Here’s a riddle for you
The Sun and the Wind were having an argument.
Who was stronger, who was more powerful…
Wind says, “I know how to settle this.”
Sun says, “How?”
Wind points to a guy in Boston outside Fenway Park and says, “I bet I can get him to take off his coat.”
Sun says, “I’ll take that bet.”
Who wins the bet?
What is Addiction?
Miriam Webster defines addiction this way:
1 : the quality or state of being addicted <addiction to reading> 2 : compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly :persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful
Why am I writing about addiction in an article geared towards marketers?
It seems that no matter who I talk to they have a compulsion to generate leads and lists that becomes an addiction. And, like all addiction, it seems like a good idea. It’s mind boggling how this entire community of folks working from home has become so focused on the size of the list, followers on twitter and lead generation instead of doing business.
And there are plenty of ‘pushers’ out there…just like drug dealers…telling the lead-list addicts that it is a numbers game and more leads means more money.
Bullshit. Only the addict can’t see it.
Addicts believe that the “thing” they are addicted to will make them feel better when, in fact, it leads to their ultimate demise.
This obsession with collecting names, evaluating systems that will get names, how-to courses to develop names isn’t going to make anybody any money, just like gambling doesn’t make the compulsive gambler rich.
Do we need people to talk to? Yes.
Do we need 50 or 100 “white hot” prospects a day? No.
Everybody wants three things
- More money
- More time
- Lower taxes
- More money
- More time
- Lower taxes

But it is old shell game with the lead peddlers and system hucksters. If they can get you to believe you need more names to succeed, you are buying.
It really doesn’t matter how many names and numbers and emails and friends on Facebook and followers on twitter we have if we don’t know how to convert them to sales.
This addiction develops because people start with a list without first learning the skills to make it easy for prospects to say “Yes” to looking at what we have to offer with an open mind.
So, new reps burn through a list, get no results, and start looking around online to get more names. It never occurs to them it might have had something to do with what they said and what they did.
As long as people buy the biggest lie in MLM…you just have to find the right people…they prevent themselves from improving. Improving what we say and what we do when we talk to a suspect.
Success leaves clues.
If friends and relatives did not like what we had to say why in the world would anyone think strangers are going to like it any better?
Suspect – A name and a number
Possibility – A suspect who agrees to look
Prospect – A possibility who agrees to look and expresses a reason they should
It’s not about how many suspects you accumulate; it’s about how to convert 90% or more of the Suspects that you contact into Possibilities.
With a simple skill, “Most People” will convert 90% of the Suspects you speak to into Possibilities.
Personal Development?
There are plenty of “pushers” who will feed this addiction and help the addict believe more leads means more money.
The truth is we can break this addiction by being honest with our selves. As the old saying goes, “The truth will set you free”.
The truth is we need to develop personally by understanding the crucial skill required is communication . The only difference between people making big money and people failing is what they say and what they do with suspects, not the amount of suspects that they have.
Once we know what to say so that 90% or more will look with an open mind it’s easy to build a large organization.
The Sun and the Wind were having an argument.
Who was stronger, who was more powerful…
Wind says, “I know how to settle this.”
Sun says, “How?”

Wind points to a guy in Boston outside Fenway Park and says, “I bet I can get him to take off his coat.”
Sun says, “I’ll take that bet.”
Who wins the bet?
So the Wind blows harder and harder. And the harder the wind blows the tighter and tighter the man hangs onto his coat.
This goes on for 15 minutes.
The Sun says, “Mind if I give it a try?”
Wind agrees.
Sun smiles, it warms up, the man takes off his coat.
Common sense…
Calm down and smile. You’ve been doing network marketing since you were 6 years old…
Just learn a couple of skills and teach them to your people.
We offer them at the site free. Simply learn and give away what you learn. There is nothing for sale at the site these days…both the courses we offer are sold out for the year.
Come on, smile, relax and reclaim your common sense.
mark januszewski
Boy that six months until the next rant just flew by….maybe it’s just me, but I think I sniffed out a “mini rant” in there somewhere.
I agree. Too many newbies and not-so-newbies are wasting their hard earned dough on endless leads, when they really need to be focusing on learning a few skills to maximize the warm market list they hopefully have put together with the help of their sponsor.
Once again Mark…GREAT Post!
Thanks So Much!
Your Friend,
Tony P
I think you are going to help a lot of people save a lot of money. It’s absurd what is being told and sold for “success” in networking. My thinking is if we have done networking since we were 6 years old, then it should be pretty simple for others to do and succeed. Purchasing leads, lists etc doesn’t fit into that equation. I read an article the other day and the lady said, when she started her company in the 90’s the requirement was the only way you could market was “word of mouth” Now we have all these fancy systems, and everyone saying their way is “The way” I love your material. When I first heard you say this: Suspect – A name and a number
Possibility – A suspect who agrees to look
Prospect – A possibility who agrees to look and expresses a reason they should
It completely changed the way I do business. I don’t chase people anymore, and guess what…my phone rings. Keep up the great work.
Great insight, common sense works.
Powerful stuff there Mark. Love your analogy of the sun and woudl also love to find out about this system you mentioned