12 drummers drumming up profit and prospects for all of us!
Thank you for all the personal emails and comments about the previous posts and eleven things we’ve shared in the hope you’d understand how much we appreciate you sharing the word about the free network marketing skills and your success story.
By the way, if you got one, give me a shout via the comments. We’d love to interview you and hear how things are changing. So many of the grads of Go90Grow© recently shared their stories of dramatic improvement and bigger checks.
So on the 12th day here I’m breaking protocol and giving a little longer video. We try to keep them 2-3 minutes, but I promise if you check it out you’ll learn why MLMers are the highest paid peeps in the world and it’s not what we think. Really.
Until we understand why we can be so successful financially, how is it remotely possible to be successful?
This information acted upon not only changed my life…it was free and I already had the 4 things within me to leverage the information.
But that is not the best news. The best news is that you already have it within you.
Share the 12 Skills to Make Money in MLM
Hope you’ve enjoyed the 12 days of Christmas stuff. Let us know and let us know what you need to make 2012 your best year. We just came off our best year ever and the first quarter of this year looks like a record breaker. Now I’m not bragging or trying to irritate you. I promise you that all we have done is the 12 things we’ve shared with you.
Health and wealth in 2012 and thanks for all your support in 2011.
So here it is…why we get paid what we do and how to leverage what’s within you to take advantage of this simple truth.
So, why are we the highest paid people?
Let me know how you feel about becoming a ‘master of the volt!’
mark januszewski
Well done Mark J. Your 12 gifts are invaluable!
Great info Mark very valuable info for sure
Thank you so much for your honest & motivating insites. I refer to them on my trainings constantly. You’re my network marketing hero! Thanks so much, Bruce
Thank you Mark for the great contribution that you make. I completely immersed myself in all of your videos and as a 25 year NWM, took more notes from your incredible teachings than i have, ever. Thanks Mark and keep up the great work
Very good presentations. I’ll need to review these again and again. I appreciate your time and help.
curtis koch
We need another Go90Grow I want to sign up!
Wish we had the 365 days of Christmas so these motivations and teachings would be there daily. Another trainer, John Maxwell, shares a daily video blog that’s also free and worthwhile. But without teaching skills and reinforcing them daily the fly will keep hitting the glass. Thank you for all you do for us.
Your enthusiasm is contagious and your skills are presented succinctly. Thank you for blessing others with your stuff for free, what a difference that makes to us who are crawling out of holes! Hard to come up with original grateful statements, so I’ll just stop and say THANK YOU.
Thanks for your service and insight. I don’t think I would have made it out the door without this post. I can stop hitting my head on the window. God Bless.
Thank you Mark for the twelve days, but especially todays modivational session on the 1/1,000,0000 of a volt.
All I can muster is WOW.
Thank you.
This was exactly what I needed to hear today! Thank you!
Thanks for stopping by Bruce and on your success, great chatting with you and getting caught up…..
keep doing what you’ve always done Bruce, help others….I remember your ‘boot camps’ years ago helping folks so much.
mark j
Thank you Richard for your kind words….
We’re just passing on what was passed on to us…..
Keep growing
mark j
Coming soon…..mid-late Feb……
Thanks for considering Go90Grow and yes….to all the emails, the course will be capped.
mark j
Thank you Don…..very flattering to be mentioned along with Maxwell…..and your right…..leadership is critical but let’s not overlook the basics…..
mark j
Thank us by building a huge business and sharing the skills with others……that’s thanks enough…..
Just passing on cool stuff that has been passed on to us
mark j
Yeah…..well when I slip from basics, and we all do from time to time….that little story does more to get me back on track than anything….
and besides…..why not have a little fun while building a fortune? Espeically when that fun is us laughing at ourselves.
keep growing
Go cause some voltage!!
Thanks, Mark. Your system ROCKS!!