve!
Last week I got a call from a guy on my team having lunch in a restaurant. He told me that the owner had to come up with $4000 in rent by Friday or they had to close. Long story short, we set them up on a free, 30 day text campaign, blasted our Facebook list and helped them raise more than $5000 in 3 days. Owner said it was the busiest 3 days in the history of her restaurant. She now has more than 100 mobile opt-ins on her list. On Weds she sent out a blast for 1/2 price Pizza. She was so busy that night that she almost ran out of food! What’s even cooler is that she’s joining iZigg as an agent. She says she knows at least 5 or 6 local business owners that will want this too!
Not only did we make an impact on this business owner, but on the 10 employees that work there.
I have other similar stories I can share with you – printers, restaurants, realtors, coffee shops, car dealers and yes, network marketers – all dramatically improving their results with a simple tool and an amazing company.
But text marketing is just the beginning. It’s so much bigger than that and I’m so blessed to be on for the ride.
Thanks again for all you do, Mark!
All my best,
TEXT: chapman TO: 90210
for my mobile business card