Is MLM Sponsoring Hard?
Yes and no.
Golly Mark, that’s not much of an answer… seem kinda wishy-washy?
It’s not.
If we know the difference between a suspect and prospect, and how to improve your sponsoring quotient, what improves your chances dramatically… then, no, sponsoring is easy.
If we don’t know the difference between a suspect, possibility and prospect… then, yes. It’s hard. Damn hard, fraught with despair if we don’t know what drives a sponsoring quotient.
OK, you might be thinking, “what’s a sponsoring quotient?”
Let’s take care of that…
Winning is not a sometimes thing
It’s a habit.  Winning is a habit, and it’s a really good idea to develop the habits that increase your SQ, yes?
If the point is building teams that build teams, then sponsoring lots of people is not that answer.
Because people are so busy trying to sponsor people they don’t teach new people, who know nothing, really, about what to do.
Found the answer to that challenge helping my daughter Chelsea one night.
She told me she needed my help with a “Show and Tell” assignment.  I played dumb and pretended I did not know what “Show and Tell” was.
She was about 7 years old.  She wanted to show and tell the class how to make roasted red peppers… we had made a huge batch of them the previous weekend.
So I said, “Let’s pretend I don’t know how to roast peppers, OK?”
“OK, dad.”
“So, show me.”

So I tossed a couple in the broiler… got them nice and charred.
As I intentionally fumbled her communication, she got a little frustrated, grabbed my hands and helped me peel that charred skin off.
It was the “aha” moment… and from that day on I worked 3 levels deep, showing people exactly what to do… not telling them to go do and give them some stupid speech about how they need to want it bad.
And, bingo, people copied me… teaching others hands on.  If the objective is to build teams that build teams without you and it is… really think about it.
Anyway, if that is the objective it cannot happen if we don’t work with them and their personals as a team!
Increase your MLM sponsoring quotient
So let’s get back to SQ here.  Sometimes you can’t meet people 2:1… but this software works great, it’s free… and you can engage and show them what you have with a teammate also there. I mean, really, do you want to focus on sponsoring 30 people this month or have 30-40 people sponsoring and they can do it because you showed them, “hands-on”, how to do it.
Here you go… start improving the SQ by increasing personal engagement and taking control over the sequence. The cool thing about that is that the most awkward computer person can instantly see your screen with no downloads or tricky stuff.
I just saved $5000 – A YEAR
Look… this site, with no advertising, ranked 18th in the world because nice folks who like what they see here tend to share it.  One of the reasons is we don’t sell stuff… one course, 2 times a year for 6 days.
We made that decision back in 2009 and we’ve stuck to it.
I use GoToMeeting for our webcasts and I have for years.
Someone we’ve worked with just developed something spectacular… and… it will save me $5000 a year, year in and year out.
And get this… it’s far more powerful for doing webbies, doing and recording trainings, and it all integrates with google-hang-outs… so you can see your teammates and the prospects.
Check it out.  If you’re growing, it might be worth a look. Any time I can get 10x the firepower and wipe out a $6000 dollar expense… BAM!
Check it out…it rocks.  In the meantime, increase your SQ by learning this skill, the 3-Step Plan and when you get folks to enroll, work the 3-Deep Pattern… the little ditty a 7-year old daughter taught me.
Thanks for spreading the word about our site. Leave a comment and let me know what your thoughts are.
mark januszewski
world’s laziest networker

I think using the internet and having your own website, not the company one, when used correctly can be a great tool for generating qualified leads. However with those leads you still need to put in a phone call and set up meets invite them to live trainings you offer etc.
With any business you must have a good mix of online and offline marketing.
Excelent Mark, Wish all people will be more open to learn and not to be negative and critical to something that work!!!! Blessings
Mark, you did it again, and Thank YOU. I am thrilled to find out the Prospect is a suspect. As always, you have helped me, which will help me to help my team.
Love that SQ. MAkes you wonder why others haven’t adopted this idea. No, wait, I know, they are in it for themselves and don’t always care enough for those they sponsor, maybe? A little bit harsh? Unfortunately, we know it’s the truth.
Thanks for all you do for me personally and for this wonderful industry.
And yes, I will see you on the beaches one day soon I trust.
Peter G 🙂
Thanks. I am in he pits trying to sponsor people and am trying the wrong stuff.
Mark, thank you. When I clicked on 3step plan and 3deep pattern the next page did not open. I am just getting started with your training. I have not been successful in the two previous companies and really want to learn the skills to be successful. I look forward to actively participating in your education offering. Thank you. Patti in CO
Thank you! This makes total sense!
You are a God among Men. Thank You.
Blessing Mark
Like you have always Said: Common Sense makes C S////
Thank you, Thank you.
Summarized in one video.
Easy to duplicate and train my downline.
Thank you.
Mahalo Julia…..
And I love your action….teach it to your team… cool you are thinking of “team” before self, most excellent
Naw….that’s just you recognizing the truth….we all tend to lose sight of what we are trying to accomplish. We’re so anxious to make it work we can often misplace our common sense…..I sure did early on 🙂
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Wifey likes to say when we enroll in MLM…..we often misplace our common sense…..LOL……I sure did until it dawned on me what the real objective was
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
We’ve just check that….those trainings are running fine…..they don’t play on pads or mobil devices yet
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Charl
Always appreciate you and your kind, insightful words
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
I agree Jess…..but without engagement and control your SQ will be lower….which is OK if you want to work more numbers, a lot more numbers…
Sites, literature, products and payplans don’t get people in the business…..people get people in the business. That’s the investment that pays dividends and the one investment the web cannot make for us
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
I get you and where you are coming from Bill……the good news for me when I was failing was I realized I had found several ways it does not work….and that saved my future partners a LOT of time
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Aloha Peter….
We live about 1 mile from the largest coffee plantation in the USA…..and less than 4 miles from there is a most excellent beach, populated with palm trees, showers, mountain views and dozens of set back picnic tables…We’ll grab some coffee, chow and spend the day talking shop….coffee and lunch on me…really appreciate your insightful comments and time, mahalo Peter
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mahalo Gwen….
You’ve got the one thing….open-mindedness…..that turns our potential on to full throttle
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Great lesson. My Sponsoring Quotient should go up because of this training. Thanks Mark. Blessings
This is so true and helpful. I will strive to get more personal encounters and not just send someone to my site.
we learn a lot from you. thank you
[…] Do You Know Your MLM Sponsoring Quotient? | Mark Januszewski […]
Would love for my whole #C5 team to come and do a workshop. Your info is so valuable and I forward all the time.
Mahalo and Namaste Mark & Davine!