Create Ongoing Success In MLM


Yeah, I know what you’re probably thinking… “gimme a break”… or… “OK, what’s the gimmick”… or something like, “what a crock.”

Look, I get it.   I get skepticism about any post that promises to instantly create ongoing success In MLM.

At this point, you’ve probably kissed a lot of frogs hoping to find the prince.  The “gurus” you’ve plugged into hoping to find the “secret” are really good at what they do.   Sounds so great but it never shows up in the printout. Whoops.

Actually, it does show up in the printout. As a loss. It cost you money and it cost you time.  But, they really are good at it.

So now, with good reason, you are skeptical.

Promises promises

How do they do it?  It’s called “hook-path-persuasion.” Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not posting to beat up on these “secrets peddlers”… but while we’re on the subject, here’s how their technique works.

Again, not to beat up on them.  If we use any common sense, (not so common BTW, as Mark Twain said), we’d see this nonsense right away… but we’re anxious, maybe even worried… and this makes it easy for people selling secrets to set the “hook”.

Really? Secrets? Magic Systems? "Step right up folks, for a few bucks I'll flood you with prospects!"
Really? Secrets? Magic Systems? “Step right up folks, for a few bucks I’ll flood you with prospects!”

The Hook – Identify a problem new, inexperienced and/or people struggling have.   Go right after their fears.

The Path – Give them a tidbit or two… a couple of common sense, old as dirt crumbs to bring them to the sales page, promising lots of bucks.

The Persuasion – Tell them a couple of rags to riches (anyone can make lots of money) story in a certain way.   Here is the ‘certain way,’ the cardinal rules for “persuasion” peddlers of secrets use.

  1. NEVER tell them it takes effort
  2. NEVER tell them it will challenge them
  3. NEVER tell them it will take time
  4. ALWAYS tell them it is easy

What’s the point of sharing this with you when all you want are those 3 words? To beat up on gurus?   No.


I want you to quickly understand what took me 2 years to figure out… no one told me.

This might sound trite, but really give it some thought.

We don’t make money in MLM. The only place they “make” money is at the mint.   The rest of us earn it.

I want to encourage you to take that to heart… I’m not “playing” with words or trying to be clever.  Gardner’s don’t make money …they earn it by learning the skills they need and executing them.

Same is true about masons, hairdressers, and dental hygienists.

The simple truth is that you have selected an extremely high paying occupation that also requires skill and consistent application.

It takes effort, it will challenge you and it will take some time… and while it’s not easy to put these 3 words in play, it will create ongoing income.

How to create ongoing success in MLM

You see, the promise of “ongoing income” is rarely, if ever, linked to work; doing the right things right and then, via repetition, doing them better… and, with more repetitions, doing them faster.

Now the great news.  Once you set this in motion, it will carry in motion… and you will have earned it.  And cashing checks you earned by doing the right things right is easy.

So while these 3 words CAN make you rich, it’s the application of them that turns hope into reality.

As you check this out, I’d be remiss if I did not share with you that my at-the-time 7-year old daughter taught me these 3 words…


It’s caught, not taught

Duplication is a 4 syllable word for “copy”  and it is caught, not taught.

You saw the social proof in the video and I’m sure you’ve experienced it over and over, observed shrinking conference calls… it would be kinda funny if it wasn’t so painful, eh?   Conference calls all geared towards duplication that gets smaller… which, of course, leads to even MORE of them.  Good grief.

"Show and Tell" 3 l3vels deep and sponsoring soars
“Show and Tell” 3 l3vels deep and sponsoring soars

Here’s how to put those 3 words in play, Three-Deep-Pattern Skill.

And if this is your first time running into our stuff, let me assure you that you WILL NOT be led to a sales page.

I’d like to know how you feel about this post… would you want someone who sponsors you to show you, hands-on, what to do… over and over again and stayed with you until you were earning over 4 figures, month after month?   So would the people you sponsored.

keep giving to keep growing


mark j

World’s Laziest Networker

Mahalo for stopping by and sharing
Mahalo for stopping by and sharing
About the Author

  • Mark I love your stuff, but I am a newbie. In an MLM for a year now. And I am flying solo figuring this whole new world by myself. My leaders are not very hands on with due not living in the same area at all ! How do I get the help I need?

  • Jess,

    I had the same experience myself. I decided to be the leader and learn the skills from Mark so that my team could never say they were flying solo.

    Cheers for now 🙂

  • Mark, I love your stuff. This video is perfect. We hear so much about probable outcome and not enough teaching. Skills is where it’s at. Teach and duplicate. Thank you Mark

  • Thanks Mark, oh so true.
    Jess, you are in the right place. Stay plugged in to Mark’s information. Consistent application as he says is key.

  • Dear Mark
    I sincerely thank you for the wisdom shown.11 years passed so far in NWM My upline leaders are promoting the SYSTEM rather than the biz.Of course the system BWW disciplining the mind but not building my biz.There are only do s and don’ts. Once and thanks a lot

  • Thanks Mark…your common sense approach is enlightening. I share all your posts with my network marketing friends and associates. I for one, have decided to implement the skills based approach to the great industry of MLM.

  • You are 2000% correct, as usual, Mark. Just as riding a bicycle and duplication are both caught not taught… same with virtually every other ‘skill’ in this business. You have to catch it for yourself first. My favorite saying of yours is you can’t teach what you don’t know and you can’t take people where you won’t go.

  • Aloha Phil…

    You are so dead-center here it’s stunning… enough of “predicting” the future… how about teaching people what to do and say right now, eh?

    Thanks for your insight

  • Here’s some more social proof. I finally found a coach who’s not in the BS business, and he said that most people who get rich do so quickly. All that is needed is for them to flip the switch. It doesn’t have to be hard, slow or laborious. Thanks again, Mark! The mother of skill is repetition, and hearing the 3 words again was enlightening and energizing.

  • Mahalo David… It’s really not hard to understand the success you are having, being in the top 1% of MLM earner… BRAVO!

    Looking forward to hooking up for coffee in Seattle in June…

  • This is an awesome post Mark. I’m a go90grow Vet and EVERY time I come back for refreshers I learn something new. If you are on the fence about using go90grow … GET OFF THE FENCE!! These skills have changed my life and by business. GET OFF THE FENCE!! – Repetition is the mother of skills!

  • Just wanted to say thank you Mark J. The lessons I have learned have truly opened my eyes to how to grow a strong team. Keep on coaching.

  • Mahalo Tom, your kind words are appreciated….you can thank us by going and earning huge checks for the peeps on your teams 🙂

    Keep using sharing the skills

  • Mahalo Jason… and thank you for all the help you give others, your contributions to others, without expectation of resiprocity has been a stunning experience and example for all of us

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