Does Being Enthusiastic Make a Difference?
As Rocky said, “Absolutely!”
On this, there is no authentic debate.
Oh, the snooty sales pros will differ with this and the hardcore MLMers who’ve grown cynical will too.
They are really non-believers in what they do. So sad. Don’t doubt this for a second. Companies, for the most part, see distributors as a ‘necessary evil’. As that piss-poor attitude infects many of their top earners who are competitive to a fault. Really sad, and why most of them couldn’t carry W. Clement Stone’s jock strap.
W. Clement Stone built the largest, most successful sales force in history.
Stone trained me in 1971 and, if you don’t know, he made Napoleon Hill rich. Hill was gaining fame but wasn’t rich till he linked up with Stone.
Stone was enthusiastic, mega enthusiastic. He understood what the word meant, how to get it going within himself and others. He claimed, more than once, it was the #1 ingredient in his rise from a man of 33 years old with a hundred bucks in his pocket to over a billion.
Smiling, grateful, high-pitched voice, bow-tie, gushing about everything from how to close to a new rep who just sold his first policy to how amazing a tuna sandwich tasted.
And, he meant it. It was contagious because it was genuine.
He understood something most people don’t. He knew that authentic enthusiasm sold and how to get it.
What I learned from Stone, I am sorry to say, was tremendously undervalued at the time.
I was 22 years old, fresh out of college and full of myself. I regret, to this day not taking full advantage of a once in a lifetime blessing.
Stone also preached every adversity has the seed for equal or greater achievement, (yes, he was the one who first coined that phrase everyone re-works and claims for themselves). Turns out the regret over that glittering chance has been of tremendous benefit, had the seed for greater achievement. I pay attention, undivided attention to things. No multitasking for me. (The recent scientific evidence that multitasking diminishes our ability, dramatically, is overwhelming.)
Folks, enthusiasm sells. Period.
Give me authentic enthusiasm over experience every time.
And that leads us to the 7th part of the GIRAFFE philosophy – something we’ve shared the last 3 weeks, one piece at a time.
It was formed to help myself turn the letters in the word IMPOSSIBLE to I’M POSSIBLE mentally, emotionally and spiritually instinctively and effortlessly.
And it’s worked.
We took Hill and Stone’s Science of Achievement from Think and Grow Rich and formed a core philosophy to live our MLM lives with purpose and on purpose.
The GIRAFFE – chosen cause the neck is always out and the heart weighs 24 pounds – became an acronym for our philosophy, what we really stand for.
So here are the first 6 video/blogs that cover the first six simple parts of this GIRAFFE philosophy… case you missed them……
G- Give 100% to the dreams of other
I- Imagination – live from your Imagination, not Circumstances
R- Release All Limiting Beliefs
F- First Class; You Were Made First Class By First Class
The Bridge, and How to Construct It
The truth is that, as with all great things, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. If you really get the first 6 parts, the 7th pulls it all together.
See, what Stone and Hill discovered was this: Imagination is the ONLY bridge to enthusiasm.
Here is how it works, how you can have that enthusiasm that opens the mind of others. I am talking about the kind of excitement within one that puts a smile in your voice and a twinkle in your eye UNCONSCIOUSLY.
And that is the key – when it’s unconscious you never feel self-conscious.
It’s 2 tiny steps once you’ve set a definiteness of purpose (DMP).
And, it sort of wraps all this up…
Once you’ve set the DMP clearly in your mind, simply and constantly imagine it (that’s the “I” in GIRAFFE) and live there off and on all day long. Nothing is more important than the very last hour of the day to focus and imagine your DMP and on the dreams of others before you sleep. But the real bridge to this being a constant state of mind is auto-suggestion as defined by Hill in Think and Grow Rich.
Now here is the interesting thing and a very cool decision for you. Look, no one denies authentic enthusiasm attracts and sells. Hill and Stone insisted we do this at the 2-week training – instructs us to read this section OUT LOUD (yup, with enthusiasm) for 30 days.
So what will you do? Most people won’t take the time, and really stay loyal to the biggest lie in network marketing …”You just have to find the right people” …never realizing the right person is themselves! And all they have to do to find a top producer is read this simple passage for 30 days out loud which inspires us effortlessly to live in our imagination. Which in-turn bridges us to that enthusiasm we need to sell ourselves, others and the dream.
Once we’ve got this nailed, and it’s so simple, it’s simply a matter of teaching people 2 simple network marketing skills – how to
of the time and the skill of duplication.
Hope this has been helpful …
Dead body animal parts…like ‘Eye of the tiger’ and ‘Heart of a lion’…won’t build your business.
Be a GIRAFFE and live from this spot for 90 days. It will exceed your expectations business-wise, but something much more wonderful is in store for you.
Living and building with purpose and on purpose, standing for something and knowing all you have to do to keep it …is just keep giving it away.
You can hear and see how and why this works for others in the Master Key Mastermind Alliance, which we offer free to 150 people every 2 years or so.
mark januszewski
I love this post. I am so excited about the Possibilities of learning and teaching it to new people. Thanks a million Mark. I will definitely be Enthuastic about the Value I have to give to others.
Loved the way you brought it all together! Enthusiasm gets people all fired up, genuine enthusiasm gets them believing!Oooh, think I’ll tweet that! =D
Great! Gets me going…
Truthfully, even looking like a gushing weirdo is far better than being “mashed potatoes” (a term my grandfather used to to describe anyone who did things in a wimpy way) True or true?
Thanks for showing there is a fine line between fixing “AL” and STILL being a “GUSHING WIERDO!!!” It takes practice, imagination and a “genuine” enthusiasm… learning FFs and the ‘Hero’s Journey’ and STILL GUSHING on people won’t cut it!! And yes, I’d love dinner with mash potatoes, but NOT with a gushing wierdo!! M.J…You rock!!
You would not believe- well yes, you would, how many Giraffes I have seen since you started these posts! I am seeing them in movies, on commercials, in magazine ads…just makes me want to laugh with the Joy of it all.
Got about 25 in our home… a reminder and just ‘cus I find them so fanscinating.
Check out Giraffe Manor ……very cool B&B in Africa… will blow your mind.
Goal to get there in 2014 with friends …..of the Giraffe & Giraffe Philosophy….you in Renee? 🙂
Hey that sounds like a great idea and goal! I am in! 🙂
Very powerful post Mark! We have been studying and are in a “Think and Grow Rich” Mastermind group as well and we can’t stress how important it is to not only listen to the recipe for success and marinate on the words, but to take action applying them in our daily lives. There is so much power in reading our MDP and SCF. It literally takes on a life or energy of its own. Thank you for sharing!
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