Sponsor professionals in MLM

Lawyer View: Sponsor Professionals In Multilevel Marketing

For two decades I’ve heard, just like you, that more and more professionals are coming into MLM.

And, for 2 decades….well… you know… they just don’t show up in droves… if at all.

Professionals Are Pouring into MLM
Professionals Are Pouring into MLM

Turns out it’s kind of a “big lie”.   I mean if professionals are ALWAYS coming but never do.

Could we say it’s one of those “hope” lies?   Meaning we “hope” they’ll start showing up and people keep saying it, but they never really surface.

Why is that?

Recently I and The Fabulous Davene ventured off Kauai to the mainland… Grand Canyon for whitewater rafting…Vegas to train at a convention… Oakland to see the Red Sox on Sunday… then on to Seattle see our Sox play on Monday night.   David Evans, attorney at law and his bride, Dala, were kind enough to pick us up early and show us around Pike’s Public Market (a must see if you visit Seattle).

Their organization does over 5 million a year in volume… and unlike most MLMers, David is NOT working 10-14 hours a day.  He caps his work week at 16 hours.  Period.

How did they do it?  And, of course, more importantly to you, how do you sponsor professionals into your group as easily as we did?   As easily as David does?

As we chatted over lunch I realized the nuggets of gold were just too valuable to die at the table and David, a master key member,  graciously agreed to do an “off the cuff” interview.

Listen closely, get over some of the background noise… and you’ll find the key to sponsoring professionals along with some pure gold.

Sponsor Professionals

It’s an illusion that professionals have a better life.   Some do, some don’t.   Some want more money.  Some don’t want more money but they’d sure like more time and less stress.

Just like a waitress, secretary or seafood delivery person (like I was).

So the question isn’t whether or not they have the same feelings and desires.   The question is why are people “intimidated” by a doctor, lawyer or school principal?

If we really believe MLM is below them… we should sell off our inventory and quit.


It means we don’t really believe in what we are doing… and if that’s the case, quit.

I’ve always been proud of MLM… proud to be a networker.   Conversely, I’ve don’t feel that people that work for others are below me or dumb.   A lot of MLMers feel that way, actually chastising people who work for a living as being dumb or stupid.   Sadly, especially from leaders, we hear it all the time.  Good grief… that is really dumb.

Respect all occupations… valuing none above or below …and you’ll find professionals more in tune with a “Plan B” than most.  They know if they are not working, they are not earning.

The stress of their lives usually means less time with the family and, to make up for it, they spend more.   American’s are poor savers and have above average debt… professionals are NOT exempt from this cultural behavior and they have something going for them that is huge.

Really huge.

Professionals Are Looking For Leverage...
Professionals Are Looking For Leverage…

One of the biggest obstacles we face when sponsoring people is their personal, internal belief system about what they are worth.  While many claim to want to make 6-figures, the belief is not there, and without belief, it is not going to happen.   Professionals like David have zero blocks in believing they can make well in excess of 6-figures.

When I would sponsor people I’d immediately get them a copy of Think and Grow Rich and work through the 13 steps to riches, one week at a time.

Why?   The belief they are worth more than they are making… with professionals?   No effort is required to build belief and they have bigger Rolodexes, and influence on those names.

Hope that bigger list and influence is an “aha” moment… I mean, isn’t that exactly what you are looking for?   A big list and someone who has strong. positive influence over that list?

The real reason professionals don’t join in droves?

We simply aren’t talking to them.

How do you feel about talking to pros?   Let me know below and thanks for sharing the love…. you readers have ranked our blog 18th in the world for MLM.

keep giving to keep growing


mark januszewski

world’s laziest networker

Mahalo For Stopping By and Sharing
Mahalo For Stopping By and Sharing
About the Author

  • Thanks Mark,
    I am so very thankful that you have such a big
    heart. I can understand why you have had such
    fantastic team. Incredible. Please keep the all
    the great blog post coming.

    I do believe,


  • Hey Mark,

    Another quality interview. Like you, I detest the way some leaders and MLMers talk about those persons who were not interested. Love the interview with David, great bloke and terrific outlook on life and business. You could feel the serenity of the interview, it was wonderful. I gotta go now as I feel I need to listen a few more times and take some notes!

    Cheers, Peter G 🙂

  • Thank you for sharing this video. I really needed to hear this. My wife has been a nurse for 35 years and I have been reluctant to approach the people she knows in her profession.It gave me a lot of great ideas on how to start a conversation about what I do.
    Thanks again,
    Don S.

  • Aloha and thank you again Mark and Davene for helping us to grow our business. This masterkey tip will definitely be another golden key on our business building keyring. Mahalo

  • Wow! That was wonderfully inspiring! I have several professionals on my chicken list. I think with this, and what I’ve learned from G90G, I am ready to approach! Thanks again Mark J for giving me a virtual nudge!

  • Hey Mark,

    This is great! Exactly what I needed the moment it arrived. I will listen to this a few more times so I can get every concept and there are a lot of them in there.

    Thanks. I appreciate you.

  • Mark, This is by far the best video yet. You are Amazing and I’m extremely proud that you are my friend. I know when you get to heaven, God will say to you, “Well done my son”
    You help enough people get what they want and you can have whatever you want.

    Only the best,

  • This is great, Mark. So much info here. This is a keeper to listen to over and over. Please put it on the Go90Grow site!

  • Excellent conversation!! I watch every one of these wherever and whenever they appear. I am always touched by the now. I have never seen anyone who can say when they ‘caught’ it or what ‘it’ was they knew that stopped them, which translates into useful info. Once you learn how to ride the bike, you can get off or on anytime you choose and there is no thinking required. Most people don’t really want to ride the bike, much less learn how. Attempting to convince, cajole or sell someone on how or why they should never works either. It is worse than teaching rocks to talk or pigs to sing. I especially like the harmonic resonance tuning fork David uses. No match, no problem, have a great and blessed day! When there is a match, you are easily riding the bike.

  • What a great interview. Love David’s healthy and relaxed attitude regarding NWM. Thank you Mark for sharing this conversation with us.

  • FANTASTIC!!! Mark and David – Thanks for passing your wisdom about this topic. (All that was missing was a Salmon flying across the screen.)

  • Mark, I have to go back and do Go 90 Grow again, and again. When you don’t know how to do Network Marketing the way you teach it , and you’ve said it many times, you will fall back into your old ways and I know that doesn’t work. So committed again!!
    Thx. Again.

    Best regards,


  • I love this! I know so many professionals that I’ve kept off my list. Now I’m adding them. Powerful stuff. Thank you so much!

  • Timìng, wow, just came back from Sydney from a mlm seminar and training, heard a key speeker thats the type of person on my chicken list. He headed up a family construction company turning over $46million but that really owned him, to build a very successfull mlm business. His main reason being poor family time. I dont have a chicken list anymore, my prospects list just grew bigger. Thank you look and forward to meeting you on the beeches of Hawaii. Aloha

  • Thanks Mark and David. Great stuff.

    Mark, How’s this?

    Few people know how hard professionals like lawyers, doctors and accountants work and also that if they stop working, they don’t get paid. Some make good money but lots of them would sure like more free time and less stress.

    Some people have found a way to do things right once and get paid over and over again and in 2 -3 years, double their current income. And they have done this without giving up their professional career.

    If you ever want more information, please ask me. I’d be happy to help.

    Change subject.

  • Mark,

    Wow! That is what I want to be is an MLM pro. Staring with a heart for people. You can’t grow until you know, you can’t help until you know. I instantly connected with David and was inspired to do MLM well. Many people are just tired and would love a better way to do life.
    I would like to help them with that because I know what that feels like as a business owner.

    What a awsome spontaneous idea to put David on Mark.

    Thanks Mark and David.


  • Hey Mark,

    Great interview!

    Another point made “right on the money”. My favorite approach to professionals involves a discussion on “walk away money” and touches on many of the points David Evans made during your interview.

    Ed Bouffard

    BTW – So… you’re an “Inside Actors Studio” fan? I loved you’re inclusion of Bernard Pivot’s interview questionnaire!

  • So grateful for all we learn from every video but this was exceptional. The HEART IS PURE in these two men. Humbled to walk this path with so many great ones!

  • Mark,

    Fantastic interview! David was solid in the information he shared. You have a great knack for clearing the fog from MLM topics, such as recruiting professionals. I am adding ALL professionals to my list and will start Gold Calling them today!

    Be clear about what you want! Wow! This is something I really need to spend time with. I have a solid DMP with a plan and direction and it describes my goals and dreams… but is it really what I want?

  • OMG this was so very very timely! I know a lot of professionals! Thank you Mark and Davene for just always being on the ball for those in this business. You are #1 on my list of go-to-for-information! The world will see soon enough!

  • Very nice interview Mark J,

    I only took 1 page of notes and answered a key question for myself. I dialed in my own answer for what do you want!

    I won’t boar you with the answers I came up with but I will tell you I have been moving closer to a long term goal and I’m getting closer everyday to finally getting my own main website put together the right way.

    I’ve had enough of the wrong sites built so it’s about time I have the right kind built.

    Also I managed to pass on buying yet another course that looked tasty and all but wouldn’t serve my main purpose at this time. I will have to spend 3 times more for it later but that’s OK.

    This interview helped me more than I can get into here.

    Many thanks to you and The Fabulous Davene for continuing to inspire by simply being who you are. ;))

    Bruce Nelkin LMT

  • Great interview,very helpful and unexpected.
    Just one more beautiful tip of what part of the market to focus on.
    Thanks Mark.

  • Thanks, Mark and Davene. Great info in this blog post and video. I will be adding all the pros I know to my possibilities list.

    Thank you both for your timely and inspiring lessons. I always look forward to them.

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