Since we’re in the 12 Days of Christmas for our wonderful followers, I promise, in the ‘spirit’ of giving, that I won’t go on one of my rants here.
Well, maybe a little one…a sentence or two. 🙂
So this is the 10th day of giving to all our readers for spreading the word about the free networking skills we have at the site.
The insatiable appetite new and inexperienced folks have for leads is a chicken and egg thing, only in this case we can identify which came first.
Did the new peeps create a need for the bottom feeders with their magic systems and leads? Â We all know they don’t work, cost money and, worse yet, tarnish our industry. (The chicken)
Or did a few, which led to a tribe…figure out they could exploit inexperienced people…getting them to focus on leads as if leads would make a difference. (The egg)
I’ve been doing this since 1983-84, and I can tell you it is the bottom-feeders who seized the unregulated Internet to do on a bigger scale what people were doing back in the ’80s.

Sell tools and that morphed into leads and systems. They were a bunch of peeps who never made it in MLM and saw that by pretending to have been successful (how easy is that online?) they could sell ‘secrets’ and ‘systems’ and ‘leads’…somehow. Well done, by the way, they’ve got people convinced they’ve got to sponsor 10-20 people a month, or more. And newbies and frustrated vets alike buy into that baloney.
We Sponsor Less
Each deal we have built, we’ve sponsored fewer people and got to the top of the pay-plan faster. Always built from scratch, not raiding previous organizations.  How? We just got better at teaching network marketing skills as the years rolled on.
Biggest problem today?  Technology. The bottom feeders – trying to profit on others hard work – now have the masses convinced technology plus social media will be the way to wealth.
It is not. Talking to people is, and while fashion comes and goes, principles endure.
Being of authentic service to others will get it done.
I have been using a method for a couple of years that will easily develop 100 leads a month…good ones…that is free. No programs to buy, no hoops to jump through, .and founded on a very old, tried and true principle that makes you and others you interact with better. Better at MLM, better business people and better at life.
Here you go.
Here are the three free network marketing skills I use to execute this plan.
First this free skill…then this one…then this one…

Within 2 months, for 20 minutes a day, you’ll meet some cool peeps, get all the leads you can handle and sponsor a few peeps a month by accident.
Best part?
They’ll never run out of people to talk or waste a dime on leads or systems because you can show them what you do.
Now that’s cool.
mark januszewski
world’s laziest networker
Love It, Love It, Love It – I can’t wait for the next round of Go90Grow!!!
Everyone in this Industry needs to learn how you talk to people.
Thanks for EVERYTHING !!!
Well put Mark, all people need to do is dare to be different on Facebook and no tthrow up all over other people with their deal and links, most people never build rapport…..
Just copy the links and send only this link to start
This goes directly to the training, and not to the entire page wi all the others. Most people will never figure out how to go to the page, they will be more interested in watching the training.
Some people will find all of them, (mostly the greens) and that’s not a big deal. You lead them to the skills, that’s what’s important.
Great information as always. I’ve had the pleasure of attending a training event with Big Al at Virginia Beach. I enjoy your slide presentations to break each skill down to fully comprehend with the visual and speaking combined.
P.S. What network marketing company are you a part of? You can sidebar me if you wish to disclose at my email address I’ve provided.
Another great way to build a business Mark! Thanks for sharing in a format everyone can follow. I’m posting this to my FB page! love it!
Thank you once again for a motivating piece.
How do you get them to the 1st skill without also giving them immediate access to all the other skills on markjtrains.com? If they have access to everything after that 1st call why should your ability to send them to the next 2 make any difference?
Thanks Mark, another gold nugget to add to my chest of nuggets!! Thanks for sharing! Listening and building Rapport is KEY.
Renae Massey
Hey Mark, You really need to develop an opinion on this and quit being so wishy-washy! Just kidding of course! Thank you for sharing your refreshing viewpoints and some really cool skills!!!!
Peace to you too!
Well you’ve done it again Mark. You have gone above and beyond in sharing what is trapped inside that head of yours. What an awesome video with equally awesome advice for those who have run out their list. Thank you.
Thank you all
[…] Just because you’re going to the masses with a bunch of ads, people somehow think they’ll create duplication. Well, unfortunately, this doesn’t work so well anymore. The World’s Laziest Networker gave some great tips on how to NOT throw up all over people in a recent blog titled:  How To Get MLM Leads With Social Media, Free […]