This is the second post in a 3-part series so you can own 2016 and write your own ticket.
You will derive from your network marketing business more than you hoped for when you originally enrolled. You can grab the first post here if you missed it. Understanding that “Think and Grow Rich” is not a book but actually, an exercise that will yield success in all areas of a life, not just MLM. That it centers around authentic desire first makes all the difference in the world.
So simple.
Just like Mom and Dad taught us, “well begun is half done.” In five years of failing and twenty years of unmerited gifts and blessings, the evidence is overwhelming. Most people don’t know the difference between their heart’s desire and security.
I’ve had the honor of reading hundreds and hundreds of “goal statements” and “why I want to make it” statements and I can assure you that there is a direct correlation between failed dreams and statements of cause that are based on “security” and trying to “fix” the past with money. All, as in 100% of these types of statements lack desire.
Without desire, we fail.
It was hard for me to wrap my mind around the idea that I was avoiding that simple set of two questions.
- What do you truly want?
- What does your life say when it’s all said and done?
For some of us this is a “happening”, (lucky them), but for most of us, this becomes a process. When I first fully engaged with the Think and Grow Rich exercise I was running scared. Worried about feeding the kids, making a living, making ends meet.
I was “trapped” in a life that was a daily “reacting” to conditions so I could survive. Just the title “Think and Grow Rich” had me mystified… I realized I had spent no time thinking. And, like most people, I wanted to hide behind the difficult circumstances to avoid those two questions.
Finally, like so many others, I unearthed the “secret” Hill says is contained in every chapter, virtually every page. Odd thing is that once we see it, it’s no secret at all. It’s a truth that has been around since we’ve been walking the planet. Once that hits anyone they can reduce those two questions to one.
“What is your dharma?” Meaning, of course, what is your purpose?
And the promise of “well begun is half done” magically and effortlessly manifests.
MLM Success Begins With Desire
Once we know what we authentically desire, once we know our heart’s desire and move towards our purpose… living a life of purpose, with purpose and on purpose, all those minor dramas vanish. We simply begin moving, almost gliding through what needs to get done so we can get on with the business of our purpose.
That first step, finding, defining, refining and perfecting your purpose is all about desire and once complete the next 12 steps to riches fit like a hand-in-a-glove. Easy to do and you’re excited to work through them… because you are living with and on purpose. This becomes the resolution.
Not like a “quit smoking” or New Year’s Resolution but rather a resolution in your heart to follow your bliss, that yearning within most of us ignore… for decades.
What kicked it into high gear for me was a mastermind alliance. Hill proves that, and let me quote him here, “that no one makes it without a mastermind, that’s just the way it is.” So either form one or hook up with us for our 14-week challenging and game-changing Think and Grow Rich Mastermind Alliance, all part of Go90Grow© that begins soon.
Grab a copy of Think and Grow Rich and the companion workbook to get a jump start, working through one step a week. You can’t rush this, it’s not a book. Read a step, daily, then sit and think about it in silence for at least 15 minutes*. Read the same step for 7 days before moving to the next one.
The time thing? If we don’t have the time to do it right, when would we find the time to do it over?
So… what’s your desire? Let me know.
keep giving to keep growing
mark januszewski
world’s laziest networker