Make that 4 Things…
In a previous post, we covered why December is the best recruiting month. Not only is it great because prospects are never more aware of how little time and money they have, but 95% of your competition has packed it in…very cool advantage.
While they’ll be trying to re-start their teams in mid-January, and MAYBE getting them going in mid-February, those who leverage that knowledge will be off to the races…with new, well-trained reps.
Million-dollar-whiz-kid, John Cini, likes to say ‘the proof is in the print out‘ and he reports his team is experiencing its best back-to-back weeks all year while other teams have already packed it in.
John, like most folks who have actually, officially, made well in excess of a million bucks, does 3 simple things to finish the year strong and they give themselves an insurmountable advantage in the new year.
It really is just three things but I am making it four because experience counts…so steal this idea.
Key: Set in motion a strategy for the last two weeks BEFORE the last 2 weeks arrive.
This means to get this 3-prong strategy set in motion this week, by the 12th-14th of December.
You’ve got a small window if this has not been set in motion.
More on this in the video below.
First Thing
Schedule the same amount of recruiting time every week for the last two weeks of December BUT do it with respect to your family, fun, and obligations by scheduling those things first.
Look, you know most, if not all, of the parties, family events, etc. already and if you’re working 10 – 12 hours recruiting now, figure it out.
You’ll end up with more appointments and you’ll have a lot more fun.
How so?
Winner’s feel better about themselves, but it is more than that.
Key: When you are having spiritual engagement, and when you’re fun and celebrating, do exactly and precisely that.
This is HUGE: Shut the business off, 100%. Enjoy and understand that is why you got into this crazy networking industry.
There is nothing like KNOWING and EXPERIENCING setting your own schedule. It will let you ‘taste’ what if feels like to be 100% present for others…to ‘touch’ the lifestyle you are shooting for. It will bolster your commitment, so do your schedule backward and really feel it.
What does that mean?
Look over your Holiday commitments, write them in your book, then pick a couple of extra things you’d like to do with a loved one, friends, church and associates.
Schedule those too.
Pause. Feel.
You’ve ‘scheduled’ your life before work.
Schedule a couple of ‘nothing’ slots – half day, full day, no matter, to do nothing but enjoy yourself.
Pause and feel again. You are creating a life for yourself and those you love.
Now, schedule your normal recruiting time.
With the major Holidays on Saturday this year…easy…want 2 3-day weekends? Take them and get in your 8, 12, 15 hours as normal.
You’ll feel like a million bucks because you’ll be lining yourself up to make a million bucks and you’ll stay sharp instead of getting a little rusty.
Can’t say it enough…when you are NOT working, don’t work. Shut it off and enjoy not just what you are doing but the fact you can schedule your life FIRST.
Obviously, you want to do this, then contact your leaders and teach it to them. If you forward this post to them 90% of your message will be conveyed and the last 10% to get them on board will be telling them you’ve already done it.
Then call their team with them and duplicate the scheduling pattern.
Don’t tell them to do it, do it with them.
Second Thing
Get an accountability partner. Call daily. Validate your schedule…yup even the days off.
It helps you connect with others, yes…but it helps you reinforce to yourself two great things. The incredible fact you ‘own’ your life and your willingness to hold yourself accountable. You’ll feel like a Pro because you are a Pro.
Third Thing
Get upline and teammates to listen to you make calls and get feedback.
We all get a little sloppy sometimes…drift away from basics.
Remember the best way to improve the team is to improve yourself.
Ask for feedback, take notes, be defenseless, embrace…
Great Gifts to Yourself
By doing these 3 things and setting them in motion with your team, you and your team gain the insurmountable advantage on two fronts.
First, the competition has quit for the year, planning to ‘sprint’ like rabbits while us turtles have already won the race.
Second, you are coming into the New Year both improved as a team and with the lifeblood of any organization flowing…new, excited reps.
And, the benefit of choosing your life and family first while achieving is…well, priceless.
mark januszewski
Schedule your life then your work, what a concept, can we do that too honey? LOL
This is a wonderful way to spend the next two weeks. Planning for family fun time and planning ahead for our business. This will keep our feet in the door for our next prospect/customer.
John Cini story was very heart rendering.
Me as a full time student for the last two year has left me with very little time to share with my family, they will enjoy planning time together.
That’s a good one, Davene . . . I’d go back through all his posts just to make sure nothing was missed that you could “remind” him of . . . ☺
yup…..we can all do that 🙂
Especially with a Fab Bride…..why wouldn’t one?
1. I am a guy
2. I am Polish
3. I am Italian
4. I am over 60
I need ALL the reminders I can get 🙂
mark j
it is the MOST important thing
Do it baby!