The biggest challenge we face, really, is ourselves.
Most of the time it’s our own fault.
Really, just the number of false starts I had was demoralizing… along with
Avoiding the phone
Those are, honestly, on us.
Overcome Objections
Turns out a lot of those ‘dilly-dallying’ non-actions are triggered by objections. We so believe the business model, the company we picked, the plan and the product that objections just get us so frustrated… so that we stop putting ourselves in a position of having to endure more excuses about time, money, spouses, pyramids. You name it, we’ve all heard it.
So let’s get you off the hook. This one, dealing with objections and getting frustrated to the point of not engaging, is NOT YOUR FAULT!
See if this makes sense…
The list to ‘overcome objections’
The list is endless about how to deal with objections. None of them work…
Confrontational ideas like ‘the push back’ …and ‘the take away’ …are so dumb. Not in and of themselves. They are dumb because they simply do not deal with the real objection.
All the “time, money, spouses, pyramids” objections are NOT the real objection, and the ‘new’ nonsense about ‘NLP’ and ‘stealth selling’ are equally far fetched.
Once you learn what really goes on in a prospects head and what really happens during the recruiting process, you will never, ever have to deal with an objection again.
You gotta know this…
You simply must know that “time, money, spouses, pyramids” are pseudo objections and trying to overcome them is and always will be a frustrating, pride swallowing siege…
On the other hand, once you learn this (and after you open your hand and slap your forehead), not only will you NEVER deal with an objection again, you’ll just sit there when collecting decisions, and the prospect will do all the work.
Why is that important?
Well, if the prospect will bring up and then answer their own objection …you can teach to others because the prospects will be doing the work, not your team. BAM!
So click this and register and share this with your teammates and MLM buddies… again, nada for sale.
We appreciate you reading and sharing our stuff and want to get you ready for 2014… love to know what you think.
mark januszewski
I will want to know the answer please
Thank you
Keep being the gift! Thank you
It’s all about communication,you are so right Mark.. way too many times I’ve seen and heard the worst advice given on this topic and when you get past all the crap and stop seeing the whole thing as a battle ground life (and your business) becomes a lot easier.
Hope you’re keeping well and enjoying the sun!
Music to my ears! I’m weary of all those phony sales gimmicks! enough! You are fabulous, Mark J. Finally, the voice of reason and intelligence! Eureka! THANK YOU!
It is so awesome how you and the Fab D just keep giving and giving of yourselves! So often as u mention, those who profess to want to help just want to help us empty our pockets!! U and Fab r the Real Deal!!! Thanks so much!
We will cover that on the webcast …..word for word, see you there!
mark j
Keep giving to keep growing
mark j
I would love to see you webcast. Only problem is I’m committed on Thursday at 7 PM. Will there be a re-broadcast? Sure hope so, your info is Great!
Bill Chase
Phoenix, Arizona
Hi Mark,
I totally agree with that it is best for the prospects to answer their own objection. I have found out that it is absolutely vital that we have to find out the deeper emotional reason why someone would like to consider doing network marketing.
Asking questions has been most helpful for me in helping the prospect to ponder upon their own objection. I cannot wait for your webcast to learn more, Mark!
With sincere appreciation!
Viola Tam – The Business Mum
Yu have certainly aroused my curiosity!! Looking forward to the
webinar as well as learning when it will take place!
I totally Agree. Since I started following you and consumed your real skills that you continue to give away for FREE I have built my confidence knowing that objections are just unanswered questions and now I welcome questions because when “prospects” are asking questions that means they are interested and want more information. But… some of them don’t (you probably know the type) they’d rather surf the internet looking for the “Cookie” or complain that they just need to “find the right people” instead of learning the Skills to get the prospects to open up and give you their reason they want to make a change in their life.
Great insights Jeffery… the sequence of words 🙂
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Louise….
Glad you’ll jump on the webcast….your curiosity will be satisfied…and the job will get 1000x easier
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Thanks Janie, very kind words…..much appreciated
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Mary Beth
Your words have me humbled….
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Aloha Bill….
We’ll do our best…..not sure yet what we’ll do with the recording
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Your growth, work ethic and attitude has raised the bar for a lot of folks Viola…..thanks for stopping by and sharing from time to time…..we all know how busy and successful you’ve become – BRAVO!
Mahalo Neil
We appreciate you, your kind works and insights
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Have entered Your webcast but not sure when it’ll be on the air over here in Norway. I am an avid fan of Your Messages – style and content, and thank you for Your generosity.
Our pleasure…..and yes, it will be on in Norway
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
How refreshing to hear your skills. I have been struggling with all of those objections and cute overcoming skills that I have been taught that don’t work for years. I am part of your MKMMA and am flat excited to put these skills to work. I caught the beginning of your webcast and the end, had to run a child to football practice, so I hope you post the info or a recording. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you Mark, It all boils down to skills. The sooner we help others realize that, the faster we will succeed.
Mark : Thanks for your upbeat way of doing things & no malarkey about you. You are the real mc coy.
you are helping me more than I can express
Larry Banks
Hey Mr. Mark J!
When is the webcast going to start? I’m in the Philippines! Clicked the link you provided but it says its already over and not available, did I miss it? Really looking forward to sharing this to my group!
“nonsense about ‘NLP’ and ‘stealth selling’ are equally far fetched……”
Are you trying to say that NLP isn’t effective for overcoming objections? I use NLP when booking timeshare presentations on the Island day in and day out. Maybe I’m not following.
Also I’m guessing you’re talking about Frank’s latest videos.
Love Frank’s stuff…..and, no, this is not in response to his stuff……just the ham and egg-ers who don’t know squat about what they claim to. Frank is an expert who we respect, enjoy and have studied.
The point is if we get so hung up on ‘technique’ we lose a piece of our integrity. Look, does that stuff work……so what? I went through all that manipulative stuff when I was younger……then someone asked me the tough questions….
1. So you learned something and are doing better……has it crossed your mind you may be leaving 1000s on the table? Some success can blind us to our true potential Antonio.
2. Are you being transparent or manipulative?
3. Who would you prefer to do business with or those 2 groups?
He had my attention……once we rolled over to transparency……and added patience….not only did we crush our former [good-excellent] numbers…..we did it in less time and averaged 4 referrals per sale [yes, I spent a lot of time in direct sales too, Antonio]…..which led to far more easy sales…..
The bigger payoff was feeling better about ourselves…..making more in less time…..and eliminating pressure on both the prospect and ourselves……
Mahalo Keith……we’ll get it posted sometime this week
Hey Mark, I just got a quick question.
At 1:21:00 of the webcast, when Sally asked “What’s it going to cost to run the biz?” and when you were explaining the 6 steps, at step 3 you said: “… If I can show you that it costs them nothing, you’d be ready to enroll now, yes?”
(referring to the Home Based Business Tax Advantage)
That is a KILLER sentence, but unfortunately, over here in Holland, there’s no such thing as instant government funding for home based businesses to put you in positive cash-flow from day 1…
Do you have any idea what other good example of a solution I could suggest for Sally’s question? It would mean a lot to me.