#1 Network Marketing Mistake By Others Makes You Rich
Fashion comes and goes…principles endure.
The inter-webbie thing is cool and wonderful and all that, but it does not come without a price.
The price?
Common sense in MLM companies and leaders has just about vanished.
It’s taken a simple principle that most people have forgotten or labeled ‘old school’ and virtually ‘vanished’ it.
When you couple this idea with the outrageous – and it is outrageous – obsession for instant gratification, it’s not hard to see what has always been the #1 mistake MLMers make getting amplified daily.
That’s bad and sad news…
The good news?
Not only is it easy to correct, it will make you a ton of money.
# 1 Network Marketing Mistake
The ‘old school’ principle that will make you rich?
All you have to do is realize the panic (people wait too long to get an MLM started, they need money NOW) obsession with instant gratification and the inter-webbie thing telling them they can make 10’s of 1000’s of dollars with some magic lead system all have one thing in common – a loss of common sense, a.k.a. brain damage.
When we lose our common sense, we’ll believe anything that sounds like a solution. I mean really, who, with a shred of common sense, really believes that someone has figured out how to make a fortune in MLM with technology would actually sell it an put himself and his teams in competition with the rest of the world? It’s total bullshit to someone who is thinking, but here’s where you step in as a ‘brain damage repairman.’
Help them reclaim their common sense and make a wonderful declaration to yourself, your new rep and your profession.
My #1 network marketing tip to success in MLM began in Europe, I believe, hundreds of years before MLM was created.
Look, when you sponsor somebody you are promising that the idea you presented to them will help them improve their life. Right?
So do what the old silversmiths and blacksmiths and seamstresses used to do? Teach them the skills they need to succeed…hands-on.

You’ll find if you do this ‘apprenticeship’ thing 3 levels deep, teaching the people you help them sponsor the same skills you taught them, with them listening in, they start to pick up the skill faster. Repeating this network marketing authentic leadership principle even deeper, they not only master the skill, but they also begin to teach it. And your time investment is turning into time leverage as they begin teaching the new ‘apprentices’ without your help!
You’ll find this skill, The 3 Deep Pattern along with the easy network marketing skill of list building on the page, just scroll down a tad.
Build the List With Them
Teach them to teach others how to build the list WITH others, and 3 tremendous things happen.
- You’ll never run out of free, premium fuel
- You’ll sponsor fewer people and make more money because they’ll succeed
- You’ll feel tremendous about yourself because you are now fulfilling the promise we make when we introduce someone to our business as a conduit to a better life.
How? Master the skills and teach them hands-on. Start by building the list with them.
You’ll find both the 3-Deep Pattern and the List Building Skill under the free networking skills tab.
Do me a favor, please, and not to toss anyone under the bus. Leave a comment and let me know if your up-team built the list WITH you and, if you, in turn, built the list with others you sponsored.
This is the single biggest reason it is so easy to enroll people… because they were left out to dry by up-teams.
What was and is your experience?
mark januszewski

Another gem Mark. Common sense ain’t that common, is it?
Great tips here. Thanks!
Hey everyone, this is worth a million dollars. Thanks Mark, it is absolutely the missing link in biz. I see the difference in the person in my biz that gets together with me to make the list, and the one’s that don’t, no comparison.
Hello Mark,
No not one sponsor ever did that! The hardest thing I come across is people don’t want to go to family and friends because of past failures….how do you get past that.
P.S. A business friend just turned me onto the website above for a way to make money on my money. He is doing really well and has only turned a few friends onto it. I had never heard of it, check it out, passive income.
Hi Mark,
Incredibly amazing stuff!! So basic, and yet so wise.
What is so incredible is how people think that they can join a business and all of a sudden, they are going to have success. And then, if they’re not successful, they complain that it was the fault of their upline. In some cases, this is true, but in most cases, it was unreasonable expectations because they didn’t put the time into it. We have a handful of people who think they will become successful by doing this business in their ‘Spare Time’. And, they’re serious!!
When I ask them for their goals, and we sit down together to build their list, they then say, “Here are the people I would like you to call!” And, they don’t follow through.
What would you say to people who waste your time? I don’t want to be rude to these people, but I would like to give them something to think about.
We started this new business about 3 months ago, and we’re braking all kinds of records. But at the same time, I believe we’re not helping some people but for reasons they believe are different than ours. I want to maintain integrity when I tell people they’re wasting my time.
I enjoy your comments, every single day Mark. Thanks for being who you are!
It’s easy to get past it…..tell the 5 stories we share in the list building skills Marie…
You’ll find it under the ‘free networking skills’ tab
mark j
You are absolutely correct “Mark” that is the mistake I made and didn’t know it, until I read your blog! I didn’t build a list with people I sponsored and the few times I did build a list with them, I didn’t follow through on the names given me! Ain’t that something! Ha, ha. Thanks “Mark”!!!
Mark, not only do you have to make a list with them, you have to make the phone calls with them also. That way they hear what you are saying, whether you are on the phone with their prospect or they are saying what you told them to say.
Thanks for all the information you help us with.
Howard Mosse
Build the list and schedule time to contact the list….
We ALWAYS tell them…..”we never get off the phone without schduling the next goal advancing activitiy Harry. So we just set up 2 sessions…..once we complete a session….what’s the last thing we do?”
Thanks for your insightful comment Howard
mark j
Awesome tip Mark. I have not had that done with me but will start doing it with my team.
Thank You Mark J. You hit the nail on the head!
Great lesson Mark. Since the first day I was introduced to network marketing I always heard and I still hear is: “Make your list!” or “Give (show) me your list!”
I think your approach toward building list shows that you really care about your prospects and you really want to help. Signing people up and telling them what they should do isn’t enough.
Thanks again Mark!
Mark, I love this reminder and I liked your analogy of the list being the fuel to their success. This week, though, I did not do that with a new associate and now I’m calling him to set up an appointment to do that. No more mistakes!
Hi Mark! I have to say I am also the victim of the ‘make your list of 100’ directives from my up-line. No help, no guidance. Now that list of over 100 is almost exhausted…Honestly, I haven’t called anyone about my business in over a month, the frustration is so high.
During all that time though I have been watching and listening to you, trying to regain the spark that I had when I joined my company…I want to be successful!
Hi Mark,
So is list building with new IBOs important because you are helping them jog their memory or that you have their list in case they bag out of the company? Or both?
Several plus reasons
1. Helping them….build the list and make the calls with them….give the kind of support you would like
2. Building a list with them, using the ‘list building skill’ found the the resource area will yield a much bigger list….fuel!
3. If they bag, you’ve got paid in fuel for your efforts
4. You’re teaching them the ‘right way’ to get people started
5. Skills build a business…..and with the list you teach them the skills hands on
mark j
it is this one ‘secret’ no body taught me,the up-team just asks for more, more contacts.
i guess i can only teach what i know. so my up-team taught what it knew.
thanks for the guidance, i intend to prove my success and come back.
yet i guess many like me were wondering how could anybody say ‘no’ to mlm.
learning from & enjoying your info (esp.relaxed “fun” attitude) for a while now & was introduced to you through upline two levels up . . . regarding the “list”? Must report I had heard of doing this, never from a sponsor, never had someone walk me through it step by step & offer to do some calls to show me how it’s done ~ tried it with someone I sponsored recently and it was like pulling teeth to get 25 names with ME writing them down! It did reveal to me, though, some of the reasons this person is making little headway thus far, which is helpful in strategizing how to be helpful while not investing more time than the sponsoree is willing or able to make use of practically. So-o-o-o, made my OWN list & now don’t quite know where it is!! LOL The upline that introduced me to you always ends emails with “tell us how we can help you” ~ do you think maybe I should (once I locate my list) ask for the help in learning how to make the calls and what to say?
Yes Nancy
Your upteam earns money from your efforts and benefits from your success so they would love to help you learn!
mark j