We don’t know what we don’t know…
Until we know it.
Sadly, for most people who try (there’s the first problem…try)Â MLM they quit before they really know what they are supposed to do.
I know. Â I quit.
5 times.
I was doing GREAT at the stuff I was doing but it wasn’t the right stuff.
Does persistence matter?
Sorry, all you ‘don’t quit, don’t ever quit’ devotees.
Doesn’t matter how hard we try if to make a pecan pie…
how much we don’t quit…
…how determined we are or how enthusiastic we are.
If we are using Walnuts and Salt instead of Pecans and Karo, it just ain’t gonna happen.
Not quitting has nothing to do with winning.
It’s just not quitting.
Yeah, yeah, I can hear all the Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn fans gnashing their teeth.
Have a party with ‘Don’t Ever Quit,’ …’ Don’t Ever Give Up’…and one of the dumbest MLM favorites…’ You can’t fail, never fail, unless you quit.’
Good Grief.
Give me the proper recipe first…save the platitudes.
My sponsor’s dead now, but he laughed too!
Steve Seigh and I tried MLM several times in the 1980s.
Mostly him sponsoring me.
Met him in my 20s, Jacksonville Beach, FL.
I taught him to sell Britannica. Â He got damn good at it. Â Top 10 producer.
We went through marriages together.
Fought, laughed, screamed and swore each other off more than once.
We loved each other. Â Agreeing to never talk MLM again, things got better than ever between us.
He finally hit pay-dirt at Market America in the early 1990s.
Had the guts to call.
I hit pay dirt too.
And we laughed about all those wasted years in MLM.
All that ‘persistence’ wasted because we were doing it wrong.
Steve got sick a few years back, passed away. Â Left a wonderful business to his kids. Â Lisa now runs it and does a stunning job, $18,000 a month.
Steve loved telling me how ‘even a blind squirrel finds an acorn‘ once in a while. Â We were both blind.
We’d sit for hours at conventions, people rolling on the floor…he was a funny guy…about how far off the beam we were…until we knew the 3 key areas to focus on.
The Sandwich Board
He actually considered getting a sandwich type board and standing at flea markets.
Sort of like people obsessed with leads and social media today. Â If friends and relatives didn’t like what we had to say, why in the world would we think strangers will? Â In a way, a sandwich board makes more sense….might at least get a ‘pity’ enrollment.
He wanted it bad.
Then, he learned the 2 of the 3 keys to focus on.
He got to almost $10,000 a month when he sucked up the courage and called me.
Told me about these 2 keys.
- Getting people to agree to look
- Getting people to actually show up who agree to look.
He was rough around the edges, a heart of gold, but rough around the edges. But I knew like we all do when we hear the ring of truth…
How rough was he? Adorably rough…and that is what made him great. He was doing the right things, at least 2 of them, and that is what is so cool about MLM.
You don’t need to be perfect…you just need to be focused on 3 things.
So I get started and together we figure out the 3rd thing…that ‘duplication’ is a fairy tale. We saw the big check cashers worked with their people, daily, who wanted to work. Not on product knowledge, not on understanding the pay-plan, not on relationships or leadership. None of that stuff needs work if you know what to do and show others.
The keys to the vault are…
- Getting people to agree to look 80% of the time
- Getting them to show up, more people looking means more decisions. More decisions? More money.
- Teaching the ones who enroll the first 2 things hands on.
Insisting on Duplication?
Want to call it duplication?
Have a party.  Don’t bother inviting me. Coffee sometime? Anytime. Party about duplication? No thanks. All we do when we preach duplication is set up new reps for discouragement.
Honestly. Ever see anyone get 5…who got 5…who got 5…who got 5?  Didn’t think so.
If we teach them education leads to growth…5 who get 3 who get 2 who get 7 feels (and is) like they’re succeeding.
If we told them, instead, it’s about duplication, they’d feel lousy, like it wasn’t going well. All this comes down to some simple skills and over the years I’ve found some ways, even for ‘rough around the edges’ Â guys like Steve and myself to be able to get a ‘yes’ 80-95% of the time.
Go90Grow? This one’s for you, pal.
A lot of Go90grow is stuff I discovered with my old friend Steve. Of all the things I learned from Steve and taught him…(it was that kind of 2-way plus relationship)…is our discovery that nothing was more important than the first 90 days.
We’d get a new rep in and double team them, doing a ‘Noah’s Ark’ with them…40 days and 40 nights.
Pal, I miss ya, and you were right, ahead of your time, sort of…
Grow it fast, in 90 days for your new peeps, and they’ll stay strong and stay with you.
It’s really the inspiration for go90grow and in today’s micro-wave addiction, those 90 days just got a whole lot more important.
Hi Mark!
I have to say that your approah is really refreshing!
I have also been involved with 3 MLM opportunities in the past. Only got past first base in the first 2, but the latest one looks better. It certainly WILL be, though, if I apply your concepts and ideas.
Thanks again for your help
Great stuff here. Just what I needed to learn to get going
Great info Mark. I am looking forward to video #3 on Tuesday. Hurry up already!
Steven Young
The Leadership Dr.
Thank you Randy for stopping by.
Networking is just like any business and a lot of us know what we want it to look like when we are done but getting started is a challenge for most people. It was for me 🙂
http://go90grow.com includes a Quick Start protion that addresses that speciafically
mark j
You’re welcome. A lot of us struggle the first time or two, I did.
Keep learning, keep growing
mark j
I’ve been in network marketing for 4 years and have struggled. Wish I knew this when I first started out. Love your approach to networking Mark.
HI Mark, Glad I don’t have to repeat all those mistakes you made in the early days. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and saving me a lot of frustration. Sue
I AM FRUSTRATED! A good kind of frustrated. The kind of frustrated you want, Mark. I’ve watched the first 2 videos and it’s clear what I have been doing up until now is definitely not the most effective way to do things. The videos are such a tease and that’s why I’m frustrated! I want the full scoop, and here you are doing a brilliant job with the drip drip drip method. Talk about about a firelighter…I’m dyin here. By the way – I have fond memories of the North End. I’m a graduate of the No. Bennet St. Industrial School in Piano Tuning and Technology. Every day for a year, at 7AM I walked past those butcher shops with things hanging in the window I’d never seen before (and haven’t seen since) Thank you, but I’ll stick to the canolis. Anyway…can’t wait to learn what’s next.
Spot on the mark. Great info
Hoi mark,
Thanks for all your information and your powerful training videos, it’s a real wakeupcall for me,Looking
Forward to the training go90go
Hi Mark, Thank you for sharing this incredible info with me. I have looking at your videos and just internalizing everything. I now know why it’s been such a struggle. I am looking forward to the results of putting these skills into action
Pier Angeli Horton
Thank you Phillip
mark j
I apprecaite you Kurt and your kind words.
mark j
Yup…..it was CRAZZZZZZZZY !!
Now it’s funny, it wasn’t then. 🙂
mark j
We’ll be releasing video 3 on Tuesday, excellent content and finishing off the theory portion.
Then? Live webcast, theory done…..step-by-step, word for word, exactly what to do.
The North End? fuggetahboutit!! Me too on the canolis…..fuggetahboutit with the strange body parts hanging in the window.
mark j
Thanks for dropping by the blog Pier.
We’ve got to learn what we did wrong before we can learn anything….and for me that was frustrating. Struggle is the correct word.
I’d never insult any one and tell them “I know how you feel,” but I do understand what you are describing. As you can tell from the experiences with Steve, I took a pounding too.
All the while, as you’ll find out on the webcast, the answer was there the whole time. About 15 inches from my head, every single night I got into bed. Geez…..what a dope.
mark j
So true Mark. This is powerful information. I love it! Learn the skill and teach the skill. NWM is a skill based business. Thanks, Renae Massey
[…] and Product are the opporrtunity.   We hesitate to promise something we cannot provide. We do not know what we do not […]
This the 3rd or 4th time I’ve read this and it gets me every time