A Recent Post Corrected

Our objective is to provide insights into network marketing.

Doing this well is not our goal.  Getting it perfect is our goal.


So the tough decisions, like which company to join when considering networking…or changing companies…can be a little easier.

Accurate information can help.  If we add common sense to accurate information our chances of making the best choice goes up.

Longtime readers, (thank you) know our common sense approach and appreciate it.

In a post we recently ran about the top 100 companies citing the DSA as the source.

Amy Robinson, Chief Marketing Officer for the DSA was kind enough to read the post and email us, clarifying a couple of points that were not ‘perfect.’

Choice is Important

In that post, at its core, was not to get ‘swept up’ in hype, to do your homework.

I wrote that you need to check with the DSA, BBB, etc., yourself.  Don’t take the phrase, ‘I’ve done my due diligence’ from an upline seriously.  Find out exactly what that means and to use third, independent of course, to complete your own due diligence.

Investing money and your dreams is a big decision and the point was, get first-hand information.

To that end, I stated companies can be members up to 6 months before they launch.

That was not accurate and Amy explained to the sequence and timelines for becoming a member.

Let me quote Amy…

With regard to DSA membership, companies cannot be admitted to membership six months before launching. Companies can join in subscriber status prior to launching in order to take advantage of DSA resources prior to launching, but they are not considered a member nor can they use the DSA logo. As soon as the company launches it can switch to pending membership. During this time DSA does a complete review of the company to ensure compliance with the DSA Code of Ethics as well as making inquiries to various organizations (like the BBB) and law enforcement agencies (like the Attorney General). After this review is completed the company maintains pending status for one year prior to being presented to the board for full membership approval.

Hopefully, this clarifies some of the points in this post. Visit http://www.dsa.org or http://www.directselling411.com for more info.

Amy Robinson
Chief Marketing Officer
Direct Selling Association

What does that mean to you and research?

It means there is no excuse for a company to not start the process if they are for real.  Why choose a company that has not even subscribed?  Duh?

So the next pitch you hear about a well-capitalized company, with an outstanding management team, you can go right to the DSA link Amy has provided and see if the company is serious or just kidding around.

The List and next Billion Dollar Company

The DSA does not rank companies.  The ranking we provided as based on specific dollar volume, unearthed from networking trade publications.

To that end, we find NuSkin the last company to start and hit a billion+ in annualized sales.

The point?

Hey, it just doesn’t happen.  Let’s face it – a billion is a lot but not what it used to be.

With the inter-webbie thing, worldwide expansion and automated systems meaning it should be easier…no one has done it.

Don’t get caught up in the ‘don’t-miss-the-next-billion dollar-deal’ baloney.

If you looked closely at the list, not only is it rare.  It takes a long time and a company that checks out with the DSA, BBB plus a lot of work.

Do your homework, don’t buy ’emotionally’ based on someone you don’t really know telling you they did theirs.


mark j

world’s laziest networker.

About the Author

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