All that matters is the gray matter.
Well, what’s going on inside the gray matter …between our ears.
We are not only what we think about all day long. What we think about all day long ends up doing something remarkable inside the most stunning few pounds of matter on the planet. The brain.
The average person has 30000 thoughts a day and like or similar thoughts are seen repeatedly. We ‘recognize’ them… and we attach meaning and feeling to them.
The scientific data is remarkable. It proves what Haanel, The Master Key System, and Hill, Think and Grow Rich taught and wrote about a century ago. (BTW, you can grab both those free).
Thoughts that fire together wire together
What’s this got to do with a $15,000,000 presentation?
See, thoughts that ‘fire together’ tend to ‘wire together’ via synaptic connections in the brain.
So when you think of a ‘pitch’ or ‘showing the plan’ or ‘making calls’ …the truth is your subconscious instantly finds the ‘identity‘ of what that means to you.
That ‘identity’ is linked to ‘feelings’ about ‘a pitch’ or ‘showing the plan’. In essence, when you just read ‘make calls’ or ‘pitch’ your subconscious mind processed it and whatever belief you have about those 2 phrases was triggered. No choice. Done deal. Your ‘subby’, (subconscious mind), made the decision, which triggered the same feeling, (fear, chore, dread, rejection etc.), a whopping 7 seconds before your conscious mind knew it.
How do you ‘feel’ about making calls?
And, the results, are pretty much determined too. Before we make the calls… YIKES!
Bad news? No.
But some of you reading this have already decided to ‘doubt it’ …and guess what? Yup, that decision was made too, 6-8 seconds ago.
So what if there was a way, a simple, free way to instantly change how you feel about ‘making calls’?
Making Biz Calls or $15M Presentations?
Are you totally jacked up?

Do you, time after time, knock your ‘calls’ out of the park?
Are you ‘pumped’ to make them – really pumped? Not talking yourself into being pumped but really, honest-to-goodness pumped to pick up the phone?
Think you’d do better if you knew it was a 10 or 15,000,000 dollar shot?
Do you feel like your making a prospecting ‘call’ or ‘pitch’?
I didn’t and …the results sucked.
Then one tiny thought changed my world.
I learned how to make a $15,000,000 dollar presentation.
Would that get you excited?
It got me excited.
Larry Bird never got to take a $15,000,000 shot and Larry the Legend took A LOT of BIG shots.
My excitement changed everything, I became vitalized. This was because I realized what I had discovered was TRUE.
And I couldn’t wait to make a $15,000,000 shot…
And another… and another …and… well, you get the point.
When you couple a simple shift… when you realize how many people can be affected …their income, their lives, their relationships, and most importantly …their self-esteem, you’ll know it’s true too.
And …thoughts that fire together, wire together. I’ve haven’t ‘made calls’ in over a decade.

I get to make $15,000,000 pitches daily… as often as I want.
As often as I want?
Well, once I shifted my mindset with the truth, I realized how important it was to get more people to say yes… a very simple network marketing skill. (It’s a very cool training and no, you don’t need to opt-in. And no… you will NOT be led to a sales page. But you will have to learn that skill. It’s made us a fortune and lots of other folks have hit paydirt with it).
Getting a ‘yes’ 90% of the time to looking means if you talk to 4 people, 3 or 4 will say ‘yes’ and you got to take a shot $45,000,000 that day!
If you can’t get excited about that you just don’t have a pulse.
So tell me, in the comment box, how do you feel about making calls?
Or are you ‘done’ with making calls and off to make a couple $15,000,000 pitches?
mark januszewski

Mark, you are so right!! I went to our global conference last year and the Japan, and Korea groups do just that. This is BIG business for them and they treat each movement as such. For us, changing our mind and starting to make $15,000,000.00 presentations is changing our outcomes.
I get knots in my stomach just thinking about making calls!!!! I hate rejection – what a total mind-shift!
I was just making “calls” until I saw your video, now I’ll be making $15,000,000 calls! Thanks for the tip, great info as usual!
Great Tip! I will be making $15,000,000 pitches today and always. Thanks again.
I love it…I will be making $15,000,000 calls starting NOW! Thank you
I gotta say… I stink when it comes to follow-ups.I am interested & excited in gold calls…feed my mind more.
Also I had a visual of you drawing circles in the tuna dip with your finger 🙂
Must of been the white board.
When we look at things differently….they look different to us
Best part? It not only works, it is the link to success…helping others get what they want will get us way more than we need.
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
I love that about you Derek…..learning–> action –> learning…..the example you set of improving and taking action is majestic
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Make several!
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Ain’t it cool? So simple
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Do you see the Mona Lisa or just another painting?
Hey Mark,
Right on the Money Mark, You have a neat way of expressing your point, I love it!!!! Great Job, Thank you so much
Mahalo Keith…..really appreciate your very kind words
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Mark all i tell you is your making my life and my work so much easier …thank you thank you thank you
I totally agree…making calls sucks. Making million dollar presentations rocks. Network Marketing is oh so fun, and oh so simple. Thanks Mark.
WOW Mark, that is a critical change in thinking!! I hate making calls, but I LOVE connecting with folks and making a difference, so from now on I’m Making $15 million presentations ALL DAY LONG!! Thank you for the insight.
Thanks Mark! Love that video. Do you teach the million dollar scripts as well in g90g? That’s where I need help.
Today I made my$15,000,000 call and they weren’t home. Tomorrow that call will be worth $30,000,000 and upwards until they answer and say “YES”…
Mark thank you so much for this tool. I will be making $15,000 000 presentations starting now!
Look forward to meeting someday on the beaches of the world.
Great advise, Mark, now I can change my mindset and start making phone calls in a very different angle. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and expertise.
Yes……we teach it word-for-word, step-by-step…..
keep giving to keep growing
mark j
Love that….ALL DAY LONG…..fantastic!
Starting NOW I will love making $15,000,000 calls EVERY day ending in Y