Network marketing wellness can mean several different things especially with the recent bounce back for some health and nutrition companies.
The C-19 Virus had a lot of one time networkers going back to their health and nutrition deals and stocking a month or two of product for their families… but their not really building. Â “Push” volume… volume like this pandemic motivated purchases or seasonal stuff [like travel deals] is nice, it spends. Â But it won’t get you to your dream, although… your team culture or “wellness” is the little hinge that turns the big door to success.
Network Marketing Wellness
In the past 2 weeks, we’ve covered local MLM leads and that your Mom, like mine, taught us everything we need to know to be a great sponsor.

And that, being a great sponsor, it really why this post is a maker-or-breaker for our careers in network marketing. Â At some point, we’ve got to realize what we are doing and learn how to do it.
I know you’d agree that it is a lot easier to hit the target if you know what the target is.
Let me back up a bit though. Â I’m not talking about one of the many wonderful health and nutrition companies when I talk about wellness… I’m talking about the most important thing any successful networker needs to know. Â The network marketing wellness I am talking about rises or falls on just a couple of key factors.
What Is Business Wellness?
In a word, “culture”… what is the culture on your team.
Our teams?
- Every week make dates with your Creator [1st] –> your Family [2nd] –> Your MLM [3rd] … and make sure your team copies this model.
- Attitude of gratitude
- Keep first things first. Â 80% of time contacting people about the business for yourself or teammates who are NOT in the business. Â Known as “the main thing”… and everybody knows in healthy cultured teams that “the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing”
- 20 minutes minimum reading and meditating Think and Grow Rich, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude and The Success System that Never Fails. Each book covers 14 weeks with a workbook. One week off between books, work through them as a group before Monday Recruiting sessions.
- One 20 minute conference call a month for updates [is your team plugged into conference calls, company calls, leaders calls… but not making calls? Â 1 a month that you do and recognized people who got their first checks only.
- Everybody helps everyone hands on, regardless of position or leg.
- A true mastermind alliance partner who keeps you on track with plan and purpose
Give yourself 30 points for taking this quiz… and Zero or Ten Points for those 7 things listed above.
70%? Â Chances are slim to none of succeeding especially of 80% of your time is not on the “main thing”
80% Â You might make it of you are at least nailing points 1-2-3…but generally that isn’t the case as the dials are not getting done.
90-100%… it’s a lock if you will just be consistent daily.
So, how’d you do?
Love you to share your score and what are the stumbling block… we’d love to
help you solve some challenges that are as old as network marketing
mark j