Sponsoring begins with You
As many of you know in 1993 I found myself a single parent, raising 2 kids on my own.
It was terrifying. Oh, I knew I’d get them fed, clothed and the rest of the essentials covered but that’s not really parenting, is it?
Within a 24 hour period, I was informed of a 25-30% pay-cut coming in 90 days to be followed by another cut of the same size in another 90 days. Ut-Oh.
Derek, my son, 16, had been living with me for a few years and Chelsea was 6 when all this happened.
So I turned to network marketing, something I had failed at 5 times, with great companies, in the 1980s.
Trying something you’ve failed at once is hard. With no company to blame, it’s even harder to muster belief. But 5 times?
I like to call it the ‘gift of desperation.’
I enrolled on September 17, 1993, and by mid-November, it was pretty clear (the proof is ALWAYS in the printout), I was failing again.
Then 2 things happened that altered the course of history for me.
First, I discovered that network marketing success, like any new venture, requires some skills.  I learned one tiny thing about people and the network marketing skills I needed became clear.
The other thing I discovered, controlling my thoughts, was massive.  Let’s be honest here. Everybody knows most people join MLMs like me – under tremendous stress money-wise or time-wise and in most cases, both. That described me. Perfectly.
People who say they work better under stress are full of crap.  It is not true.  Some of us thrive under pressure but stress is another animal and there is no debate on this one.
I was under stress and, like all people under stress, our thinking is not great all the time. I needed to get my head clear, free from stress and generate laser-like focus.
Amidst all the criticism, fear etc… I had to, I knew, sponsor myself. And become my top producer.
Reading to kids
We all know we should read to kids but we don’t always make the time.
Turns out, reading to Chelsea was one of the few moments in the day that I was ‘away’ from all those ‘fear’ movies that would run in my mind.  With income going down and failing again at MLM, I had lots of scenarios running in technicolor that rivaled the Friday the 13th movies.  Bad.
So we are reading Dr. Seuss and BANG. There it is. The mindset these 5 rules for Life created, coupled with the skills discovery, set me free of the bondage of self.
Rule 1 – Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.
In explaining to Chels how wonderful she already is I suddenly realized that my authentic self was who I was. Was that ‘you’ that I was going to be coming from fear or faith?  And who was I really? Me. I cared and wanted to do better.  Have remained loyal to that to this day.  I am good and I want to improve every day. Not a bad “you.”
This rule has gained greater significance over the last few years for me as I, sadly, see people investing in ‘creating’ a brand for themselves that is clearly not them.  Buying into some ‘system’ that will ‘build their brand’ because some alleged ‘expert’ convinced them they must have it to succeed is such a sorry ass, irresponsible pile of bullshit.
You don’t build a ‘brand’. In MLM you are the brand and really.  Why would anyone think it’s a good idea to alter the Creator’s amazing creation that you are? Good grief.  Internet presence? Sure. But really, what is a better brand than who you authentically are, right now?
Rule 2 – Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
There is no one on the planet exactly like you.  So why follow the masses to fit in?  You joined an MLM, just like me, to break from the pack.  I would no longer apologize nor justify that choice. All this bullshit about being in ‘relationship’ marketing or ‘attraction’ marketing is trying to fit in with what others think. From that moment I’ve never hidden what I do, made it seem like something more ‘sophisticated’.
I’m a network marketer. I’m proud of that and don’t need different names, labels or concepts to mask what I do.  Neither do you.  You’ve got the guts to go for it… show that off.  We stand out when we stand for something.
RULE 3 – You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
Now we’re into the heavy stuff. No wonder my son Derek thought I was full of shit. I was. Till that night.  I kept telling him he could be anything he wanted by thinking about what he really wanted (brains in your head) and taking action (feet in your shoes) …but I kept telling him I couldn’t put the time into what I wanted, (MLM), because of work.  No wonder he was sure I was full of it.
I realized the direction I had chosen was excuses and failing.  I changed the direction that night.  Decide to be successful or decide you’ll keep blaming, like me, the circumstances we created as excuses. Once one realizes every single condition in life is a result of Rule 3 we are instantly devastated and free.  It’s a devastating awareness but at the same time, we are now free.  Choose your direction right now and get busy moving in that direction.
RULE 4 – Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.
Wow. Who cares if Charlie thinks this is scheme or Harriet thinks you’re nuts.  They ain’t feeding our kids, paying the gas bill. Bite me, Charlie. You too Harriet.  You don’t matter.
RULE 5 – Today I shall behave as if this is the day I shall be remembered.
Just love everybody, every experience.  Drink it in. I try to interact with everyone, even if they aren’t interested, as if they are going to suffer a massive heart attack as soon as we are done.  I want them happy, valued. I want to make their day better. Since we reap what we sow the last 19 years have been filled with compliments, prayers, kind thoughts, and encouragement. Curiously, conspicuous by their absence have been dream stealers, MLM bashers and non-supportive ‘friends’ who are ‘just trying to be honest with me.
What do you think? Of these 5 little rules?
Is there one, in particular, that would make a difference today?
Tell me about it below, I’d love to know.
mark j
These are awesome. I want to focus on #3 & #4. both written very plainly; and I enjoyed reading them. Which one is easier to implement? knowing me, u don’t matter, so I am at #3 …..my brain VS. my feet….WOW. them feet must FALL IN. but #4 is written with complete honesty.
Always entertaining and informative
Thanks Mark – this is a great lesson you’re sharing. I’ve seen so many marketers fail in recent years by believing they need to be somebody different from who they are.
Many years back (in a past life).. I had an old soccer coach in the UK who started each day with one simple sentence that set him and those around him off to a great start.. “Today’s a great day to be alive” is all he would say, but he meant every word of it and lived the next 24 hours believing exactly that and most of the time he was right.
Amen Neil……your coach was spot on….and good for you picking it up and running with it.
We so appreciate you taking the time to stop by and share…..
mark j
Aloha Drew…
I know you ‘get it’ and getting the ‘feet’ moving is really the key to the vault….
Your consistent honesty, striving to improve and great wit make success a done deal……just keep movin’ brudda
We appreicate you stopping by and sharing Drew, continued success
mark j
Aloha Mark,
Another Pearl from Hawaii. Thank you for helping us stay on course. While Rule 3 drives us, I love Rule 4’s honest approach toward facing rejection. When those times occur, it feels great to thnik “Bite me”…and move forward!
John Kennedy
Greetings from the Midwest, good ‘ole St. Louie!
Davene was right! You really, really, really do write well! It seems like a story when you write, but it’s not. It’s so much more. Your words are really about living a life worth leading. For me it’s rule #3, no matter what we always have choice when choosing the direction of our life! From the perspective of a Kindegarten teacher now networker, everything you really needed to know about life, you learned in Kindegarten! Thanks for reminding us about what really matters using the beloved words of Dr. Seuss.
Hi Mark!
Love it all!!! I especially love Rule #4. No one else is paying my bills, certainly not the ones that judge me and don’t understand what I do! I have long said that but love how it really goes back to the basics of life with Dr. Seuss!!! Miss you guys!!
Aloha from the Sunshine State!
Jennifer Martin
MJ, You are the sunshine in my inbox. So glad I am privy to your insights. Thank you.
Aloha Jennifer
We’re hearing great things about your regional……I’m sure you had a big part in making it so successful!
Keep growing
mark j
ALoha John
Thanks for stopping by and we appreciate you sharing….wonderful. “Bite me” really says it all, eh?
Move on is correct. Why worry about winning an arguement with people who are not interested?
The energy we can save by simply not investing 1 second replaying an unhoped for outcome in our head is priceless
mark j
And your time and sharing is sunshine on our lives Joe.
We appreciate you
mark j
These are fantastic!. I included #3 quote in my book cause I liked it so much. For me rule#2 resonated big time. That is one i will focus on more.
Who knew…Dr Suess was so brilliant!
WOW! That puts it all in the correct perspective for me Mark.
I do not have children so I haven’t read a Dr. Suess book for a while, I’m sure glad that you have. I love your openness to share your true feelings about this industry. It is hard to find people who will let you in on their lives and you continue to do it post after post. I will be reading this through my tears over and over. I now know that the only person that really matters in my group is me. I hope that my team doesn’t take it personally but like Neo from the Matrix I AM THE ONE! There is no spoon. Thank you. I look forward to the day we meet. Mahalo.
Mahal0 Brian….
Really looking forward to meeting you too.
Your analogy with the matrix is more spot on that you might realize. They’ll believe they CAN when you DO.
It’s up to you to lead the way and ignite the hero that lives with each of us.
Go for it brudda
mark j
I really look forward to your blogs. They are always honest, no bs and get me focused in the right direction. Thank you
Wow! What a way to describe the ‘hero’s journey’!!
rule #4 has been the ‘Achilles heal’ for me. In other words, fear of criticism. With the coaching from you Mark in your great 90 day program Rule #4 has no power over me now.
Rule #2, my mom rest her soul, always told me growing up ” be unique Joseph, don’t follow the crowd”, Standing out takes a lot of courage, confidence, and inspiration. I joined NWMktg. to be different, and in my company I am different. I don’t go for the hype and emotional hooks, I go for the truth, being of service and getting over compensated for that.
Rule #5, I am persistently practicing new habits that are being productive in my life and business. I love your attitude,”I try to interact with everyone, even if they aren’t interested, as if they are going to suffer a massive heart attack as soon as we are done. I want them happy, valued…..i want to make their day better.” I want to model that attitude!!
See you in April 2013!
Great post Mark. It’s a wonder they let Dr Seuss in schools. Perhaps they didn’t know he intention was to undermine all of their control goals. Of course Seuss had a few minutes and they had years to program the minds to do as they are told, never question authority and buy their version of security. WHAT are people waiting on?
Hi Mark, Thanks for the GREAT post…love it! Keeping it simple and real. I need to be reminded to be Me cause Me is good. And Dr. Seuss is right on with the 5 steps. I especially like 1 & 2. I appreciate the time you spent with me on Saturday…I’ll have to find a way to get an Organic Home Made Calzone to you from Providence!
Looking forward to “Go90Grow”
Be well,
O….M…..GOSH! You KNOW me. Your training is exactly what I needed to hear.
Maaaaaaate. That NAILS IT. Sensational
Number 3, definitely. I tend to overthink things and then steer myself in the wrong direction.
#4 ~ too much of the time, overconcerned with what others think of me, guess that’s called “approval seeking”, right? “Be who you are and say what you feel” what a concept! “those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind” how wonderful to find them ~ brings to mind “A Definition of Friendship” plaque a true friend gifted to us years ago: “Friendship is the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring all right out just as they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful friendly hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping and with a breath of comfort, blow the rest away.” Mahalo, Mark
OMG Mark! I have never laughed so loud and spit the coffee all over my screen … and screamed “RIGHT ON!” so loud!You have hit the nail on the head with your direct, in your face, absolute truth, East Coast ‘fuggetaboutit” sense of humor and complete honesty! Just “Do It NOW!” … the rest will follow!
Mahalo Ann…..
You are helping all of us by raising the bar!
mark j
Mark you are giving us the tools and confidence to raise the bar, to raise ourselves above and to raise our incomes – but most of all Mark, to raise who we know we are and truly live it!
Forever in Gratitude to You, Davene, Kathy and Jim!