An MLM survey we recently trotted out to 15,000 MLMers really explained why so many people are struggling.

Let’s back up a bit first.  I posted a blog on September, 28th about what it will take to “own” 2018.


Momentum is not an accident.  The first quarter of 2018 is pretty much going to be an indicator of the rest of the year; it’s that important.  So the question becomes, obviously, “how do I ensure a great first quarter?

The MLM survey I ran out to 15,000 peeps in our great industry is a beginning.

You can take it here if you like, it’s only one question.  An important question.  Actually, if you really want momentum in the first quarter, it is a crucial question.

See, most people are going to pack-it-in by late November and promise to do better next year.  You know, the old resolution game… so we can avoid work now and promise to do more later… which lasts about as long as the New Year’s Diet, exercise program, drinking less… and so on

We asked people to identify the two biggest areas of improvement in this MLM survey.  The idea, of course, is simple, like most great or ingenious ideas.

You build momentum into the new year by learning “how” to improve in October, sharpen the new skills in November and mastering them in December. Hitting January First with new people, improved yourself and white hot and rolling.

MLM Survey & John Wooden 

The survey shows just how badly the internet and the pied-pipers of prosperity have influenced want-to-be-successful MLMers.  I’ve run this survey every few years and the numbers keep shifting further away for the most important of the five simple things we do, and shifting to the least important.

You need change to make progress but not all change is progress” John Wooden. The web is a great thing, it really is… but most MLMers are talking to fewer people. The DSA shows more people in MLM these past few years but volume per reps is down which means so are checks.

The one question we asked over 15,000 MLMers:

This is not a short list for people that understand MLM; these are the 5 things we do to earn… So ask yourself, ” For me to have a great 2018 what are the 2 biggest areas I need to improve?”  [pick top 2]”

The responses reveal immense info…

MLM Survey


What does this tell me?  What can you learn and apply?

Let’s Do This

OK, so this month let’s bury all 5 of these things, get you sharp in November and you’ll have these 5 things mastered in December.  There is one requirement for building MoJo – take back your common sense. 🙂

Take a look at those 5 things… and understand [Lesson 1] that a minimum of 20% of your team of personals should be producing well, very well.  Always, focus on the 5th thing… helping others have success.

Sending to people who are preaching social media can’t develop better than one out of forty and pitching big cattle call events IS NOT how to help others.

How do we help others?  It’s right in the MLM survey!  Learn those 5 things and then do them, hands-on, with your people.  Duh?  Cost? Zip.  Rewards financially and personally?  Priceless…

First things first, let’s get you some names and numbers.  You can register right here for the webcast.  Let’s get your MoJo cranking.


mark j

world’s laziest networker

MLM Survey
Mahalo for stopping by and sharing
About the Author

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