influence not persuasion


To make bucks in MLM you just need to do 4 things.

  1. Invite peeps to look at your stuff
  2. Show ’em your stuff
  3. Collect a decision
  4. Show peeps that say “yes” Steps 1-2-3

So how come something that simple is difficult for most people?

Well, first we’ve got to eliminate the whiners, slothful and wishers.

Whiners and slothful peeps been around since before MLM, let’s not worry about them.   Wishers are a new breed.   They really, really, really want the business to be something that it is not.   They don’t know it but they are “wishing” that they could build a network marketing business without talking to anyone.   Just paste a link or use some automated system.  Fantasy land.

And yet, the majority of people, which is who this post is for, understand that if they are going to make some money, they need to talk to people.

So if the company, plan, product, [and industry],  are so wonderful what is it so difficult?  For the ones trying, wanting to improve, this clip is for you.



Decide going in that you are aiming at speaking 20% of the time.  Very difficult, extremely rewarding.

The difference between influence and persuasion is massive.   Masters of Influence make BIG, BIG bucks.   It’s a skill, we teach, but do yourself a favor and just get the book, The Influencer.

I can tell you, point blank, if you were to read one book, only one, this is the one.

Great influencers can change anything, really.  You’ll learn that powerful influence is a skill and it’s so easy to learn it that not only will it blow your mind, it will blow your paycheck up.

Influence or sales tricks and hype. Simple choice
Influence or sales tricks and hype. Simple choice

Knowing that great influencers focus on BEHAVIOR not RESULTS will make and save you money.

You’ll understand why better than 90% of conference calls, (results based, ya?  Mary Jo sponsored 15 people!   Hank made $4000 his first month, etc.) are harmful and what you should be doing instead.

Persuasion is trying to find the right combination of verbal tricks and phrases… usually based on fear of loss

Next billion dollar company.

So-and-so hit diamond already… yada, yada.

It’s about EXERTING your WILL over others.  And that leads to higher AND faster attrition, loss of money and time.

The insanity of working this way is that it never ends so you’ve got to keep re-selling people you did sponsor and sponsor new people constantly.

Influence is identifying critical behavior(s)to the desired objective… what your prospect/new rep really wants and helping them engage in the behavior.

Working with people to modify their behavior, (remember we WORK with people, we manage things).

Simply “link” their core motive to the behavior that will move them closer to what they want and reward that behavior.

Once you learn this skill, your closing ratio will soar.   Remember, we close at the beginning, not at the end.

Not sure how to close at the beginning?   If you’d like to learn how to have the prospect present to you why they should look at your business and doing 80% of the talking…  Make sure to jump on the Go90Grow early notification list so we can get the links to you for webbies we’ll be doing this summer about how to get prospects and new teammates to engage with excitement.

Keep giving to keep growing


mark januszewski

world’s laziest networker

Mahalo for stopping by and sharing this post
Mahalo for stopping by and sharing this post


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