There are some messages that just can’t be said often enough and this message is not said often enough.
Gratitude is a cause, not an effect.
Last summer I shared a little fantasy I had when I started networking… you know, that one silly thing that, once the bills are cleared and the dough is rolling in… for me, I just love baseball. So I promised once the ‘stuff’ was cleared up I’d get the jerseys of 10 ballplayers I really admired. One of them was the great Satchel Paige. And I ran a short series in those jerseys last summer on this blog for a couple of weeks.
I can’t tell you how thrilling it was for me to have this one short video create so many wonderful lists that carry the message of gratitude. Not embarrassed to let you know I shed a tear or two of joy.
So I got to thinking that with Thanksgiving coming up, what better thing can we possibly do but start earlier?
I wish one thing more than anything else
I really wish I could get people to ‘get this’.
The more things we are grateful for, the more and more and greater things happen.
It really comes down from Emerson’s Law Of Compensation, in my opinion, the greatest essay ever written. Emerson proves all our challenges and all our blessings are a direct result of this simple law… which, in a nutshell, is “Give More, Get More”
Love. Fear. Hate. Joy. No matter.
The great thing about giving gratitude is that it causes more good things to happen, more good things happening means more gratitude and on and on… if we don’t lose focus.
Now, these lists don’t have to be ‘deep’ in meaning, or the heavy stuff first… just 10 things. For over 15 years I’ve made a list daily, in writing, while having my coffee. What a tone it sets for the day and then the scary stuff happens. Remarkable things just keep happening.
- Doing webcast today on faith
- Coffee
- Finished 90 days of P90X today!
- Smoothie made by wifey
- 11 nice emails
- 4 emails helping me understand how I can do better
- Honda Element – transportation
- Mick Carbo, a friend
- Rob coming to Kauai in April
- Fruit in backyard
- First of 7 days rest, P90X
- Coconut in my coffee
- Time to read
- Prayer
- Jesus and the illuminated ones
- Feedback from webcast
- Shower
- Clean clothes
- Nice organic food in the fridge
- Patriots on TV! In Kauai!
How to make good things happen
Gratitude is a cause, not an effect… and it’s not the size of the thing you’re grateful for. It’s the size of the gratitude in your heart…
See, the more grateful we are, the more things happen to be grateful for.
So thanks Satchel, I’m grateful.
Join the conversation and let me know what you’re grateful for below… I’d be grateful.
Living in a state of gratitude has led to more chances to help more people sponsor more than you can imagine. And it all happens in less than 60 seconds once we decide to live in gratitude, the flood gates just open up.
If we do it to get the flood gates to open, it’s a trickle… if it’s from the heart? It takes less than 60 seconds for others to identify in you a person of gratitude, and when they do, they want to know what you have, what you know. It’s a little rapport builder, and you’ll be sponsoring more… but if you spread it on your team you’ll have more people sponsoring.
Here’s how to get instant rapport… and they’ll be demanding a presentation in under 60 seconds.
It starts with gratitude, so build a quick list… I’d be grateful to you.
I’ll get you rolling. I’m grateful to be able to give you 2 more networking skills with no sales page that will help you sponsor more.
mark januszewski
world’s laziest networker
Today, November 18th, I am grateful for:
1. Waking up this morning
2. Seeing the sun another day
3. Hearing the birds chirping out my window even though its Nov.
4. Dunkin Donuts Coffee
5. Talking with my grandson over the phone
6. Having Jimmy and Voula as my friends
7. Beeing able to help Jimmy and Voula get healthy
8. Having a warm apartment to come home to
9. No having a TV so I can get done what I need to get done.
10.Having a great healthy dinner
I’m grateful for: 1. A husband who pampers me when I’m sick, 2. Business partners who I am excited to grow with, 3. Hot apple cider, 4. A casual ‘I love you, mom’, 5. Mark & Davene teaching me how to Think & Grow Rich
I love this blog you write this time of year Mark! Here is my top 10 “My grateful list”
1) My relationship with my Creator
2) My wife Karen
3) My loyal dog Sidney who is always in the same room I am.
4) Go90Grow skills and the team.
5) W. Clement Stone for showing me that having a PMA is a great thing to have
6) N. Hill for writing T$GR
7) Charles Haanel for the Master Key System I read everyday
8) My health, Alkalete, and my enthusiasm from God.
9) Our organic garden in our backyard.
10) everyday I awake up to be grateful and give more to others.
The Positive Guy
My gratitute begins with 1. Waking up each morning in a warm bed 2. My health 3. My beautiful 3 children 4. A caring and responsible husband 4. My, beautiful Golden Retriever, Goldie, my cats Chloe and Harley 5. My mom and my 6 siblings 6. The relationship and bond that I share with my Italian family 7. My children and husband’s health 8.Internet service and electricity thats allowing me to type this 9. My beautiful happy home 10. MY LIFE!!!
1. The feeling I got after hearing your video
2. Writing this right now
3. Being healthy
4. My wife
5. My son
6. The baby that is growing at my wife belly
7. My Mother
8. My brothers
9. Hugo, My best Friend
10. My house
Monday, November 19th, 2012 ~ I am grateful for:
1. such a comfy, cozy bed
2. a great, restful night’s sleep
3. eagerness to jump right out of bed and say my
4. BluePrint Builder & present draft of my
5. DMP!!
6. beautiful sunrise over the silvery lake
7. great walking weather in mid-November
8. having a clothes dryer and
9. clean, wet clothes to put in it
10. Jesus
A few of the thinga that I am greatful for…
1. Jesus Christ
2. Another day
3. Family & friends
4. Comfortable home
5. Good Health
6. Coffee in the morning!
7. Living in this country (Canada)
8. Being able to go to God-Creater of the universe- in prayer.
There is so much more…..
I am great full for
1 – electricity.
2 – our new puppy. She has taken away some of the pain of losing our beloved Brandy 3 yrs ago.
3 – a warm shower
4 – my children
5 – my grandchildren
6 – my ever supportive husband and best friend!!
7 – my toothbrush
8 – my warm home
9 – a vacuum cleaner
10 – the gal in the glass!
Thanks Mark!!
1. I am grateful for Mark, Davene, Kathy and Jim
2. I am grateful for my children Jason, Colby & Crystal
3. Whipping cream in my coffee
4. My Definite Major Purpose
5. Running this morning
6. My blog
7. Living in California
8. My brother
9. Our dogs Axle and Bella
10. Making a new friend Clara in Los Angeles
With so much appreciation for all you do and give!
1)A Healthy Family
2)A Roof Over My Head
3)Money for Food and Bills
4)A Loving Family
5)Friends Who Are Truly Friends
6)My Dog Abby
7)Son In=Laws
8)My Grandson Carter
9)The Time To Give Back to My Community
10)My Husband Johnny
So great……a think so many of us take ‘a roof over our head’ for granted!
stay grateful and keep growing
mark j
A warm bed? Most excellent.
It’s so many of this little things….we miss….and you didn’t!
stay grateful and keep growing
mark j
Love the toothbrush!
Love all of it….espeically the ‘gal in the glass’
stay grateful and keep growing
mark j
Another day? Fabulous!!
And, you are sooooo right …..there is soooooo much more
stay grateful and keep growing
mark j
OK….you got the topper! A baby in your bride’s belly…, love, hope, sharing….wow…
stay grateful and keep growing
mark j
You blow me away dude….
Haanel everyday? YIKES….welcome to my world…..
On week 7 this week….loving it, again!
stay grateful and keep growing
thank you for raising the bar !
mark j
1. I am grateful that I woke up today.
2. being referred to this site
3. that I read Mark’s email
4. for my beautiful granddaughter
5. that I have a safe place to rest
6. for supportive loving friends and family
7. Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel
8. I woke up pain free today
9. I fired my boss
10. improved health
Thanks for sharing the awesome exercise with us!
I am grateful for…
my relationship with God
my precious dogs William & M’Lady
my love, Michael
my incredible mother
my best friend Monika
my sweet father
the wonderful Mark & Davene
the sweet smell of coffee
my backyard squirrels
quiet time
For these gifts ..I am grateful!
I am grateful for:
The love of my grandson and every time he says “thanks for being my mom”
The night with a beautiful moon and stars
My wonderful relationship with my 34 year old son
English as my foreign language to understand and learn from Mark. What a blessing!
The new skills I learned today
My job
My MLM business
My sister Cony and my family
The love of my Holy Father always… And
Thank you for the opportunity to share this with you….
I am so happy and grateful for….
Sandy Taylor my soulmate
Lou Abbott a good friend
Mark J who I so so resonate with
Super Food that nurishes my body
The rain that makes Oregon so green and beautiful
The Earth and all its wonder
The new skills I am learning
Our beautifull home on the river
The otters that play on the dock
My Pick Up Truck
Just stunning …..fabulous
Keep growing in gratitude
mark j
No Mercedes…..thank you for sharing from the heart
Keep growing in gratitude
mark j
I love ‘I fired my boss’ …..and the simple fact you noticed you were pain free
I believe we all could do better at apprecaiting our health, thanks for reminding us
Keep growing in gratitude
mark j
1. For fresh air
2. For Jesus Christ and his Father that started it all
3. My wife
4. My baby girl (dog) Mocha
5. The ability to think
6. The understanding and enlightenment that I have been granted
7. The privilege to disseminate truth
8. The ability to love and be loved (the latter is questionable)
9. Life
10. All my friends
Hey Mark…GREAT Vid Brudda!<<< Hawaiian for brother lol 🙂
I am truly grateful for so MANY things!
So much so that if I only named 10, I'd be feeling like I
left something out but…
#1.) To have a Father in Heaven (Yahweh "God") who NEVER
leaves me nor forsakes me.
2.) To have an AWESOME Mom here on earth 🙂
3.) To have the ability to live in these AMAZING Times
4.) To have extraordinary Health
5.) To have extraordinary Wealth…
(the money part is on it's way 🙂 )
6.) To have the chance to have my Daughter back in my life
7.) To have running water to flush the toilet after an awesome evacuation…. LMAO
8.) To have many who love me…
9.) To have been born ME!
10.) To have <<<
As you can see, I'm sure, I could go on. To things like to be able to breath, see and hear PERFECTLY… etc. etc. etc.
Have an AWESOME Holiday (Thanksgiving, Christ-mas) Season!
Warm Regards,
Tony Profit
Mark: Im grateful for so much growth that has happened because of the excellent adventure you and the Fabulous Davene have allowed me to experience. Thank you my friend and I do mean my friend!
My whole world is brighter, bigger and better! My Spiritual life has taken off and Im finding myself and the passion that is oozing out is no longer a ‘parked car’ but a moving attractive person that folks seem to like and gravitate to and want to be a part of.
My best friend Beth
my workout this AM
Conversation with tears with Sherri
starting my 14 day diet over about 3 times this morning and being aware of negative thoughts.
My horse Dixie
My dog Hank
My health
Hi Mark J. I’m grateful for the following:
Our Lord & Savior
Mark. J, caring enough to share your mlm wisdom
my husband & family
my church family
good food
good health
good looks(lol)
I am grateful for:
1) The good health of my family
2) My fantastic wife, Beth
3) My loyal Golden and best buddy, Nick
4) The view from my house
5) San Diego weather
6) Having a DMP for the first time in my life!
7) The “sincere” support coming from my Q team & trainers
8) great friends
9) being fortunate to have “stuff”
10)for having the opportunity to Think & Grow Rich!
I am grateful for
learning and starting a new practice beginning the day with a list of at least ten things I am grateful for.
a dog the makes sure I take her on a long walk every morning.
a wife who makes everything possible.
a family that is there for all of us.
the daily sunshine and showers of my paradise home.
the taste of coffee
the adventure
Mark J
a world that could work for everyone
breakfast made for me is always a surprise.
Thank you Mark.
Today I am grateful for (Nov 20, 2012)
1. My beautiful Astonishing Anna’s Smile
2. Network Marketing allows me to take my Heroes Journey
3. The Espresso Machine and pushing one button when I’m tired
4. My amazing Daughter Kalinda who changes my world everyday.
5. That my father in law is still alive after a bad fall
6. My uncle Tom who has heart complications but is so cool to talk to even when he’s got that goin on.
7. My dog Shadow who sits under my chair where I work and loves me even when I run over her tail with the chair rollers.
8. Dr. Don Layman who had dinner with me and AA and has given me Metaboliq to look marvelous.
9. Think and Grow Rich, Mark J and the Fabulous Dave in my life.
10. All my friends and colleagues from Q…my new family.
I am so very grateful for:
Having Mark and Davene opening my eyes and heart
The infinite power and love in the Universe
My wife who works so hard to support and encourage me
My son who teaches me everyday to live the moment
My dreams that point me in the right direction
The ability to share my dreams
The green grass, even in November in Canada!
The new friends I will meet today
My coffee maker
The pantry stocked with more than we need
My mom and dad, who sacrificed so much in 90 years and the moral compass they imbedded in my spirit.
Thank you for this moment!
Thank you for the Reminder that Gratitude is a Cause – not an effect! One of the most easily overlooked Secrets.
Today I’m thankful for:
1. A sound mind
2. A healthy body
3. A heart that knows and loves God
4. My wonderful large and loving family
5. The amazing life accessible to me
6. My loving, understanding husband
7. Friends and loved ones galore
8. Online learning and inspiration from Mark and others
9. Being an America
10. The enjoyment of all of life’s necessities without worry.
Thank you Mark for your reminder that Gratitude Is A Cause!
I am grateful that I’m on day 22 post surgery and I am feeling better in every way little by little every day.
I am grateful for my Isotonix custom cocktails I TAKE TWICE DAILY!
I am grateful for my two wonderful angels (aka my husband and son) who help with the tasks I am unable to do.
I am grateful to Mark, Davene, Doug, kathy for enlighting me with go90grow and the Think and Grow Rich material. The visualizations I have created for true health are coming alive piece by piece each and every day.
Oh by the way, reading Charles Hannel, The Master Key System, got you to thank for that. A little HEAVY, but there’s so much to ponder. Also, reading Richard Collier, Riches within your Reach. Hey, that is something else to be grateful for. I can concentrate and focus!
Most of all, I am grateful for my Lord and Savior who has given me life. God is soooo… good.
It is a great day in the neighborhood!
Thank you Mark!
1. My personal journey with God
2. Andrew’s love
3. My sense of wonder
4. The gift to create with my hands
5. My gift of sight
6. Mark and the Go90Grow team!!
7. My incredible new sister, Linda Blackwell
8. The gift of clean water and electricity
9. A place to rest my head at night
10. An artist’s vision: Louis Schwartzberg
I am thankful for:
1. My daughter, Erica.
2. My son, Tyler.
3. Erica’s great smile and personality.
4. Tyler’s persistence and military service.
5. The unlimited opportunity of my business.
6. My health.
7. The beauty of where I live.
8. The gifts, talents and abilities that God has given me.
9. Having so many people in my life who love and care about me.
10. God’s love and guidance.
1. Life, health and strength
2. Being in my right mind
3. God’s unconditional love
4. Having a relationship with Jesus Christ
5. Having money in my bank account
6. My husband
7. My son
8. The future and what’s in store for me
9. Learning new skills to help me become effective at building my network marketing business
10. This site
I love your site! I stumbled upon your site a few days ago when I was searching info about holiday recruiting and your training webinars are AWESOME! Thank you so much for sharing such valuable information that can be used and implemented immediately. It is helping me tremendously! Thank you again!!!
I am grateful each day for:
Creating my new blue print
Having the opportunity to become a Network Marketer
For being a Network Marketer!
My “new” friends who have entered my life
For the friends that I’ve already have
My parents, brothers, sister-in-laws, nieces & nephews!
Being a positive person
For having a home
And most of all I am thankful for my husband and children!
Have a wonderful holiday!
I am grateful for
1) getting a great night of sleep
2)being able to spend the morning with my 3 year old before going to work
3) having time in the day to go workout
4)having a very supportive wife
5) my wellness centre
6)doing think and grow rich
7) having my bro and wife doing T&GR with me
8)coming home to a loving family
9)having great health
10) working with people who have the same positive and drive as me
thanks to you mark for making me see this
I’m grateful for upu and your trainings!
1. Fixing the ceiling of my bathroom
2. Wonderful breakfast with bread and Olive oil
3. Doing exercises (tough but good !)
4. Telling Monique’s mother (91) not to worry about rising taxes
5. Reading 2 Chapters of “How to Win Friends and Influence People”
6. Dress rehearsal for my daugter Isabelle, acting in “Love Letters”
7. Sharing scream of indignation of Cris, Bazilian girl, about Amazon destruction
8. Buying train ticket for Vision & Excellence in Roissy
9. Helping my third daughter Charlotte for her job application in a new dance company in NYC
10. Planning a lunch next monday with my second daughter
1. My Beautiful wife. Thank God she puts up with me.
2. My three children (even though they drive me nuts!) 🙂
3. My brother – one of my best friends
4. My Dad – Glad to still be enjoying time with him.
5. My Mom – Miss her so much, but she is in a better place.
6. My Extended Family – couldn’t be luckier to have a bunch of great people in my life who just happen to be family members.
7. A Great Group of Friends
8. My Successful Businesses
9. The great group of employees who I get to work with everyday.
10. My life in general – Not much to complain about and it is going to get even better.
Thanks for this blog post Mark. I am going to post these on my blog and my facebook page today. I am also thankful for your mentoring in the Go 90 Grow Training. The information is priceless and is making a big difference in my life. Hope you and Davene have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
So cool you recognize friends on your list
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Outstanding list!
Your recognition of all that is available is OUTSTANDING
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Today, Nov 20/12 I am grateful for:
1. the gift of sight
2. my 92 year old mom still looking forward to Xmas
3. A Course in Miracles
4. getting to work from home
5. The view from the 26th floor of my condo
6. My DMP – I’m excited!!!
7. my morning latte made for a $1 with my Starbucks machine 🙂
8. Mark J, Davene, Kathy – this go90grow is wicked good 🙂
9. soon to be an expert blogger
10. Nu Skin
It’s tough to choose just 10 for right now….
1. being able to read this blog, hear your video, and ability to respond
2. my family and the love we share
3. feeling super excited about right now and the future
4. T&GR & Go90Grow for the many lessons, challenges and growth
5. my Q family who are more & more becoming instrumental in shaping my future
6. the magic of the universe
7. my imagination among many other gifts from our creator
8. endless possibilities
9. impacting others in a powerful positive way
10. my perfect cup of tea right now
I am thankful for:
1. John: my loving, wonderful hubby
2. Nick: unconditional love with a tail
3. Family
4. Friends
5. Home
6. Food
7. Memories
8. Warm weather
9. God’s love
10. Freedom
good night’s sleep
Peace of Christ
My 3 beautiful, healthy children
Healthy body
Current job and health insurance
My brother and sister plus their love and support
New car
I am GRATEFUL for:
– Being Alive today
– Living on the water in beautiful Lake Saint Louis
– Reuniting with my daughter
– Looking younger every day
– Having Love & Gratitude in my heart
– Getting more in touch with MY passion
– Experiencing growth prompted by Go90Grow
– The warm sunshine on my skin
– My Kauai trip to learn, grow and have a blast
– My youthful & playful attitude
– My connection with Spirit
– Health, family & friends!
Thank you Mark for this exercise.
In Gratitude,
1. Grateful for the creator that teaches me
2. Grateful for my wonderful loving husband
3. Grateful for my family, friends and business partners
4. Grateful for the for the wonderful Q business
5. Grateful for the abundance in my life
6. Grateful for my two dogs Danny and Kea
7. Grateful for all the lessons that I have learned thru out my life
8. Grateful for everything that comes alone my path whether positive or negative I AM GREAT AND GRATEFUL
Grateful for you and all the great value you give to your tribe. Appreciate your sincerity and wisdom – thanks, Mark!
My dad used to say “Gratitude is riches, complaint is poverty.” Love that concept.
Here are a few things:
1. I give thanks everyday for my Faith, Family, Community and Country.
2. I’m grateful for an amazing and talented wife that inspires me to be a better person every day.
3. I’m grateful for 3 amazing and brilliant children that teach me new things and also inspire me to be a better person every day.
4. I’m grateful for mentors all around – in my community, in books, and on the web-O-sphere.
5. Pets in our family that provide unconditional love and lot’s of humor and laughter.
6. I’m grateful for the trials and adversity that help me put things in perspective and forces me to grow.
7. I’m grateful for the basic prosperity principles available to anyone willing to put them into ACTION.
8. I’m grateful for the financial prosperity that comes from the willingness to do battle with oneself, and the resistance and inertia that would prevent us from taking the required action that let’s our light shine.
9. I’m grateful for the divine guidance that comes to me when I only stop, put my pride and ego to the side, and LISTEN.
10. I’m grateful for the abundant evidence of GOOD everywhere, of a perfect order and harmony, despite the surface appearance of chaos and evil.
I am grateful for
1 for today
2 enjoying my morning coffee
3 for reading my DMP
4 having my oldest son home for Thanksgiving
5 for my family
6 for my husband supporting me in my journey
7 for go90grow
8 having my home
9 being healthy
10 My friends!
1. wonderful loving relationship with my life partner
2. grandson who will make his appearance in 2013
3. great relationship with youngest son, his wife & her family
4. my best friend who absolutely “gets” me
5. networking friends who offer support and encouragement
6. heat!
7. electricity
8. being able to shop for groceries and buy whatever I want
9. car in good working condition
10. living in USA where I can think & believe whatever I want
Love the recognition of little things like the squirrels!
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
You alway make me smile Michael…..and I’m grateful for that
Love the recognition of little things expresso 🙂
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Wonderful Walter
Love the recognition of little things like ‘green grass in Nov. in CANADA 🙂
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Awesome Howard….
Love the recognition of little things like the dogs! 🙂
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Immense insight here…..Nancy
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Fresh air ROCKS!!
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Yo… brudda from another mother!!
Thrilled you stopped by….and your marvelous sense of humor…..#7 🙂
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Brilliant share…..thanks for sharing
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Stupendous sharing John….
Keep adding and keep growing in gratitude
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Haanel? Wow….you’re really pushing yourself to greatness in thought…..
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Yeah……10 is tough……..often it hits 20 or 30 for me…..and isn’t that wonderful?
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
A good nights sleep? It’s on my list right now……I’ve not realized how blessed I am to have had a lifetime of them…….YIKES!! Thank you
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
I just LOVE you recognizing a charactistic in Tyler along with his service…..wonderful…..and please thank him for us…
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
The future? How marvelous to have that sense of wonder and adventure!
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
So positive! Outstanding that you recognize you are a postive person…
mark j
And I’m grateful you took the time to share ……but what is really stunning is your BElIEF in support…..truly you are one of those rare individuals who ‘gets it’……no one makes it to the top alone…..wonderful humility!
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
I just love ‘coming home to a loving family’ …..great insight
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
I’m humbled, thank you
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Your list is soooooooooo connected to the ‘now’ – brilliant
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
I really love that you put “I’m grateful” before each sentence…..thanks for teaching me something magnificent!
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Ain’t that the truth!!
Heat, electricty……so many things we all overlook
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Love the coffee…..isn’t that moment just sublime?
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
Just great that you put grateful….in front of each statement….
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
More that 10! You ‘get it’ Fantastic
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
I love your Mom!
Inspirational 🙂
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
So clear, simple and heartfelt……thank you
We’re grateful you took the time to share
Keep growing in gratitude and keep growing
mark j
1.I feel like I’m on on the Johnny Carson show. LOL
2.I am grateful for all of Nature
3.Having the opportuity to correct my mistakes
4.For the wonderful country I live in
5.To have healthy children and grandkids
6.Not to be wandering the streets for food or shelter
7.The chance to make a difference in someone’s life
8.Having to survive my life experiences
9.Having my health
10.The guidance and care that You and your staff have given Me!!!
On November 22, 2012 I am grateful for:
1. My husband and his patience with me
2. My full of life and energy little girl and boy
3. My Tim Horton coffee and bagel before I hit the gym every morning. It tastes so great.
4. Being able to go to the gym almost every morning and loving every minute of it.
5. My mom and dad in laws for being more than happy to look after my kids when I need to go to the gym.
6. The Qivana monthly total health pack. I feel better now than I did at 20.
7. My parents for always being ther for me when I need them.
8. My prescription hand cream. It’s the only thing that works.
9. My iPod.
10. Dr. Fiurman for teaching my family and I to eat better.
Hey Mark (and readers)
I am grateful for:
1. A loving God
2. beautiful wife
3. my darling daughter
4. my family in general
5. average health (cause it cud be worse, right?)
6. Go90Grow
7. my bus opp
8. internet
9. all my friends
10. another day in which to be grateful 🙂
Thanks Buddy, i am grateful indeed.
Incredible list…..lots to be grateful for……
I love the gym thing and that you’ve put ‘loving it’…..nice to experience gratitude during instead of after……wonderful!!
keep growing in gratitude and keep growing!!
mark j
You’ve raise the bar… you always do Peter….in the best way, by example!
Marvelous 🙂
keep growing in gratitude…keep growing and, may we add, we’re grateful you take the time consistently to stop by and share your postive thoughts.
mark j
10 Things I am grateful for:
1) Jesus Christ died for me that I might have abundant life!
2) My journey as a Christian.
3) My husband.
4) My children, their spouses and my grand kids.
5) My health.
6) My station in life.
7) My entire family and anyone who has ever touched my life.
8) My church.
9) That I am a US citizen.
10) That I am who God has created me to be.
11) One to grow on…My life!!
You deserve more that a thank you. In April 2013 I will be 73, and you have opened a door that I have been looking for, for many years, in and out of MLMs, and failing to get training, as you say but a lot of encouragement to stay.
Now that I know why luck smiles only at the deft ones, the one’s who were prepared for the opportunity, as all opportunities are created the same way.
Thomas A. Edison said, “Opportunities are missed by most people because if wears overalls and looks like work.”
Thanks again Mark
1- I am grateful for gratitude, the mother of all virtues. It cannot be feigned.
2- I am grateful to the great example you and your family share.
3- I am thankful for the tears of joy to know a humble servant leaders like you Mark.
4- The Canadian Sunset, of the coast of Vancouver, British Columbia.
5- Beautiful clouds, blue skies, tall mountains, the sun seas and stars.
6- In gratitude in all these things we see God’s heavenly tapestry.
7- I am thankful for mother who taught we are hear to serve one another.
8- I am grateful for the gift of life, seven brothers and six sisters, and my Dad.
9- I am grateful for the heart to love truth, and to serve others in need.
10- I am grateful for the opportunity to recognize and overcome weakness.
I am grateful for 45.5 years of borrowed time.
I am grateful for A Heavenly Father that has a lot patience.
I am grateful for the gift known as my wife Kelly.
I am grateful for two great kids.
I am grateful for deep meaningful friendships.
I am grateful for family that have always told me I am capable of anything.
I am grateful to people who tried to reach me when I was unlovable.
I am grateful to the people who have given me the information to completely transform my life. You know who you are.
I am grateful for the necessities.
I am grateful for second chances.
I have many, many things to be thankful for–many of them were previously mentioned above. But I have to say that this site and the wonderful comments made by you Mark J and others fill my heart with joy, gratitude and optimism. God bless you and thanks again. I believe too….
Mahalo Mark,
For me this has been your most profound blog post so far. You see, my wife(we can call her the Incredible Irma) and I decided to do a 30 day venture of gratitude. And we agreed to try to avoid the everyday gimmes (waking up, salvation, my family etc.) Half way through it has been tremendous. It is a new awareness. In the morning, we think: what can I be grateful today? and in the evening,we think: what has happened today that I am grateful for? i look forward to seeing it 30 days, but I am sure this is now a lifetime awareness.
Can I suggest an extra video for GO90GROW?
This can change a ton of people as it did for me.
See ya on the beeches,
I am grateful for a lot :
1. For my loving and caring husband
2. My two boys
3. Me be able to stay home and take care of my family
4. My kids school that I volunteer in twice a week
5. My home and car
6. My parents and parents in law
7. God
8.cell phones that connect me with people and family and during emergency
9. Health and a lot of smiles everyday
10. Eating and cooking healthy