MLM Leadership

No single thing in network marketing is more overrated than leadership.

Leadership is overrated 

The leader of your group – that would be you – must avoid one thing and do two things well.

You don’t need to be on stage.

You don’t need to create trainings, give motivational speeches nor re-invent yourself every 6 months.

Yeah, I know.  You see leaders doing those things all the time.   Total waste of time.

Motivation means motive in action.

Speeches to motivate are delivered by either the incredibly slothful or astonishingly arrogant.

Why would I say that?

Simple.   The speeches simply do not work.  Ever made you a dime?   Case closed.

It’s remarkably arrogant to think one could say something that gets someone else to suddenly take consistent action.

Good leadership is just doing 3 things all the time.   If we do 3 things all the time… we suddenly are truly great leaders.  Not because we did anything special.  We just did 2 things right.

When we do the right things right we get results for others and BINGO – they call you a great leader.

First thing – never break this rule!

Test before testimony.

That’s not much, but if you break it?  You’ll lose the respect of your group and without their respect, they’ll never take your coaching.

What’s the make-or-break rule?

Second thing – know how to follow

If you cannot follow you cannot lead.

Third, show and tell

Promise to work with people as a team and sponsoring soars
Promise to work with people as a team and sponsoring soars

Don’t tell them what to do… ‘show and tell’ them.

People who do not make initial calls with new people… showing them what to do and teaching them how to get a ‘yes’ 90% of the time to look HANDS ON is simply feeding new people to the sharks.

If we are going to make some money, we need to talk to people.  Spending your time – not telling – but showing people this simple network marketing skill… is money, folks.

This is all we’ve ever had to do to ‘lead’ and we do it 3 levels + deep… which is a really easy networking skill that leads to more people sponsoring (look for 3 deep pattern).

  1. Obey the #1 Rule – Test before testimony
  2. Know how to follow
  3. Work hands-on, 3+ levels deep

The truth?  You obey 1 and hammer points 2 and 3 and they’ll call you a great leader within 6-12 months.  Why?  Your group will grow, their checks will go up, and they’ll copy your simple, effective pattern.   And that, quite simply, will help you and your team have more people sponsoring.

Let me know how you feel below.  Love to hear your thoughts


mark januszewski

world’s laziest networker


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Thanks For Stopping By and Sharing
About the Author

  • Mark – I love reading your articles and watching the videos you make as they make sense.

    Here’s something I’ve found (living in the mountains of Ireland – away from most of the civilized world)…

    I’ve joined (sometimes built) and occasionally failed to build a downline with 5 or 6 different companies over the last 7 or 8 years – I made some good choices and some bad when choosing a company. This goes for the sponsors too – most of whom either vanished within weeks or months of telling me how much help they would offer me and my team – LOL!

    I also joined a couple of “systems” and used them to make a lot of noise online – sometimes it worked and I made money – and sometimes it didn’t and I moved on.

    So… here I am today on the lookout for the right offer/company/sponsor once again.

    I’ve decided to tackle things head-on – in two ways:

    1. Pick a company I believe I can stay with (with or without a “sponsor”) and become (some kind) of leader – someone who does what he says he will do and works with those who want to work.

    2. Develop my own skill set, ability to focus and ability to know what works and what doesn’t and who is full of Tripe and who isn’t.


    If I find someone worth following..I’m even prepared to do that!


  • REALLY GREAT ADVICE…….And such a great way to illustrate it with the dancing!!! Just gave me a great idea for MMA!

  • Spot on! “You could be dancing . . .” thanks once again, Mark, for bringing in that element of fun with a purpose which, at the same time, reassures me that I am on the right track for following you!

    Testing, testing . . . 🙂

  • Great post Mark!

    “Test Before Testimony”
    true words of wisdom!

    The rainbow came on purpose
    to be your backdrop.
    So B-E-A-U-tiful!

    With Much Appreciation,

  • Your videos are short and snappy and to the point. They really work in teaching skills and building confidence. Great stuff. Keep on keeping on.

  • I enjoyed the experiences I learned during the MLM leadership training. Thanks again!

  • Fantastic as per usual!!! Love these little tips on how to get better day by day.
    Much thanks !! Mahalo !

  • Brilliant assessment…..

    Here is a really cool thing…..this coming week we’re putting up a couple posts to that address 2 of your great points….

    1- How to pick a company
    2- How to pick the right sponsor and team…..this is MASSIVE

    Look for those Tuesday and Thursday of next week

    mark j
    ps….really appreciate you stopping by and taking the time to comment and share this post

  • Mark Thanks I have finally found some one I can follow and understand how to make my business grow, my son watched the video this morning with me, his comment Mum how do you know this guy has really made the money. My answer I am just going on faith and my gut. So I am the second guy dancing, Have a great day!

  • Mark,

    If I can’t make it work, I sure won’t promote it. If I can make it work is it my skill set, my ability or my network that made the difference? There are a lot of things out there that I can’t make work and I know.

    I recently discovered (for me) the key. The essential ingredient that without it, nothing else really matters. I have listened to 100’s of success stories in the last ten years and just recently noticed the one common denominator. They all reached a place where they declared to GOD, themselves and the planet and everyone on it. I AINT GONNA LET THAT HAPPEN TO ME EVER AGAIN!!!!!!! When that card is in your deck, motivation IS part of every hand, win or lose. If you don’t have that card, it won’t matter what you do, who you follow or what company you are with. You may make a little money, but it the people under you who do are saying… I AINT GONNA LET THAT HAPPEN TO ME EVER AGAIN!!!!!!! That are producing. If you find four of those people you can go on vacation for a decade and return to a huge organization. There is something about hitting your personal rock bottom that changes your body chemistry forever. The course on HOW TO RAISE YOUR BOTTOM to WHERE YOU ARE NOW! Could be the course. … providing it actually produces the result.

  • Love the rainbow! Love the message!! I am practicing being that shirtless dancer! I appreciate your experience, tests and testimonies, and realness. That is what attracted me to your philosophy in the first place! You give so much and I will give as well and we will both share in the abundance of life together!
    Mahalo Brudda!

  • Hi Mark,

    I am blessed to be directed to you by my great mentor! He is also a person who believes firmly in testing.

    I love your insights on leadership. This is so true – “There is no movement without followers.” True leaders need the stand firm in the face of being ridiculed. The first follower needs to have the gut to follow and risk being ridiculed too.

    Awesome expression about how to create momentum in MLM! I sincerely appreciate your sharing, Mark 🙂

    Viola The Business Mum (Sydney)

  • Mark, as always… Joe n I love your educating us… That shirtless man on the hillside was a joyous example of leadership. You NEVER Cease to amaze us.

  • Your mentor is ‘spot on’ Viola… ‘testing before testimony’

    And…..if you have a chance, please send our regards for refering you here….

    Keep growing!!

    mark j

  • Every ‘psuedo’ guru has some magic system, lead generator, etc…..

    If you decide to jump on one of these things……[good grief] …..most of them tell you that you can recover your cost monthly by telling others…

    Seems like a good idea – IT IS NOT – most people start emailing their link to teammates….who get on it….and when they don’t get results [that crap never works] YOUR credibility takes a devasting hit…..and they’ve referred others because you did

    If you see something you think might work for you….try it yourself and prove that it works [test] before you ‘testify’ about it to your team.

    NEVER take the word of the ‘system seller’ …..and pass it on…..TEST IT OUT for a few months…..if it works, great, spread the word….

    mark j

  • Mahalo Marty…..

    Keep growing ……and as a record setter yourself who constantly exhits authentic leadership qualities…..we really appreciate your very kind words

    mark j

  • Your son brings up a good point and you should look at the track record …..

    Top 50 Earner Market America in 1990
    Trainer of Year from among 80,000 candidates 1993/1994
    Eagles Club [Top 5 Producer] with Prostep
    Top 10 with RQ
    Top 25 Earner with MBC
    Top 50 Earner with Xango out of 1.1 million reps

    Never herded people from one deal to another….built each from scratch

    Currently coordinated with Qivana to set up company wide Standardized Training

  • Bang on, as always, Mark. I’ve made the mistake of introducing new ideas too quickly to my Team and it has cost me. The second clip is really a great demonstration/teaching tool for people. Really cool. And for me, I am following your lead. Using your Go90Grow Skills exactly as designed. Use them in role plays, practice on cold leads, my own leads, and then with my downline warm market. Woo hoo! Thank you for leading. I’m a following, man!

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