Success Is Helping Others

It’s a pretty ugly thing, the ‘sponsor more’ trap.  It really is.

Groups not growing?

Sponsor more!

Check not big enough?

Sponsor more!

Want to get to ‘the next level’? (Gawd, do I hate that ‘next level’ crap)

Sponsor more!

Of course when we factor in the absurd pitches from the tool peddlers…..

  • “sponsor 10-20 per month” books
  • “sponsor 2 a day!” systems
  • “special webcast from someone who’s sponsored 129 a month!!

We can get sucked into this trap of sponsor more.

It’s Ironic

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  If you don’t LOVE irony, get out of network marketing…

The truth is we do need to sponsor people, but the reason we sponsor them if we are effective is so we DON’T have to keep sponsoring…

MLM Success Is Helping Others

Its Hands on Help, 3 or More Levels Deep

We help them sponsor by teaching them what to do – HANDS ON.

Then we teach them to teach others how to sponsor – HANDS ON.

Then we teach them HOW to teach others HOW to teach – HANDS ON.

When we do this successfully, we’re sponsoring a few folks but far more people are enrolling.

Duplication is just a 4 syllable word for copy… but if we don’t know ‘how to’ coach them effectively, we can fall into the ‘sponsor more’ trap.

IRONY?  The objective is to help others learn to sponsor and teach it.  Yet if it’s not going fast enough (usually upline pressure pushing us for numbers but God forbid they should work in the downline, good grief), we need to sponsor more…leaving less time to teach…meaning more failures…meaning… Drum roll please, SPONSOR MORE!

The real problem is no one stuck in this ‘sponsor more’ mindset can figure out, it’s not the people we’re enrolling who are not performing.  It’s the poor coaching.

Ironic, eh?  We’ve got to keep sponsoring lots of people to make it because no one is producing.  We think THEY are the problem!  So we repeat the process of NEGLECTING people we enroll because we have to sponsor more!

Then we say we’re not getting duplication!

Last week I did a post about this, being a better coach and taking personal responsibility for the outcome of people we enrolled instead of doing what uplines have done for years – blame the new people who ‘weren’t coach-able, it wasn’t for them, blah, blah, blah…’

Our MLM Success Discovery

Once The Fabulous Davene and myself decided to take responsibility for the outcome of new people and not blame them, it was one-eye-popping discovery after another…and one-eye-popping check after another soon followed.

BIG Money? Effective Coaching

We found out how people learn and developed, defined then refined a very effective coaching plan.

We ran a webcast last week. about being a better coach and a lot of you have asked…was it recorded?

Yes, and it’s right here, and it will be up for a week or two.

NO!  It is not a sales page, you don’t have to opt-in and please feel free to share it.

A lot of folks who missed the Go90Grow course or were unsure about it loved this webcast.  It’s a fraction of what Go90Grow members learn, apply and succeed with.

It’s all about networking skills and once you know how to get someone to tell you they want to make calls instead of the other way around (you telling them)…everything changes.

This webcast shows you how to do that…

The information you need to gain influence, once you view the webcast, is here…

A lot of folks did not get on the webcast and missed out on Go90Grow last time we offered it.

Got a cute email…told me to stop ‘capping’ this stuff, only allowing a certain number into a webcast or Go90Grow membership.  It made me laugh because he wrote, “It’s like you’re proud that you are the World’s Laziest Networker.  I think you limit these things so you won’t have to work so hard.  I heard you say ‘it’s never crowded on the extra mile’  Here’s my question: How would you know?  Obviously, you’re never there”

Loved it.  Very creative.

So you and my ‘extra-miler’ friend don’t miss the next session, which runs in 3 weeks…get on this early notification list.


mark januszewski

world’s laziest networker

Thanks for sharing this post – Mahalo
About the Author

  • Hate to say it but “mister extra miler”, has obviously never met or worked with you and Davene or he would know the depth of your caring natures. His loss… You guys are anything but “LAZY”!

  • hahaha. the photo of the mouse trap is so funny. I agree that we have to look over our business partner after we sponsor them. We have to see theme if then can also do the same. If you keep on sponsoring out of control then you really don’t understand the business at all.

  • He was just being sharp, witty and I loved it!

    Most of all…..I appreciate you and your very kind words.

    Congrats on your success….

    your friend and fan
    mark j

  • BRAVO Dlysen

    You get it!!

    When we talk to someone….we are implying or directly telling them we are going to help them……the odd part is, for people like you who ‘get it’ is that it is some much more fun, prrofitable and rewarding to do the right thing…real, hands on help….building the list WITH THEM….making intitial calls WITH THEM….sponsoring people WITH THEM… the learn to do the right things right.

    So happy you stopped by, great message….keep carrying it and keep growing

    mark j

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