Key to Sponsoring


I realized the headline could be a little insulting as soon as I banged it out but decided to keep it because, well, it’s the truth.

What is it that really separates good earners from want-to-be earners in network marketing?   Reality.


Most of us, at first, are ‘pseudo’ network marketers… at best.

I know I was… pre-1993 anyway.  Sure, I had my product, knew the marketing plan, and had a ticket for the next ‘Super Saturday’.  Check, check, check.

Had all the ‘stuff’ the real big boys and big girls had.

Had everything except the authentic ability to sponsor a real producer.

Oh, yeah… I knew all the rebuttals to objections, (total waste of time by the way),  how to show the plan and I knew, in my heart, that networking was a great business model.

So how come my business wasn’t really growing?

More specifically, how come I couldn’t sponsor a producer who was going to ‘go the distance’ and build a big group?

“BAM!” as Emeril Lagasse loves to say.

I discovered how to sponsor a real, honest-to-goodness stud and did so almost instantly.

Here’s the discovery.

It is not a book

Anyone who tells me Think and Grow Rich is a book they’ve read clearly has not understood that it is not a book.

The 3 things again?

  1. Here’s a free copy and here is a direct link to Definiteness of Purpose
  2. Decision
  3. Specialized Knowledge

The free network marketing skills are specific to the money making areas.   Here is how to get four more, free, that are not posted at the site… 2 here... including the very import networking skill that will help you get more people sponsoring… duplication.   Here’s 2 more networking skills, including how to get a ‘yes’ better than 80% of the time, rejection free.

It’s never about you sponsoring more people, is it?  Only those who don’t understand authentic leverage focus on sponsoring more.  It’s about getting more people sponsoring, eh?

How powerful is the Think and Grow Rich experience (again, not book)?   Below you’ll find some very cool statements form our last mastermind.  Here’s where you can get on the list for the next T&GR mastermind offered with Go90Grow.

So, have you done it?  Do you know the 3 things needed to be done to sponsor a top earner right now?

Everybody knows the difference between the successful distributor and the unsuccessful one is simple.  The successful distributor simply does the things the unsuccessful one makes a DECISION not to do.


mark januszewski

world’s laziest networker

Thanks For Stopping By and Sharing
Thanks For Stopping By and Sharing

Here’s what others, who just completed a mastermind experience with us… with no editing… feel about that ‘book’ and learning how to help themselves.

We always run surveys to get feedback and improve (that explains the View ResponsesCategorize As under each statement)

Responses to Survey:

I am UNDEFEATABLE, especially since I have recently had an even more miraculous and huge awareness of just what we have in our hands with Qivana. I am absolutely a key part in the biggest picture! I’m Home. This is a perfect fit for me, and I’m one who said ‘never again!’ It’s cool using the skills and seeing how my approach and posture have changed. I have a different sort of person joining now as a direct result, I’m sure. More coming! More people coming to Atlanta!2/7/2013 9:19 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I feel more joy in my life and when people try to be negative and still that joy I know I can go on and not let them affect me. That alone has been a life changer because I used to let their actions affect me for the rest of the day sometimes. 2/4/2013 6:49 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

exhilarating and mind-blowing… I am going to go back through the whole course and do it again since I lost steam in the middle around the holidays… really a game changer for me and a life-changing/mind changing experience. 2/3/2013 1:07 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

The experience helped build my confidence in my business and in life. It helped me take control of my destiny and be more giving. I’m focused on Practicing Perfectly all the time now. It also helped me to isolate WHAT i wanted and How to get there! 2/3/2013 11:06 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I was not totally involved after the first 7 weeks because my work and life got in the way but I did keep abeast of the Saturday 4 PM webinars and did partial work assigned. Did I feel I got the full effect? NO. BUT I have the feeling of most because I do LOVE THE STUFF, and will catch up in my own time.

2/3/2013 9:23 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

Becoming a more positive person and to let things slide has improved my mental state. I have always been a calm individual, but I found I needed to help others on a daily bases if possible, more so than in the past.2/3/2013 4:36 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

Thoroughly enjoyed the experience and have shared it with my team. Although I personally did not sponsor as many people as I would have liked during the T&GR Challenge, I assisted other team members on three-way calls, 10-minute coffees, and weekly meetings so that they could see some of the tools in action and my downline increased by 9 potential diamonds. I believe that they will sign up for the T&GR Challenge in March.2/2/2013 6:59 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

The experience was at times very revealing. I loved the section on decision making! It really opened my eyes and challenged me to be more decisive and to feel good about it. Mark is a wonderful teacher and has a great way of helping people understand their relationship with themselves, their own lives, and the world we live in.2/2/2013 6:25 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Got running right out of the gate – lost a little bit in the end – and now going back over the last two weeks of videos in order to keep myself going from all the progress I have made (and I still have a lot of work on my own confidence, but definitely growing in all aspects of my life). This challenge has really changed how I see myself and the opportunities/experiences around me.2/2/2013 6:23 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

It was the best and most challenging experience. Life changing. The fact that Qivana has provided this training free to their IBO’s is so off the charts fantastic! It shows how incredibly supportive the company is and how successful they will be!!2/2/2013 6:12 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

You can get on the waiting list here of the next mastermind

I know have the key, the tools, and the self-confidence to stay on the path and attain my DMP! Thanks, Mark and Davene!2/2/2013 5:06 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Oh boy!!! And what an experience it was! I feel like a whole new world has opened up for me! I have found things out about myself, my TRUE feelings & beliefs, my strength & abilities… My desires, my life… are all there and ripe for the taking! I don’t think I could ever express everything I am grateful for from this course! Thank you! All of you, for such a wonderful experience!2/2/2013 4:53 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I watched “Finding Joe” last night and I feel like I am chipping away at the build up of crap I’m covered with. I have entered the unknown and looking forward to this new life long journey. I do look at this as my beginning to chart my way to a different and much more meaningful way of life of helping and serving others. It is not only important but mandatory for me to continue as we cannot help/teach others unless we can show them the way. I love reading the Gal In The Glass, Blueprint and DMP, it gives me both conviction and reflection of my day. Sharing successes, kindness and gratitudes was definitely an incredible experience which to be honest I didn’t expect would have the impact it did on me. I am learning so much from others and it became a habit that I didn’t expect. If I didn’t have a lot of time I would still go on quickly as it gave me energy and made me smile. I care about everyone’s contributions as we are all helping each other move ourselves into the unknown and in the Hero’s Journey.2/2/2013 3:39 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Even though I did not complete all the assignments It has been an Awesome off the charts experience. I made improvements in my course participation compared to my previous last two times.2/2/2013 1:29 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I have LOVED the course, loved what I have learned and experienced, the changes, the answers that have come, the positive power, the changes in me, my business, the new way of life, and a new journey. I had read TGR a few years ago, but this made it make more sense, and brought it to life. Thank you so very much!
2/2/2013 12:15 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

This experience has changed all aspects of my life! I have a great outlook on life, more confident and a lot more positive!
2/2/2013 11:00 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

So love this that I am redoing in March! I feel way more confident and I KNOW I am going to succeed in my own business but even better, pass on my confidence, training, abilities, to my team. That is an exhilarating feeling and one I have been searching for, for a long time. I am so thankful to have been given this opportunity and to have such great leaders. SO EXCITED! Thank you!
2/2/2013 10:43 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I apologize I had very good intentions of completing this program as I had just finished reading Napoleon’s book Think & Grow Rich and I was doing Mastermind calls with another group of solopreneurs, then life happened – much personal stuff got in the way and I am growing to be able to bring balance and compartmentalize life and biz. Still a challenge as I am new at this and didn’t expect my personal – marital life to fall apart. I have keep all the recordings and plan to start the program that way and do all the work this starting this month.
2/2/2013 8:58 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I am very thankful & have more Gratitude to help and grow in The Lord. Thank you Mark J & Team!
2/2/2013 8:00 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

It was a very challenging experience at times. But I will always be eternally grateful to all of you because it has changed my life in so many ways!
2/2/2013 7:59 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I still have a lot of learning to do; I have “come along way baby and I am still growing. This course has helped me with my fears and thoughts.
2/2/2013 7:20 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

It has allowed me to work through my fears and to jump in with both feet. an understanding of the way the mind works is so powerful.
2/2/2013 6:29 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

It reinforced many years of personal & professional development, & put a specific & clear plan of action to work for me, & I accomplished several goals that I set out to achieve, most importantly qualifying for the Top Recruiters Dinner. All this after starting late, as I was on the “Q” cruise, & had much to make up!
2/2/2013 4:43 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

This course is more than think and grow rich, but self discovery. I love how it works on personal growth and development and I love how I am more conscientious. It taught me valuable lessons that I am beginning to use with my daughter. It is very empowering and I am forever thankful to you Mark & the Fab Davene and your team!!
2/2/2013 2:57 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I am so very happy that I took this Think and Grow Rich Challenge because I have developed a new found confidence and belief in my ability to succeed in every area of my life! Even though I was a man of faith in God, myself, and others, it was primarily in the spiritual realm. Through this course, my faith has increased in my spiritual life and more so in my natural life! The greatest part of this experience is that I discovered that I was operating with a poverty mentality to a large degree. Now I have changed that old blueprint and have a developed a true material riches and prosperity mentality! I know now that I will be as healthy, wealthyand prosperous as I desire to be! All without compromising any of my faith in Christ Jesus and love for God and his Kingdom! WOW!!!
2/1/2013 9:37 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

It felt SO empowering. Very exciting. I am a better recruiter, better trainer, better everything. The experience demonstrates how much we all need this – let alone the masses of people on our teams who don’t have a clue. I will be an even stronger advocate that everyone takes this.
2/1/2013 9:26 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I felt a great increase in confidence after the first time through the course. My group started to develop and I was more effective. In the past week, my confidence, passion for the the business, belief and allegiance to my DMP has increased dramatically. It has changed me, I have stepped it up and it shows. It feels great!
2/1/2013 5:56 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

You can get on the waiting list here of the next mastermind

I started very strong and optimistic. I have brought in one new IBO, and then I felt like things were not moving so fast, and then I realized that I needed to study the firelighters and the basics, and now the hero’s journey, and do it quickly and get back in the go now!
2/1/2013 5:27 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

This has been very tough but very freeing! It has shaken up our core group of people. I know that it is in a good way but we have had to really reassess the dynamics of our relationships with each other. Creating a MMA and working it truely and honestly has been hard. This system and you all have given us the safe place to build from and the future is so bright I am wearing sunglasses!
2/1/2013 5:11 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

It is an eye opening experience on how self defeating I have been for the last 40 years and how much more improvement I really need. I am on my way to growing with more confidence but still need a lot of work.
2/1/2013 5:01 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

It was very powerful to be able to put into reality the methods outlined throughout this course. Though my business is still in its inception stages, I feel the power of controling the conscious mind in everything I do. This has improved and amplified my professional life as a teacher and reveals to me that I should never sell myself short. There is so much I can do by gaining sufficient financial autonomy to help others. I will continue to express gratitude everyday and will life each day to its fullest. The possibilities are endless…
2/1/2013 4:58 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I can now sit for 20 minutes still and have my mind concentrate, the colors are amazing. Qivana Back Office Premium sites are being updated, unable to check my level.
2/1/2013 3:56 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

very good, forced me to dig deep!
2/1/2013 3:02 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

i wish i could of committed 100% to it because i feel as tho it would of been the bet thing i ever did for myself and my business. Now I know for next time!!!
2/1/2013 2:02 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

The experience was an eye opener. The T&GR challenge has helped me to become a better person overall, and am looking forward to applying the principles toward my business!
2/1/2013 1:37 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

There are many benefits I could speak of, but the biggest and most powerful was becoming aware and in control of my thought processes. My DMP states that “replacing my old belief patterns with my new blueprint of success gives me an overwhelming sense of empowerment”. And that is EXACTLY what has happened.
2/1/2013 1:34 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I am now thinking of ways to connect the conversation to what I am doing and subtly share and observe responses and continue until I get enthusiasm reflecting back at me.
2/1/2013 1:03 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

This has been a great experience. I put a Gestalt into many of my belief systems. Changing the subconscious was very enlightening, and a critical factor in the overall program.
2/1/2013 10:09 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I love the course, I am going to do it one more time in the Spring. I feel that since I now have the baseline of the program doing it again will only improve my business and myself.
2/1/2013 8:54 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I felt defeated before I started T&GR. As I started the program, not really knowing what to expect, I found myself engaged and told everyone about T&GR. I am still engaged and recognize that this was out of my comfort zone, blogging and web-n-r’s as I don’t even have a facebook page. I enjoyed each web-n-r which reinforced my assignments. I will continue to work toward embracing work-social media.
2/1/2013 7:31 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

You can get on the waiting list here of the next mastermind

I am much more confident about myself and my business. Believing in myself has drastically made me more confident on my choices, especially becoming a network marketer. I still need to work on a few items but I plan to achieve them with the next couple of months. Not only has this challenge helped me with my Qivana business it has also helped me with my Travel Business. By creating my DMP I see and dream of more things I want out of my life and I will succeed in getting them. Looking forward to the next Challenge in the spring.
2/1/2013 6:38 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

Frustrating, overwhelming, & confusing. A challenge to my own mental conditioning of the past 35 years, I was determined and persistent. I had always practiced many of the principles of the course, but not to extent that was required. Now I depend on my intuition more as in my early years. I feel I can better serve others It feels great and overwhelmingly satisfying. (I’m smiling) Everyday I achieve the satisfied feeling of a day fully accomplished. NO REGRETS
2/1/2013 6:08 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

You ALL have heart and want success for others, I can see that even more clearly now. You want to bring out the best in people. Honest or “Brutally” Honest, you can be tough, but it is tough love that helps in getting us to look at the core of our beings! Love you for it. My old Blueprint keeps trying to work its way back in everyday (bummer) But it is the recognizing of this that is essential to my personal growth.
2/1/2013 5:42 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

Great experience! It has not been easy for me to get into these new habits, but once I began realizing the positive effects it was having on my everyday life, my motivation to continue has increased!
2/1/2013 4:54 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

AMAZING!!!! Love it!!!! Gave me the confidence I was lacking and helped put positive back into my life
2/1/2013 4:23 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

You were a wonderful presenter, telling it like it is… BS. Also, you are definitely entertaining. I plan on retaking the class so that I have a a better grasp of the material.
2/1/2013 3:10 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

It FEEEEELs wonderful. I have a new group of peeps that belong to me–my Q-munity! The love, the support, the positive reinforcement, and the on-line hugs have contributed to my joy. My soul sings with delight over my new found friendships developed here. I cannot wait to see & touch everyone in Atlanta in 2 weeks. By taking this challenge, I am able to not only see how I get in my own way, but I no longer condemn myself–I forgive myself and smile knowing that it’s all part of the learning. I know now how to change my thinking by “sitting” and auto-suggesting. AND looking for things to be grateful for is amazing. There are SO many wonderful miracles in the world. It’s great noticing them! It was also really wonderful getting to know Mark and the Fabulous Davene. It was really great seeing Mark’s P90X transformation!
2/1/2013 12:23 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I was scared to join the T&GR Challenge plus I don’t think I can do it because I don’t like studying anymore, do not like computer and emails. The last time I went to school was last 1963, 49 years ago, do not have time because I take care of my 89 years old Mom who has dementia and have a special need son, who is 37 years old, both live with me. I have all kinds of excuses but when Lydia Johnson and Fabulous Davene asked me “when will you have the time” So happy I listened to them, T&GR Challenge is the BEST GIFT I gave to myself. BIG BIG BIG HELP to me on taking care of my Mom, son and now my husband who was diagnosed with abnormal liver. Multiple hypoechoic masses are visualized throughout the liver. Today, Jan.31/12 he had the ERCP exam and a CT exam is to be scheduled. Without T&GR I won’t know what to do. I have to be a strong and confident that everything will be alright, I am using and applying everything I learned from T&GR to keep my sanity and said to myself “I CAN DO THIS”. Also doing the T&GR is my break from thinking about all these challenges in my life. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL T&GR STAFF. Everyone should take T&GR challenge specially high school students, all of them should have a DMP.
1/31/2013 9:38 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Powerful is an understatement. Had to drag myself into it in the beginning and I did not contribute to the community as requested…but, the 14 days “attitude adjustment” was exactly that…a HUGE change… I did keep a Law of Growth card with me and reminded myself often…Love having the movie trailer version with me…refer often…at 70, I am not as plyable as earlier…so I had to really shove old blueprints…I can see that I am just cracking it…AND I AM NOT GIVING UP TIL I CHANGE IT!!! Experiencing Kathy P GET IT has been a real beacon for me…..she has DONE IT EVERY DAY!!! We have a new standard in the house…and it is awesome to experience her growth before my eyes…so..I AM reading every day now andBeing Here Now all day!!…I’m going trough it again til i GOT IT!!…lotta crust on those blueprints….fun finding out I CAN throw them out!!!
1/31/2013 5:42 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

You can get on the waiting list here of the next mastermind

1/31/2013 3:46 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

After falling behind on the Conference Calls, I have been reading the book and now listening in on the calls that I can make. I will be taking the next class when available. I think I underestimated the time it would require daily. And once I found myself behind, did not catch up. Great course though. And I really appreciate what ya’ll do!
1/31/2013 3:05 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I cannot believe how much this helped me! I knew I needed more confidence and now I have it! Not afraid to talk to people and not afraid to make phone calls on my own.
1/31/2013 2:59 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Overall the experience was great! I feel much more confident that networking will help me achieve my goals. I also learned that a PMA attitude is key for success in any endeavor. The course did not lack for information; however, there are so many places to get information i.e. FF, UFC, HJ and etc that I sometimes found myself confused as to what order I should attack them or which ones were a subset of the other.
1/31/2013 9:53 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I have believed and lived by those rules for a long time. But it felt and resulted differently to forcefully apply these principles on a daily basis.
1/31/2013 9:03 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I learned so much in the traing and have improved my skills.I am growing and learning daily with all the traing, and coaching I get from my upline and collaberation from crossliing with people from other downlines. I do Mastermind conference calls with others weekly and we help each other learn and grow and inspire each other greatly.
1/31/2013 8:00 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

Just feel alot more confident. Helped me in conquering FEAR. Realize now if someone says NO you just move on…NEXT
1/31/2013 6:08 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

The experience was great! It wasn’t what I expected it to be and that is a good thing. I feel privledged to have gone through with this challenge and to have the support of AWESOME leaders.
1/30/2013 9:34 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Great experience. There is a lot of information in your website. Lots that I have not seen but will. This is a super tool that I believe in. I am looking forward to the next challenge so that I can participate fully. Thankful that I completed a DMP to write down my true hearts desire. My DMP will continue to grow and develop to other levels.
1/30/2013 8:20 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

This was the most positive and eye opening experience I have ever been involved in. I am saying this after going to post graduate for eight years and receiving a doctored in chiropractic. It has made me believe
1/30/2013 7:58 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I was beaten down, almost gave up, and I was lead to the WLN site and saw the Go90Grow info. I wanted it so badly and I missed the cut off date. I prayed that it would be given again and it was! I felt excited and hope-filled! It started in May 2012 and it was week 5 that I decided to be a participant. By the end of that class I “got it”. I was ecstatic with joy to take the class again into 2013 this time I started week 1 to the end! And I look forward to the time between classes and for the next class in March! 8months ago I was negative, the mental diet, the law of forgiveness, the skills, and a huge heart, I have a wonderful PMA everyday 99.9% and my wife Karen tells me I am the man she knew I was when she asked me to marry her 10years ago. Im grateful for this program!
1/30/2013 5:32 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I have more confidence that ever before. I know exactly what I working for. Before I was just floating along. Now I have see my purpose not only in Qivana but in life. I love the change that I have gone through. I still have more work, but I am well on my way.
1/30/2013 4:31 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Awsome True Inner Self just radiating out into the world
1/30/2013 3:30 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Feeling good about my life, and the future it holds I am very excited to truly have my DMP.
1/30/2013 1:18 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

The whole program was intense. I have alot going on so it was a very challenging program…hence that is why it is called T & GR Challenge. I learned alot about myself. I was able to press thru some mental road blocks. Thank you so much for this experience. Never took a class where you are equipped to face your challenges head on with confidence and actually gain ground.
1/30/2013 12:45 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I feel much clearer of my DMP and it is continually making me aware of what I really want to manifest in life. This has been a humbling, exciting journey that will continue on, however, I feel much more experienced and structured to devise a plan of action. I have taken personal development courses and worked in another mlm company for the last 7 years, this has opened up an entirely new view on how to be effective without the feeling of being involved in “one of those things”! Thank you , I am grateful to have been involved with this challenge and would love to do it again and again!!!
1/30/2013 12:21 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

Going through this program was the richest personal development that I have ever done. The TAGR experience has bonded my team unlike anything ever could, and I am walking away with a DMP I visit everyday, a MMA that will ensure that we reach our goals, and an understanding of success that most people just don’t comprehend. Most importantly, my core go90grow skills are fortified by my PMA, outlook and what I have learned about myself through this amazing journey. I am ready to “bring it” in 2013!!
1/30/2013 12:01 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

The experience was wonderful. I discovered so much about myself that I hadn’t known previously, some good and some bad. Once I learned more about myself I was able to conquer the negatives and highlight the positives!
1/30/2013 11:59 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I still slip back into my old BP occassionally, but now I recognize what’s happening, and correct it. I feel wonderful, both physically and mentally. “Self confidence” has always been a struggle for me. This program, the reading, exercises, and lectures are invaluable to changing my mindset and results, because I’ve grown in this area and others.
1/30/2013 11:43 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

It is an amazing gift to have done this program and the support and energy is infectious …. It has made me look at things in the business and life from a totally different vantage point….it may be challenging but it is has given clarity to where I am and where I need to GROW!!
1/30/2013 11:43 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

Immediately, it was DISCOVERY; a culmination of a lot of what I have been attracted to over years and years of reading, etc, along my path of searching. Little did I suspect that it was the “eye opener”; the “heart opener”; the MIND OPENER. Then it was ACCEPTANCE and am I going to do this. Then it was COMMITMENT. Then, WOW and overwhelming. Then some sliding around. Then it was an AUTHENTIC COMMITMENT and CONSCIENCE DECISIONS leading into GROWING. Then STRUGGLE and CONFLICT (old blueprint fighting back) and OVERCOMING. Then OVERCOMING on a daily basis for a while. Then, wow, where have I been?? I can’t believe I am just now getting this. What a waste of time in my life! Then some CONSCIOUS CORRECTIONS. Now? It’s like being ALIVE. It IS ALL ABOUT ME AFTERALL! LOL And the anticipation of more to come – MORE ME! — is exhilarating. “I AM IN CHARGE OF MYLIFE. I AM CONFIDENT AND POSITIVE. I wake up in the mornings with thoughts of PRIVILEGE AND GRATITUDE, HAPPINESS AND EXCITEMENT FOR THE DAY. I GREET THE WORLD WITH LOVE IN MY HEART.” (Kathy P’s DMP dated July, 2012!) “BIG, BIG, BIG, HUGE” (Julia Roberts in “Pretty Lady”)
1/30/2013 10:43 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I had read the book B4(didn’t like it) but this time, a light went off and I found my self in MANY AHA MOMENTS. Then Mark went and added the HJ ABCs. I am pumped to go out and make a difference in the lives of all I come in contact with.
1/30/2013 7:00 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

The course started with no expectations. Quickly developed a connection to the QMunnity that was so incredible I went there daily to feel something I didn’t understand what it was initially. The ready and discoveries about myself were lifetime experiences and the impact on my personal behaviours and actions towards others was dramatically improved. My positive attitude was fortified each class, and I yearned to do the Sat webinars, couldn’t wait actually. The MMA was icing on the cake and in addition, the TAGR program drove several of our IBO’s to win Top recruiter, and break PIN levels. The outcome is that it has positioned many for success in life and their own heroes journeys. Reading the DMP’s out loud at S7 while doing the program was incredible and hearing IBO’s one at a time make breakthroughs and do the same was self fulfilling. One IBO made a commitment to stop drinking and changed his life on a different path, countless stories of people I knew that were having incredible discoveries and growing personally happened. Within myself, I had taken a journey like this before that change my life from a path of destruction to prosperity…but this program took that to another level and tied it into success in Qivana. The trainers MJ Dave and support team like Kathy were the best I have seen in 27 years of corporate work…self less, and incredible talented. No question Mark knows the materials inside out but what I related to was the impact had on his life and he was able to walk the talk because he could show the audience how his life changed learning the program in the past. The best transformation program I have taken in my life and I am upping the ante to do again. Thank you.
1/30/2013 4:51 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

It is a great experience… I found some notes from 2006 when I read T&GR book with the cards and the goals..but not a master DMP and no skills to continue to grow. Now I know how to keep working away the old blue print and be more aware when the old print shows up. I am able to shout with enthusiasm to my subconscious and grow in my new posture. Without a challenge to do the exercises, reading out loud each week, submitting the homework and being with a team… reading the book …. just does not have the same impact as taking this challenge. Doing the challenge in a group also brings synergy to the event. Everyone talking and learning together build the desire and confidence in ourselves.
1/29/2013 7:08 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

The time that I had to devote to the challenge along with building my Q business and winding down my construction company was intense. All through the program everyone involved in presenting, reviewing our work kept up the heat but with love and support. This helped me get through it. My life has been forever changed. I will do this again because I know it will improve me as a person even more. Thanks for everything
1/29/2013 4:23 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Sometimes I got and sometimes I didn’t. I am confused about the Blueprint… I plan on redoing the program again in April, it can only help.
1/29/2013 4:15 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I feel confident that I can achieve my DMP, but, honestly, I have struggled at times with the thought of network marketing being my vehicle. It has actually created a lot of anxiety in me that I had to shift. I may achieve my goals from a different vehicle. Q may be the secondary form of transportation. This was a real growth experience and brought many issues to the forefront of my awareness. I have always known about certain concepts like autosuggestion, but never used them so consistently and never saw such changes in myself. Thank you for all your support and offering this program. I loved the community we developed and can’t wait to meet everyone in Atlanta (which would not have happened if I did not get involved with T&GR.)
1/29/2013 3:43 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

This was such a LIFE changer for me! I am so much more confident, focused, and sure of myself . Nothing seems out of reach . My health has improved, I’ve gotten rid of some bad habits, and replaced them with awesome ones. Now, I know exactly what I want, and I have the plan to achieve every bit of it. I love the changes in me, and the positive effects it is having on those around me! Thank you Mark J, for teaching this in such a simple straightforward way, and thank you Qivana , for having the foresight to make this available to all of us!
1/29/2013 2:51 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Very challenging for time Uplifting Increased my passion Increased by believability Re-energized me Makes me a better leader New tools for life Skills overflow in all parts of my life STRONGLY recommend it to everyone! Made new friends/connection The future looks brighter/doable/fantastic Simply awesome! Really enjoyed the team driving us for results Highly respect the no BS approach NO excuse is acceptable- loved that Always felt respected and supported
1/29/2013 11:42 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

The experience has been more than I expected. I continually reset my thoughts and ask myself “what would Mark J say to that”? I’m growing in confidence and self improvement. Its a work is progress. Through out this training I’ve realized where my negative thoughts are coming from. The subby def needs to be reprogrammed often. I feel only greatness coming my way! I’m truly feeling the gift of gratitude…seeing and experiencing more more each day! thank you!! xo
1/29/2013 10:43 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I didn’t even realize how much I needed this until I did it. It has NOT been easy. And there were certainly slippage occasions! BUT, I know that I have come a very long way. And, I’m not done! I will go back over all of this and get stronger and more solid in my focus and have a core-deep understanding that I am headed exactly where I’m going and it’s an amazing place! Thank you so much for all of your support, guidance, nudging and generosity of spirit! Truly a blessing to have been trained by all of you! Much love, Holly
1/29/2013 7:04 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

This has been a great experience–sitting with my DMP has been tremedous for me in focusing on what will be my future. My old blueprint is up on a shelf somewhere and I make a more concious effort to show gratitute and be positive and I see it affecting not only my belief and behavior but those closest to me.
1/29/2013 5:29 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I still have a long way to go and am still fighting my old blue print daily. The holidays really threw me for a loop and got me off track; but I feel like I have learned so much and gained so much from what I did. I am hoping in the next challenge to really blossom and hopefully start building my team effectively
1/29/2013 4:56 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I could just cry tears of joy. I have previously started on a path to greatness with a purpose but always got discouraged, or lost interest, or simply did not believe enough in myself to finish and follow thru. I am so proud that I pushed through the hard parts and did not give up. It was all because I BELIEVED YOU. I believed you where passionately showing me how to make it work this time and all I had to do was do what you where telling me to do. Furthermore, everytime you showed me that you where a real person with faults and failures and fears I came closer to the idea that I COULD DO THIS. I realize this is something I will have to work at for the rest of my life so the “weeds” don’t grow back. Even though I haven’t yet seen great increases in my recruiting, I know I will and my blueprint is forever changed because of your willingness to put together this class. Can’t wait for MKS, I’m already reading the book.
1/28/2013 5:39 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

This has been the most fulfilling journey in my life. I feel my knowledge, confidence and skills have grown tremendously, but that such inner spiritual growth, clarity, confidence purposeful meaning in my life are far more valuable to see than my increased numbers in the biz right now…I am confident that there is no stopping my growth and prosperity, and will soon be leaving all those successful “numbers” people in the dust!! 🙂 … …I am a renew life, who sees the world and what is important so much clearer these days. I have clear purpose and meaning in my life as never before, and such calming inner peace, and happiness…..So difficult to describe….There is NO stopping me now. There NO doubt i will continue to grow and prosper if life, and business- with honesty, and by truly helping others change their lives. FEELS EXHILARATING>>>>> Thanks so much for Go90Grow and T&GR….I only wish all in Qivana would experience this wonderful gift!!!
1/28/2013 5:14 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Going through the DMP with Kathy Zimmer was simply an eye-opener, resulting in a document of which I am not only very proud, but one that has brought forth from my innermost being a new defined sense of purpose. I now “get it!”, something that eluded me before! I would love to go through this again if possible!
1/28/2013 5:11 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I feel the Master Key will get me to VERY confident. I am still working a 9 hour job along with Qivana. I will be leaving my “job” in about 6 months so I can concentrate on MLM. I didn’t know anything about network marketing before Qivana. I stepped out of my box and made 300 new friends and I know my business will take off in March. Can’t wait!
1/28/2013 4:35 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I am floored! I am amazed and ecstatic about just how many areas of my life have improved! Things on my “to do list” for over three yearsa (NO JOKE) are done! My son is nearly four and I finally sent for his birth certificate……I stop stepping over things to do later and just “ger ‘er done”….I am happier, the family is happier…..I notice great things all around me and when the snow freezes I cannot wait to stop and smell the roses, but for now…I am enjoying the snowballs! I am on fire and I plan to redo the entire thing again to make sure I did not miss anything…and to see it from a fresh perspecitve now that the cobwebs have been cleared and my eyes, mind and heart are open! BRING IT ON! No more mouse here!
1/28/2013 3:14 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

VERY challenging but completely worth it! I have learned so much and realize I have so much more to learn. I am on the right path and very fortunate to have been able to participate in the T&GR 14 week challenge. THANK YOU for all your help!
1/28/2013 2:38 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Words are not enough to describe the power I feel. Absolutely amazing experience and one that will be a permanent part of my life!
1/28/2013 2:36 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Nothing can get in the way of achieving my DMP I am so excited and deeply grateful!!! there are no words to express…as Mark would says show me …go do it!!
1/28/2013 2:17 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Honestly, this may have been one of the greatest seminars/personal fact-finding/self-help courses/events I have ever been involved with. Oh sure, I’ve set goals before…but under a flawed blueprint…and for the most part, the results showed it! Before, I never heard of a DMP…now I have one that’s filled with emotion and desire! I am focused, energized, bullet-proof and full of confidence. There is no stopping me now. I have a “follow me or get out of the way” attitude that focuses on remaining supportive to others while remaining positive with myself and my wonderful bride. I can’t begin to express how great that makes me feel. I WILL find the right words one day…and when I do, I’ll scream it at the top of my lungs for all to hear. Can’t wait til T&GR comes around again.
1/28/2013 1:57 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

It has been a great experience. Enlightening, that is for sure. I feel more than ever that I am going to get to where I want to be and feel confident in the plan that I have created in order to get there. I have sponsored only one person since I started the challenge, but I am only putting in 5 hours a week and more importantly, I am talking to more people about Qivana than I ever have. I believe it is just a matter of tweaking my skills before I am consistently sponsoring more people. Additionally, this course has helped me in my other businesses as I am seeing more growth in each as a result of applying the principles I have learned in each.
1/28/2013 1:50 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

Just a great experience for me and others I am in contact with! I am so much more vibrant and alive and focused on the positive and I can do this! Before it was guess work…
1/28/2013 1:35 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

It really made a difference when I read my DMP aloud. It was amazing and hard at the same time. Especially reading the autosuggestion aloud. The law of growth, espcially the law of forgiveness was a game changer for me. Also enjoyed putting my successes and also seing what other people wrote The kindess and grateful part made me realize how lucky I am in my life what an amazing organization we are part of. I feel like we are a big family no matter what pin level we are. The letting go of a lot of mental garbage is priceless. This made me step up big time. Forget about therapy with this challenge. You need to do this at least once in your life. I love, love, love it. Thank you God, My family, Qivana, Mark, Davene and I thank myself too.
1/28/2013 1:20 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I feel like a new person. I can do anything now, if I put my mind to it. I have sent you my full write up of how I felt lastr week.
1/28/2013 1:19 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

I loved so many aspects and it felt great to become more aware. This is not a negative just an observation…. Prior to TAGR I had been focusing for about 3 years on going beyond thought to a deeper level of consciousness. Focusing on being not doing. Being aware of the space within which things happen and not identifying with the voice in my head. I believe that I can achieve great things but since on the deepest level the past and future are just illusions I believe that we can only do our best when we are aware of the present. I would have loved to have participated in more exercises that helped me access the power of now.
1/28/2013 1:16 PMView ResponsesCategorize As

This has been the biggest eye opener from day 1… Mark J and the crew knocked it out of the park…
1/28/2013 11:44 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

It was a truly amazing experience. I found the secret 10 yrs. ago and I feel it gave me the ability to know I had it in myself to handle & out grow the adversities that life threw at me but there was something more to i I just couldn’t pin point it.. With this challenge, Mark, Davene & Kathy taught me how to effectively apply the principles in T&GR and make it HAPPEN! and I found the more to it. More importantly I found my true self.
1/28/2013 11:07 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

It was much more time consuming than I was first led to believe, and it almost felt like taking a college course due to the time commitment. It was definitely a powerful course for life, however, not just the Qivana business. I often see some of the same principles expressed elsewhere, and that reinforces what we learned here. This course developed the foundation, and seeing reminders of the principles just helps to keep me focused! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to helping others!
1/28/2013 7:54 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

I am still growing in confidence. T&GR has been a huge turning key for me. I took all the assessments, worked on the assignments, wrote my DMP but unfortunately did not feel strong enough to share it. Unfortunately, I did not have the confidence to submit anything. I realize more now that it does not matter if I am at the top or bottom as long as I am trying and working hard. I intend to keep working on T&GR. I missed some sessions throughout the challenge.
1/28/2013 6:19 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

1/28/2013 4:30 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

Every Session was Awesome! I am a better person for having completed this event!!
1/28/2013 2:19 AMView ResponsesCategorize As

You can get on the waiting list here of the next mastermind


About the Author

  • Mark J is absolutely phenominal and I’d better not leave out his better half Davene. Go90Grow is a bargain to help fast start your networking biz bar none!!! This course w/out a doubt developes the foundation, and seeing reminders of the principles just helps to keep me focused! Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to helping others!

  • love your stuff Mark. Thanks for the information. It is really speeding up the learning curve to growing a great business.

  • YES, sure ! This is certainly THE thing. I’ve been following the Mastermind with you Mark and can definitely be convinced that these basics are SOOOOOO powerful. Thanks again having shared with us, as it’s only by repeating them when we are growing, rich, like says Napoleon Hill…. I’ll keep learning and never give up 😉

  • Definite Major Purpose – DECISION – SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE (skills) ~ with a WPOA (Written Plan of Action) ~ here I come “beaches of the world” armed & SELF-SPONSORED!!

    Thanks, go90grow!!!

  • The T&GR training course has helped me with being confident and focused on my Definite Major Purpose. Becoming more organized and focused my business is starting to grow! ‘

    Looking forward to repeating the training again!

    Thanks go90grow!

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