Multi-tasking in MLM

Multitasking will cost us…big time.  On this, there can be no debate.

Except with MLMers, who want to debate anything and everything that involves ‘change’

Ironic, isn’t it?

What do we try to get people to do?  The same reason successful MLMers are the highest paid people in the world.

Change.  We get people to ‘change’ their mind.

There is no mystery or revelation in that concept.

We change people’s minds… or we fail.

The toughest mind to change, ironically, is an MLMers.

So debate away in your mind, but a recent study from Stanford University proves, again, what we learned over 10 years ago.

Multitasker’s in MLM are dead-meat, road kill.

Facts are facts and a lot of success depends on personal responsibility and looking at the numbers.  Numbers are crucial in helping us face the truth, improve, and numbers are the only known antidote for ego… most of the time.

Ego is a Back-breaker

We are such a wonderful, strange lot of screwballs, aren’t we?

Our ego would rather be right and fail than be wrong and successful.

So here I go.  Let me build the case and change your mind.

If we change our thoughts, our beliefs change, and so do our actions.

Be detached here, OK?

How is multitasking really working out for you?

Come on, no one is listening.  Are you really performing and earning at a level you should be?  Know you’re capable of?

From the Stanford study…

People who are regularly bombarded with several streams of electronic information do not pay attention, control their memory or switch from one job to another as well as those who prefer to complete one task at a time, a group of Stanford researchers has found.

High-tech jugglers are everywhere – keeping up several e-mail and instant message conversations at once, text messaging while watching television and jumping from one website to another while plowing through homework assignments.

But after putting about 100 students through a series of three tests, the researchers realized those heavy media multitaskers are paying a big mental price.

“They’re suckers for irrelevancy,” said communication Professor Clifford Nass, one of the researchers whose findings are published in the Aug. 24 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “Everything distracts them.”  Read more here

And if any one group is more vulnerable, t is us.

Before the solution, let’s look at the numbers, OK?

Now, these are based on conversations and surveys so just be honest with yourself.

The numbers don’t lie

How many hours did you commit to last week? 

Less than 3% know.

Of the hours you committed to last week, how many did you spend talking to prospects?

Less than 2% know!

How many hours, exactly, did you put in last week?

Less than 2% claimed they knew.

Did you put in 80% of the time on talking to people about your business last week?

Less than 2% knew.

Are you good at multitasking?

94% said yes!

OK, I admit it.  That one was a trick question, but really…it needed to be asked.

Multitaskers Simply Cannot Get In The “ZONE”

Anyone who thinks they are good at multitasking is nowhere near good at network marketing.    Can’t be anywhere close to our potential.

Out of Business

Everybody knows any business that does not take inventory is out of business fairly quickly.

Our inventory is what we do with our time.

These ‘good multitaskers’ do not know what they are committed to time-wise, how much time they spent on their business and are not spending anywhere near 80% of their time on the ONE THING that drives income.

We stopped the madness over a decade ago – stopped multitasking that is.

We discovered something profound.  More on that in a minute.  Implemented it,  got stunning results and introduced it to our teams.

They got equally stunning results.


We got ourselves and others off multitasking and focused on the main thing.

The ‘main thing’?

Talking to people about your business who are not in your business.

Napoleon Hill was dialed in…

Hill wrote, several different ways in Think and Grow Rich (grab a free copy with no upsells right here, just click on Think and Grow Rich once at site) that collective conscious leads to gain and ‘scattered consciousness’ leads to loss.

Everything we should be doing should be driving our MLM deal… everything.

We preached ‘keep the main thing the main thing’ and did better.

Then we did even better when we set in motion the simple idea that we did nothing that was not DIRECTLY related to the Main Thing during ‘prime time.’

Prime time?

Meaning times when it was OK to talk to suspects and prospects… between 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM.  If we weren’t gathering names, striking interest or following up, we simply did not do it.

Then, the discovery that changed everything and brought us to ‘light-speed’ if you will.

It created such astonishing focus (cumulative consciousness) and made it so easy to teach it to others that we rolled it out to our partners.

I discovered an experience that Henry Ford had.  He was shown a simple piece of paper called a ‘paired comparison’ and the rest, as they say, is history.

Today, it really is worse than ever.

Social Media Eats Time and Kills Focus

Social media, MLMers have been mistakenly informed, is the ‘holy grail’ of building a big business.

It’s not.

Useful?  Yes.

Will it build a networking business?

Only people who are on drugs or need to be on drugs believe that it will.  It will not.

What builds a successful MLM?  People learning a couple of network marketing skills, then using those skills to talk to people, effectively.

Once we do talk to people effectively we simply teach them duplication is ‘caught’ not ‘taught’…a very simple networking skill, and it’s game over.

More distractions that feed scattered consciousness gives us crap to do that lets the lazy and/or scared procrastinate.   I know.  I remember doing anything I could to avoid the phone.

Read this with your heart open and your mind clear.

The study makes this point… dead center.

Bulls Eye!

The test subjects were shown images of letters and numbers at the same time and instructed what to focus on. When they were told to pay attention to numbers, they had to determine if the digits were even or odd. When told to concentrate on letters, they had to say whether they were vowels or consonants.

Again, the heavy multitaskers underperformed the light multitaskers.

“They couldn’t help thinking about the task they weren’t doing,” Ophir said. “The high multitaskers are always drawing from all the information in front of them. They can’t keep things separate in their minds.”

The researchers are still studying whether chronic media multitaskers are born with an inability to concentrate or are damaging their cognitive control by willingly taking in so much at once. But they’re convinced the minds of multitaskers are not working as well as they could.

Scattered Consciousness Leads to Loss

“When they’re in situations where there are multiple sources of information coming from the external world or emerging out of memory, they’re not able to filter out what’s not relevant to their current goal,” said Wagner, an associate professor of psychology. “That failure to filter means they’re slowed down by that irrelevant information.”

So maybe it’s time to stop e-mailing if you’re following the game on TV, and rethink singing along with the radio if you’re reading the latest news online.

By doing less, you might accomplish more.

And, really, that is our experience.

The paired comparison led us to have people doing a lot less non-sense and focused on 2 things that were really ‘cousins’

Talking to people and following up.

I know you’re probably thinking, what’s a paired comparison’ and ‘how do I get it and use it?’

I’ll be doing a – NO UPSELL – NOTHING FOR SALE at the end – webcast and walk you through it step-by-step.

You’ll be able to understand it, do it on yourself and act on it in less than 3 minutes.

Here’s my promise… in writing.

I promise it is free, easy and there will be no upsells, deluxe version, sales pages or other offers.

Just do me 2 favors to get on the webcast, OK?

[1]Leave a comment and [2]then register right here for tonight’s live webcast.

We’ve always pretty much run things on an ‘honor’ system and, to be candid, I’d really like to know what you think so we can help you even more on tonight’s webcast.

I’m not going to be checking.


mark januszewski

world’s laziest networker

About the Author

  • Hi Mark,

    Great stuff I think people who Multitask wear that Tile like a badge of honor , you can’t read anything where is doesn’t talk about it like it’s the Holy Grail of be able to do more.

    Thanks for the wake up call

  • Dude, this guy is lagit. I knew about multitasking and how it is so solicited in the corporate world and considered a good thing but its really not. Im so glad to hear that Mark thinks the same thing: multitasking sucks. Its like having ADD throughout your working day in a professional field. I like Mark… No joke. Im starting to listen to some of his tips and they have come out of me so naturally at times it feels like borderline plagiarism, but I get better results. This guy has been around the block man!

  • I don’t think I am quite at that stage yet…but then feeling that way may mean I am deeper into the nonsense multitasking than I think. Your comments are a wake-up call to reevaluate my actions and priorities.

  • I love this post, thanks Mark. Some people seem to be able to float along and accomplish a lot. Not me. I need and plan, then follow the plan, then evaluate, and repeat (pushing myself to get better and faster each time).
    Everything you write is so sound and so helpful. Thank a lot!

  • Wow!!! That was good information, I feel that has been my problem Mark. I have been doing to many things and not just doing the main thing! I have gotten got up on social media and emials and everything else to grow the business and not just doing what is most important and that is talking to people!! Help me!!! I need focus!!

    Thank you Mark!!

  • Hi Mark,
    Perfect – I got up this morning at 5:30am – made muffins, a cup of tea, poured water in the coffee machine, checked texts, checked emails, responded to a couple of prospects:), thought about a 10am meeting with a business prospect this morning, all while figuring out my daughters’ plans for the day and listening to NPR, right?
    Well, as I’m multi-talking, and reading your blog about multi-tasking, I glance over, lovingly, to that pot of coffee that had just finished brewing – I had never put the coffee grounds in!!!!! There sat a pot of clear, hot water.
    I love the Universe – thanks for the blog. If I wasn’t reading it as that “water brewing” episode happened, I wouldn’t have taken that as a sign that I need to slow down, stop multi-tasking and focus on one thing. I would have thought, “…darn it…now I have to make that coffee all over again – boy is this setting me back…”
    So funny.
    Thanks again,

  • Hi Mark!
    Loved this message! I couldn’t agree more!
    This is what I teach: Repetition + Emotional Involvement = Results
    There are 3 Things we can control:
    1. Our thoughts….(MIND)
    2. Our Actions…(What we do every day)
    3. How many people we talk to every day!!!

    Did I get that from you…back in 1999?
    blessings, Jacki

  • Mark,
    I love the fact that you spend so much time distilling the core ideas. Too many of us get distracted with nuances and unnecessary complexities. I can always count on you to put the ‘main thing’ out there. The fact that you are so freely giving of your experience and research shows how committed you are to others’ success. I am looking forward to the webcast. Will it be recorded so we can share it with others later?

  • Huh..? Wait.. I’m watching TV while typing this…? Multi-tasking is such a part of our culture now, changing that is extremely difficult.

    MLM itself is a multi-task when you first see it, isn’t it?

    Most people have a job, and our business becomes their distraction for a while too.

  • I’ve noticed several big online network marketers are now emphasizing talking to people–the old school method that so many said was dead. Well, it’s not dead because it works and always will. They taught the technical part of internet marketing, but not the way to talk to people to connect with them on a personal level. Looking forward to your webcast.

  • You rock Bones…..

    BTW….the webcast I’m doing is already up in go90grow for you…..under paired comparison…so you don’t have to view it while playing Fantasy baseball and cooking some grub 🙂

  • I agree 100%. When I go off task, and my favorite is to begin something in the middle, go back and forth, then do another, in the middle and attempt to figure out what window they are in and sooner or later the pc locks up and then I get frustrated with one of the projects and then two of the phones begin to ring and I have to take a break and when I come back I lost power….

    Doing one thing beginning to end is way easier and the stress is zero.

    Thank you Mark!

  • When first starting to multi-task, you (mistakenly) feel like you are getting so much done…and then when you wake up one day after years of it…you realize you can multi-task well at NO REAL RESULTS, and have lost your focus on what is really important in your life and that you did not pay attention to the most important things(not things at all–Self,family,friends,business)for TOO LONG!
    signing up for tonight’s webcast at 9pm..THANKS!

  • Yep, Mark, all that multi-tasking gets me nowhere, and can just plain be paralyzing!

  • Mark,
    This makes way to much sense! I have thought that if your firing on all cylinders “multitasking” eventually everything would fall into place and all I really got was scattered thoughts and mediocre results. Just keep the main thing the main thing because it’s the main thing.

  • […] do nothing else this week, please read my friend and mentor, Mark Januszewski’s blog on the pros and cons of multi-tasking.  He wrote an excellent blog on the error in believing multi-tasking is productive.  In reality, […]

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